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Does the child get sick. Why is the child often sick and how to help him stay healthy? Causes of a child's illness

The common cold is a common name for an infection of the respiratory system of a viral or bacterial origin. In other words, when a child has a runny nose, cough and sneezes often, it is probably a cold. Doctors often suggest that mothers check the color of their baby's mucus. If it changes from watery to yellow or greenish, it is more likely to be a cold.

Why does my child often get colds?

If a child often suffers from colds, this means that the body's defenses are still not enough to protect against adverse environmental conditions.

Coughs, colds, vomiting, and diarrhea – children’s immune systems learn to cope on their own.

Illness is a baby's way of strengthening their immune systems for their future health.

When babies are born, they take the strength of the immune system from their mother. Antibodies are special proteins that fight infection, and babies are born with a lot of them in their blood. These maternal antibodies get off to a good start by helping to fight infections.

When a baby is breastfed, this effect is increased because the mother's milk also contains antibodies that get to the baby and help fight the disease.

As the child grows older, the antibodies that the mother gave die, and the child's body begins to create its own. However, this process takes time. In addition, the child must come into contact with disease-causing organisms in order to create protective factors.

More than 200 different viruses and bacteria cause colds, and the child develops immunity to them one by one. Every time a pathogen enters the body, the child's immune system increases its ability to recognize the pathogen. However, there are so many pathogens around that when the body overcomes one disease, another infection comes. Sometimes it seems that the child is constantly sick with the same ailment, but usually these are several different pathogens.

Unfortunately, it is normal for a child to be sick. The baby gets sick more often than adults, because his immune system is not yet fully functional. In addition, he does not yet have immunity to a variety of viruses and bacteria that cause colds.

Being around other children also increases the risk of catching a cold. The carriers of viruses and bacteria also include older brothers and sisters who bring the infection home from school or kindergarten.

Studies have shown that children who attend educational institutions have more colds, ear infections, runny noses and other respiratory problems than "home" children.

During the cold months, the child often gets sick with colds, as viruses and bacteria spread throughout the country. This is also the time when indoor heating comes on, which dries out the nasal passages and allows cold viruses to flourish.

What is the normal frequency of colds?

It would seem that the norm should be considered as the absence of a disease, but medical statistics have established that the normal development of a child after birth does not exclude a relapse of the disease.

If a child under one year old has had at least 4 colds, he can already be classified as frequently ill. From 1 to 3 years old, these children catch colds 6 times a year. From 3 to 5 years, the frequency of colds decreases to 5 times a year, and then - 4 - 5 acute respiratory infections each year.

An indication of a weakened immune system is the frequency and duration of the disease. If an acute respiratory infection and a cold do not disappear after 2 weeks, then the child's immunity is weakened.

A number of conditions undermine the health and immune system of the child:

Frequent colds can lead to quite serious complications in a child. Although these complications are not very common, it is important to be careful and be aware of them.

Complications that may occur shortly after the child catches a cold:

  • there is a risk that babies suffering from the common cold will develop an ear infection. These infections can strike if the bacteria or virus enters the space behind the child's eardrum;
  • a cold can lead to wheezing in the lungs, even when the child does not have asthma or other respiratory diseases;
  • a cold sometimes leads to sinusitis. Sinus inflammation and infection are common problems;
  • other serious complications caused by the common cold include pneumonia, bronchiolitis, croupy and streptococcal pharyngitis.

How to help a child?

It is known that the health of the child will depend on the behavior of the mother during pregnancy and its planning. Timely detection and treatment of existing infections and proper nutrition, good health and successful childbirth have a beneficial effect on the health of the child. This is also important during infancy.

For example, not all parents understand that not only mom's smoking is dangerous for a child, but also volatile substances from tobacco products brought by family members on hair and clothes. But these measures are ideal as preventive measures.

What to do if the child often has colds:

  1. Proper nutrition. It is necessary to accustom the child to healthy food, because the right diet allows you to get the required vitamins and minerals. Various snacks are not only harmful in their composition, but also suppress the natural feeling of hunger, forcing the child to give up healthy and healthy food.
  2. Organization of living space. A common mistake of mothers is the organization of complete hygienic sterility, which could compete with the conditions of the operating room. But to support the health of the child, wet cleaning, ventilation, and removal of dust collectors are sufficient.
  3. Hygiene rules. Develop the habit of washing hands after the street, using the toilet and before eating in the child - cardinal rule. The sooner a child is taught hygiene habits, the more likely it is that he will begin to observe them without being under parental control.
  4. Hardening that a healthy child receives naturally- light drafts, walking barefoot, ice cream and drinks from the refrigerator. But this is a prohibition for a constantly ill child. However, in order to accustom him to natural conditions, it is necessary to spend holidays at sea or in the countryside, and a morning rubdown with cold water does not look so scary.

The child often gets sick in kindergarten

Almost everyone has this problem. When the baby is at home, he almost never gets sick, and as soon as the child goes to kindergarten, an acute respiratory infection (ARI) is diagnosed every 2 weeks.

And this phenomenon depends on a number of reasons:

  • stage of adaptation. In many cases, the child often gets sick in kindergarten during the first year of his visit, and regardless of the age of the baby. For most parents, there is hope that the adjustment period will pass, stress will decrease, and permanent sick leave will stop;
  • infection from other children. Not wanting to go on sick leave (or not being able to), many parents bring children with primary symptoms of a cold to the group, when the temperature has not yet risen. Runny nose, slight cough are faithful companions of visitors educational institution. Children easily infect each other and get sick more often;
  • inappropriate clothing and footwear. Children go to kindergarten every day, except for especially cold days and weekends.

Make sure your child's clothes and shoes are always appropriate for the weather and comfortable for him. Shoes and outerwear should be waterproof and warm, but not hot.

If a child gets sick very often in kindergarten, the only way is to try to strengthen his immunity. Start gradual hardening, ventilate the rooms, enroll the child in the swimming section, follow the principles healthy nutrition and give vitamins. Regarding the latter, consult with your pediatrician first.

The ideal way to properly adapt to kindergarten is gradual addiction. In the first 2 - 3 months, it is better for a mother or grandmother to take a vacation or work part-time so as not to leave the child in the group for a long time. Gradually increase the time to reduce stress levels.

And when the child is sick, do not rush to go to work and return the child to the group. It is important to wait for an absolute recovery so that there are no relapses or complications.

Why does a child often get angina?

The common cold is, in fact, a big threat.

The lack of proper therapy and the refusal of bed rest are fraught with complications.

The most common type of respiratory disease complication is tonsillitis or, medically, tonsillitis.

Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsil tissue due to a bacterial and viral infection.

The tonsils are part of the lymphatic system and constitute the body's first line of defense. They are present on the left and right side inside the throat and are two pink growths at the back of the mouth. The tonsils protect the upper respiratory system from pathogens that enter the body through the nose or mouth. However, this makes them vulnerable to infections, leading to tonsillitis.

As soon as the tonsils are affected and inflamed, they become huge, reddish, and covered with a whitish or yellowish coating.

There are two types of tonsillitis:

  • chronic (lasts more than three months);
  • recurrent (frequent disease, many times a year).

As mentioned earlier, the predominant cause of tonsillitis is an infection of viral or bacterial origin.

1. Viruses that usually lead to angina in children:

  • influenza virus;
  • adenoviruses;
  • parainfluenza viruses;
  • herpes simplex virus;
  • Epstein-Barr virus.

2. Bacterial infection is the cause of 30% of cases of tonsillitis. Group A streptococci are the main cause.

Some other bacteria that can cause tonsillitis are chlamydia pneumoniae, streptococcus pneumoniae, staphylococcus aureus, and mycoplasma pneumoniae.

In rare cases, tonsillitis is caused by fusobacteria, pathogens of whooping cough, syphilis and gonorrhea.

Tonsillitis is quite contagious and is easily spread from an infected child to other children by airborne droplets and household routes. This infection is mainly spread among young children in schools and among family members at home.

Reasons for a recurrence of the infection include the child's weakened immune system, resistance (resistance) of the bacteria, or having a family member who is a carrier of strep.

One study showed a genetic predisposition to develop recurrent tonsillitis.

3. Dental caries, inflamed gums cause the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth and larynx, which also causes tonsillitis.

4. The infected state of the sinus, maxillary, frontal sinuses quickly provoke inflammation of the tonsils.

5. Due to fungal diseases, bacteria that are difficult to treat accumulate in the body, which reduces resistance and causes frequent recurrence of tonsillitis.

6. Less commonly, inflammation can be caused by trauma. For example, chemical irritation from severe acid reflux.

When a child has frequent sore throats, you must understand that each time he receives a lot of damage. The tonsils are so weakened that they cannot resist germs and protect against infection. As a result, pathogens begin to cling one after another.

A child who often suffers from angina may experience many complications.

Tonsillitis can lead to the following consequences:

  • adenoid infection. Adenoids are part of the lymphatic tissue, just like the tonsils. They are located in the back of the nasal cavity. An acute infection of the tonsils can infect the adenoids, causing them to swell, leading to obstructive sleep apnea;
  • peritonsillar abscess. When the infection spreads from the tonsils to the surrounding tissue, it results in a pocket filled with pus. If the infection subsequently spreads to the gum, it can cause problems during teething;
  • otitis. The pathogen can quickly find its way to the ear from the throat through the Eustachian tube. Here it can affect the tympanic membrane and middle ear, which will cause a whole new set of complications;
  • rheumatic fever. If group A streptococci cause tonsillitis and the condition is ignored for a very long time, it can cause rheumatic fever, which is manifested by severe inflammation of various organs of the body;
  • poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. Streptococcus bacteria can find their way to various internal organs of the body. If the infection enters the kidneys, it causes post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. The blood vessels in the kidneys become inflamed, making the organ ineffective at filtering blood and making urine.

What to do if the child often has a sore throat?

Persistent sore throat can affect nutrition, lifestyle, and even the education and development of a child. Therefore, it is common practice to remove the tonsils if their inflammation creates a regular problem.

However, tonsillectomy (surgical removal of the tonsils) is not the preferred treatment option. If your child has frequent tonsillitis, there are some ways to prevent it.

1. Frequent hand washing.

Many of the germs that cause tonsillitis are highly contagious. A child can easily pick them up from the air they breathe, and this is often unavoidable. However, the transmission of germs through the hands is another common route that can be prevented. The key to prevention is good hygiene.

Teach your child to wash their hands frequently with soap and water. Use antibacterial soap whenever possible. Antibacterial hand sanitizers are great when you're on the road. Teach your child to always wash their hands after using the toilet, before eating and after sneezing and coughing.

2. Avoid sharing food and drinks.

Saliva contains germs that can cause infection. Sharing food and drink with an infected person inevitably allows germs to enter their body. Sometimes these germs are airborne and can land on food and drinks, which is inevitable. But the exchange of food and drinks must be excluded. Teach your child not to share food and drink to prevent cross-contamination. It is better to divide or cut the food, pour the drink into cups, but avoid sharing.

3. Minimizing contact with others.

You must try to prevent your baby from getting an infection that will lead to tonsillitis. When a child has tonsillitis, you should minimize his contact with others. This applies to any infection, especially if you know it is highly contagious. Let the child not attend school or kindergarten during the illness, do not come too close to the rest of the family at home, who may become infected. Even a trip to the mall or other walks means that the child can infect others. Let the child rest during this time and keep contact with people to a minimum.

4. Removal of the tonsils.

Tonsillectomy is very effective method stop frequent recurrences of angina. This does not mean that the child will never have a sore throat again. But it will give him a better quality of life. There are some myths and misconceptions about tonsillectomy, but it is a very safe procedure and complications are rare. Surgery is especially necessary if tonsillitis does not respond to antibiotics or if serious complications develop (for example, tonsillar abscess).

5. Gargling with salt water.

This is one of the simple solutions, but also very effective. 1 teaspoon of regular table salt in a 200 ml glass of water makes this method quick and inexpensive.

It should only be used by children who are of an age where rinsing is safe. Remember that while gargling may be helpful, it does not replace medication prescribed by your doctor. Gargling with salt water soothes the throat and may give a child short-term relief from tonsillitis symptoms, but prescription drugs such as antibiotics will kill the bacteria that cause the problem.

Airborne irritants such as cigarette smoke are known to increase a child's chances of developing tonsillitis.

Cigarette smoking should definitely be eliminated from the home, but you also need to be careful with cleaning products and other strong chemicals, the vapor of which can also be an air irritant. Even dry air that doesn't contain the harsh fumes of chemicals can be irritating. A humidifier increases the moisture content of the air and helps with tonsillitis if you live in dry climates.

7. Rest and drink plenty of water.

Good rest for a child with angina can affect the duration and severity of his condition. It is necessary not only to be away from school or kindergarten and sleep all day.

Give your child plenty of fluids. Liquid foods are better tolerated than solid foods, which will chafe the tonsils and irritate them further. Maintain good nutrition to support the immune system to help fight disease along with the medications your child is taking.

8. Be aware of acid reflux.

Acid reflux is a common digestive disease. The acidic contents of the stomach rise up into the esophagus and may reach the throat and nose. Therefore, the acid will irritate the tonsils and even damage them, which increases the chance of infection. Heartburn is a typical symptom of acid reflux, but sometimes it doesn't happen.

Always supervise the child. And if he has acid reflux, change his diet and lifestyle.

Why does a child often get bronchitis?

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the walls of the bronchi - the airways that connect the trachea to the lungs. The wall of the bronchi is thin and produces mucus. It is responsible for protecting the respiratory system.

Bronchitis refers to diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Especially often it affects children from 3 to 8 years old due to immature immunity and structural features of the upper respiratory tract.

Causes of frequent bronchitis

The main cause leading to the development of bronchitis is a viral infection. The pathogen enters the upper Airways, then attacks. This causes inflammation of the lining of the airways.

Other causes of frequent bronchitis:

Bronchitis itself is not contagious. However, the virus (or bacteria) that causes bronchitis in children is contagious. Consequently, The best way prevent bronchitis in a child - make sure that he does not become infected with a virus or bacteria.

  1. Teach your child to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating.
  2. Give your child nutritious and healthy food so that his immunity is strong enough to fight off infectious agents.
  3. Keep your child away from family members who are sick or have a cold.
  4. As soon as your baby is six months old, give him the flu vaccine every year to protect against a similar infection.
  5. Do not allow family members to smoke in the home, as passive smoking can lead to chronic illness.
  6. If you live in a heavily polluted area, teach your child to wear a face mask.
  7. Clean your child's nose and sinuses with a saline nasal spray to remove allergens and pathogens from the mucous membranes and nasal villi.
  8. Supplement your child's diet with vitamin C to boost their immune system. Check with your pediatrician to find out the correct dosage for your child, as a high dose of the vitamin can lead to.

Parents should not limit the exposure of the baby to germs and diseases. After all, all children are susceptible to classic childhood illnesses, either through natural infection or vaccination.

Your baby is often sick now because it is the first natural exposure of a childhood illness to him, not because there is something wrong with the immune system.

Building and strengthening his immune system during these early years helps prevent future complications from contracting these diseases later, when they may have more serious consequences.

The best way to keep kids healthy is to follow your doctor's recommended vaccination schedule, wash your hands frequently, eat right and exercise, and give your little one time to build a healthy immune system.

“I’ll get sick and die,” the boy (or maybe the girl) decided. I’ll die, and then they will all know how bad it will be for them without me.”

Probably, every person at least once in his life had such a fantasy about his illness and death. This is when it seems that no one needs you anymore, everyone has forgotten about you and luck has turned away from you. And I want all the faces dear to you to turn to you with love and concern. In a word, such fantasies do not arise from a good life. Well, perhaps in the midst of a fun game or on your birthday, when you were given the very thing that you dreamed about the most, do such gloomy thoughts come? For me, for example, no. And none of my friends either.

Such complex thoughts do not occur to very young children, those who are not yet in school. They don't know much about death. It seems to them that they have always lived, they do not want to understand that they once did not exist, and even more so that they will never be. Such kids do not think about the disease, as a rule, they do not consider themselves sick and are not going to interrupt their interesting activities due to some kind of sore throat. But how great it is when your mother also stays at home with you, does not go to her work and feels your forehead all day, reads fairy tales and offers something tasty. And then (if you are a girl), worried about your high temperature, the folder, having come home from work, rashly promises to give you gold earrings, the most beautiful ones. And then he brings them running from some secluded place. And if you are a cunning boy, then near your sad bed, mom and dad can reconcile forever, who have not yet managed to get a divorce, but have almost gathered. And when you are already recovering, they will buy you all sorts of goodies that you, healthy, could not even think about.

So think about whether it is worth staying healthy for a long time when no one remembers about you all day. Everyone is busy with their important things, for example, work, with which parents often come angry, wicked, and just know for yourself they find fault with your unwashed ears, then with broken knees, as if they themselves washed them and didn’t beat them in childhood. That is, if they notice your existence at all. And then one hid from everyone under the newspaper, “mother is such a lady” (from a replica of a little girl cited by K. I. Chukovsky in the book “From Two to Five”) went to the bathroom to wash, and you have no one to show your diary with fives.

No, when you're sick, life definitely has its good sides. Any smart child can twist ropes from their parents. Or laces. Maybe that's why, in teenage slang, parents are sometimes called so - shoelaces? I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing.

That is, the child is sick, of course, not on purpose. He does not utter terrible spells, does not perform magical passes, but the internal program of the benefit of the disease from time to time self-starts when it is not possible to achieve recognition among their relatives in another way.

The mechanism of this process is simple. What is beneficial for the body and personality in some way is realized automatically. Moreover, in children, and in almost all adults, it is not realized. In psychotherapy, this is called an annuity (that is, a benefit-giving) symptom.

One of my colleagues once described a clinical case with a young woman who fell ill bronchial asthma. It happened in the following way. Her husband left her and went to another. Olga (as we will call her) was very attached to her husband and fell into despair. Then she caught a cold, and for the first time in her life she had an asthmatic attack, so severe that the frightened unfaithful husband returned to her. Since then, he had made such attempts from time to time, but he could not decide to leave his sick wife, whose attacks were getting worse. So they live side by side - she, swollen from hormones, and he - downcast and crushed.

If the husband had the courage (in another context it would be called meanness) not to return, not to establish a vicious and strong connection between the disease and the possibility of possessing an object of affection, they could succeed, like another family in a similar situation. He left her sick, with a high fever, with children in her arms. He left and did not return. She, having come to her senses and faced with the cruel need to live on, at first almost lost her mind, and then brightened her mind. She even discovered abilities that she had not known about before - drawing, poetry. The husband then returned to her, to the one that is not afraid to leave, and therefore does not want to leave, with which it is interesting and reliable next to her. Which does not load you on the way, but helps you go.

So how do we treat husbands in this situation? I think it's not so much the husbands, but the different positions that the women have taken. One of them took the path of involuntary and unconscious emotional blackmail, the other used the difficulty that arose as a chance to become herself, real. With her life, she realized the basic law of defectology: any defect, shortcoming, is an incentive for the development of the individual, compensation for the defect.

And, returning to the sick child, we will see that in fact, he may need an illness in order to want to become healthy, it should not bring him privileges and a better attitude than to a healthy one. And drugs should not be sweet, but nasty. Both in the sanatorium and in the hospital should not be better than at home. And mom needs to rejoice at a healthy child, and not make him dream of illness as a way to her heart.

And if a child has no other way to find out about the love of his parents, except for illness, this is his great misfortune, and adults need to think about it well. Are they able to accept with love a living, active, naughty child, or will he stuff his stress hormones into the cherished organ to please them and will be ready to once again play the role of a victim in the hope that the executioner will again repent and pity him?

In many families, a special cult of the disease is formed. Good man, he takes everything to heart, his heart (or head) hurts from everything. This is like a sign of a good, decent person. But the bad one, he is indifferent, everything is like peas against the wall, you can’t get him through anything. And nothing hurts him. Then around they say with condemnation:

And your head never hurts!

How can a healthy and happy child grow up in such a family, if this is somehow not accepted? If with understanding and sympathy they treat only those who are covered with well-deserved wounds and ulcers from a hard life, who patiently and dignifiedly drags his heavy cross? Now osteochondrosis is very popular, which almost breaks its owners to paralysis, and more often - the owners. And the whole family runs around, finally appreciating the wonderful person next to them.

The theme of diseases would not be sufficiently disclosed without talking about the psychological meaning of diseases as a kind of negative situation. Once Heinrich Mann wrote: "Illness is a brilliant path to knowledge, man, love." This statement immediately knocks the ground out from under the usual idea of ​​the unambiguous negativity of illness and any other misfortune. And indeed, from the point of view of a psychologist, the disease has at least three functions.

Signal. It not only reports that the physical capabilities of a person have been let down, but also that his intimate intrapersonal processes, his own ecology, which is not a purely physical, and not even a psychophysical phenomenon, have been violated, but a manifestation of the trinity spirit - soul - body. A symptom that has appeared in an adult is a good reason to ask yourself the question: what am I doing wrong in my life, what, with what behavior do I step on my throat, or on my head, or on the bronchi, or on the stomach?

If a child has become unwell, parents need to honestly ask themselves what and how they contribute to the illness of a loved one. Even in domestic dogs, there are any number of disorders on the basis of nerves. I know an experienced veterinarian who takes care of his furry patients by doing mandatory "family" therapy with their owners. What about children then to speak. It is not always possible for us to live ecologically, in harmony with our inner personal space. Often we have to sacrifice the health of ourselves and our children to necessity (as we see it). It's just that it's good to remember that our share of participation is present here too. Then, perhaps, it will be possible to seize an opportune moment to turn the situation in the right direction, when there will be no urgent need to grab onto a log floating into a whirlpool.

Separating. The separator separates the cream from the whey, and the disease - "flies" from "cutlets". When misfortune occurs, everything superfluous and unreliable from life quickly disappears. Only those who really love and cherish us remain nearby, only those thoughts and worries remain with a person, without which he cannot do. This is a very cruel way of placing accents and growing up, but it’s not for nothing that people have always said that for one beaten they give two unbeaten.

Stimulating development. Man is a stubborn creature, and if life drives him into a corner, he begins to get out of it, suddenly discovering in himself still unknown abilities. Bedridden for some time as a child, Astrid Lingren came up with her Carlson. And let her write about him many years later, but then, in childhood, he had already helped her endure the need for bed confinement. A well-known psychologist, the great American grandmother Eda LeChamp, describes an episode from her childhood, when forced stagnation in bed prompted her to publish her first wall newspaper. Even knowing that you don't have long to live can motivate you to live the rest of your life with high quality and bring happiness to someone like a shooting star. It instantly traces the sky with a luminous trace and leaves a feeling of a miracle.

Growing pains and short pants

A child's body, like a small growing tree, is very vulnerable. All its protective and adaptive systems are still being formed, gradually adapting to the conditions of the same changing environment. Only the body of an adult, mature person is a fully functioning system of human adaptation to the environment. Therefore, the child's body gives frequent failures and needs external support. Question - in what?

One of my colleagues, a psychologist whose son suffered from neurodermatitis, once told me that she understands everything about the causes of the disease, about the role of the child’s relationship with her mother, but gives him medicines, because it is much easier than rebuilding your relationship with the world and a child, and all people see that she is treating him. Although she herself understands that she does not heal, but heals the child. And many other mothers do not even imagine the nature of most childhood diseases.

Traditional medicine talks about insidious microbes that nest in secluded corners of the body, and bad ecology, lack of important food components and offers us dozens and hundreds of new potent and increasingly effective drugs. Nice to look at and even delicious. So the disease turns into pure pleasure, and there is no need to think about anything. Drip once a day. Swallow - and until tomorrow like a cucumber. And so how much? Yes, for the rest of your life. We'll make medicine! Even better than before! Moreover, people have the idea that external factors in relation to him, the soulless elements, turn out to be stronger than him, and he simply cannot exist without all kinds of crutches and props.

In fact, this is a veterinary approach to a person and his relationship with the environment through the problems of the body. I must say that drugs are often more dangerous than the disease itself with their side effects. The stick is always double-edged. I am a supporter of alternative medicine, which does not shoot sparrows from cannons, but preserves and nurtures its own defenses. This is therapeutic massage, homeopathy, herbal medicine, osteopathy, psychotherapy.

My specialty is psychotherapy. More than twenty years of medical and maternal experience, the experience of coping with my own numerous chronic diseases, led to several conclusions:

1. Most childhood illnesses (of course, not of a congenital nature) are functional, adaptive in nature, and a person gradually grows out of them, like out of short pants, if he has other, more constructive ways of relating to the world. For example, with the help of an illness, he does not need to attract the attention of his mother, his mother already learned to notice him healthy and rejoice in him like that. Or you don’t need to reconcile your parents with your illness. I worked as an adolescent doctor for five years, and I was struck by one fact - the discrepancy between the content of the outpatient cards that we received from children's clinics and the objective health status of adolescents, which was regularly monitored for two to three years. The cards included gastritis, cholecystitis, all kinds of dyskinesia and dystonia, ulcers and neurodermatitis, umbilical hernia, and so on. Somehow, at a physical examination, one boy did not have an umbilical hernia described in the map. He said that his mother was offered an operation, but she still could not decide, and in the meantime he began to play sports (well, do not waste time, in fact). Gradually the hernia disappeared somewhere. Where did their gastritis and other ailments go, cheerful teenagers also did not know. So it turns out - outgrown.

Thus, the conditions for recovery, the outgrowth of the disease, become, on the one hand, the parents' awareness of the adaptive nature of any disease, sometimes its psychological benefit for themselves or the child, and on the other hand, the creation (primarily in themselves) of the attitude to the disease as short pants from which children gradually grow. Rituals can help you: removing an old children's thing from use, you think and tell the child that his childhood illnesses and problems go away with this thing. When giving a thing to other small children, it is enough to wash it well and give it away with good feelings - it will not “transmit” any negative information to another child. These elements of domestic magic are close to the psyche of children and women, which operates mainly with specific images, pictures, sensual representations.

2. The wedge is knocked out with a wedge. There are diseases that acquire a chronic, monotonous character (if the parents at one time did not understand its psychological background and had ideas about diseases as something unchanged). They drag on for years without significantly changing their course. A persistent vicious circle is formed with a powerful dominant in the cerebral cortex. This is a kind of record in the brain's memory about how to live with the disease, this is the body's habit of living like this. And until another, stronger dominant appears in the cerebral cortex, which can "outweigh" and absorb the activity of the first, the disease does not want to recede. That is, the victory over the disease becomes a matter of the emergence of a kind of shake-up, shock, stress. Stress can be of two types - physiological and psycho-emotional.

Quite recently, a good friend of mine told a story about one of his friends. The young man fell ill with rheumatism, in a word, all his joints were gradually fettered by the disease, he moved worse and worse. Treatment in the clinic and hospital proved to be ineffective. Meanwhile, the wife found out about some "strong" grandmother from the countryside, persuaded her husband to try. Together with her son, she put him behind the wheel, and they drove to the village. Grandmother performed her mysterious ritual by candlelight, the man got out of there in a state of slight stupefaction and, sitting behind the wheel again, crashed into someone's brand new fence. With curses, he paid for the damage, wondering where to get the money to repair the car, and vowed never to go to his grandparents again in his life. Returning home, he sat on sick leave in a state of gloomy indifference. Having nothing to do, I tried treatment according to a new recipe - baths with herbs. Once, while taking a bath once again, I heard the phone ring, and began to get out of the bath. Slipped, fell on his back, and even hit his head on washing machine. When he came to his senses, he jumped to his feet with a selective swearing (I’ve been saving all my life for such a case), dodging, examined the damage in the mirror ... and only then I realized that he didn’t crawl out, as usual, but jumped out that he could see his back earlier could only with the help of another mirror, but without turning around. To celebrate, I ran (!) To the store for a bottle of vodka. His wife and son returned home to find him merrily celebrating his farewell to illness.

Severe stress shook up all his temporary nerve connections, created a powerful focus of prolonged excitation in the cerebral cortex, which absorbed the focus associated with his illness. The emotion of anger turned out to be healing this time, as it materialized at the level of awareness into an emotional outburst. Stress hormones for the first time in a long time went not to self-destruction, inward, but outward. The old path has been catastrophically destroyed, the new path has been beaten.

Since childhood, Nadya has been ill with glomerulonephritis, its sluggish but persistent variant. Having become an adult and married, like any normal woman, she wanted to have a baby. Doctors (and not just any, but from the country's leading institute) warned her that the risk of leaving the child an orphan very soon was too great. In any case, there were no encouraging cases in their practice. Nadia suffered for a long time, but in the end she became pregnant and left the child. Come what may - decided. After delivery, urine tests were normal for the first time. And thirteen years have passed since then. Both mother and son are alive and well.

The second case illustrates the mechanism of physiological stress associated with hormonal changes. It is most characteristic of the female body, in which very intense transformations take place sequentially - first the formation of the monthly cycle, then pregnancy, childbirth and lactation. All these periods contain the germs of great changes. If a woman's internal attitude is towards development and health, she gets better. For this, in illness, she should not spare and stroke herself, look for privileges, indulgences, guardianship. In no case should illness provide a discount in the manifestation of social activity, the fulfillment of duties. Only if the illness is difficult to the point of despair, will the shake-up break it.

You have now read the description of two cases from real life. Nearby I could place a great many more of them. You don’t have to go far - I managed to overcome my own diseases (chronic bronchitis, vasomotor rhinitis and neurodermatitis) using the mechanism of physiological stress (in one case it turned out to be pregnancy and childbirth, in the other two it was the contrast of a sauna and a cold pool, and swimming to exhaustion, until the opening of the second breath). Physiological stress, therefore, is not only hormonal, but also artificial, created by the effect of contrast or excessive physical stress.

Is the effect of stress always and unambiguous? Is it possible to expect always guaranteed success? Certainly not. In youth, in the presence of flexible, elastic vessels, stress is more positive in terms of results and less fraught with vascular catastrophes than in old age. Stress, shake-up is always a risk, it is a way of the courageous or desperate, there is no place for doubts and hesitation in it. This is an all-in game. To apply or not to apply the method of stress is up to you to decide. Does this require medical advice? Of course, there are diseases in which the first stress can be the last. At the same time, the doctor must take into account the entire set of circumstances, build a forecast of the possible risk and consider alternatives for the possible result, but he does not have the moral right to make this decision for the patient or his parents.

One of the typical variants of stress in children's practice is the natural hormonal crisis of puberty. A healthy attitude of a teenager and his parents to shake up this age is needed, and it will become healing in many cases. It is necessary to make a reservation once again that in this context one should not think about congenital developmental anomalies, genetic diseases, I will not talk about diabetes mellitus - here is hope for the science of the future. The puberty of girls is especially favorable. Their sex hormones are wonderful adaptogens.

Another option for physiological stress for children is all types of hardening, dousing, including according to Ivanov. It is only important that this is not torture for the child, but an overcoming, to which he agrees voluntarily and feels satisfaction from his courage.

Emotional stress for children is practiced positively, associated with the joy of overcoming difficulties, carried out as a long (several hours) period of intense physical and emotional stress. In child psychotherapy, this is realized in the programs of game marathons lasting 3-5 hours, preferably together with parents. Very interesting and effective is the program of the Moscow professor Yu. S. Shevchenko, a child psychiatrist and psychotherapist, which is called INTEX - therapy (intensive emotional-expressive therapy). Emotional upsurge and a sense of joy that children experience in the process of playing become a kind of wedge that knocks the disease out of its container.

3. The role of a new strong motivation. When a person has a very significant goal for him, he becomes able to roll mountains of disease and infirmity. The story of Valentin Dikul, our legendary circus weightlifter, hero who rose from the bed of a disabled person, struck me. After a severe spinal cord injury (compression fracture of the spine), doctors made every effort to bring him back to life. He stayed alive.

“But why?” thought Valentine, lying motionless on the bed. “Why do I need this life now - without legs? ..” The doctors tried to calm him down:
“We did our best,” they said. - You will sit. Accept your destiny as it is.

No, he didn't mean to do that. Paralyzed, weak, sentenced by doctors to eternal immobility, Dikul only thought about how to get on his feet. He did not doubt for a minute that this should happen ... (Zinoviev A.A. "Thank you, athleticism").

He did not want to put up with all reasonable arguments and invented (fortunately there was nothing else to do) his own rehabilitation system, having read many medical books. Five years later, he began to rise to his feet with the help of crutches, then sticks. Then he returned to the circus arena and opened a rehabilitation center for people who had suffered spinal injuries. The famous Arnold Schwarzenegger was inspired by the fate of the Russian athlete and created himself like him.

Other publications on the topic of this article:

If the child is healthy, he is unlikely to have a headache. But in some situations, a headache can still occur in healthy children. The reasons for its occurrence are many. This is one of the 10 complaints, which is among the ten most frequent, about which parents with children go to the doctor. This issue is especially acute for teenagers.

Causes of headaches in children

Complaints of headaches can appear in children from about 5 years old, when the child is able to describe the sensations that he experiences. At preschool age, headache occurs in 3-8% of children, and in adolescents, these figures increase to 50-80%. In young children who cannot talk about their pain, there are a number of signs that make it possible to determine the presence of pain.

All structures of the head - venous sinuses, cranial nerves, vessels, meninges, periosteum, soft tissues of the head, as well as large vessels of the face and neck - have pain receptors. Receptors are cells that, by interacting with certain substances in the human body, are responsible for the occurrence of pain.

Headache in medicine is called the beautiful term "cephalgia". Cephalgia can be called any discomfort or feeling of pain in the head area, from the eyebrows to the back of the head. It appears when pain receptors in the head or neck area are irritated. The impact on them can be caused by various factors, so the symptom of a headache is most often not a specific sign of any one pathology, but is inherent in many diseases and conditions.

There are several types of headaches:

In the event that pain is the main and only symptom of a disease that worries a child, they speak of a primary headache. These headaches are not caused by viruses, bacteria or other microorganisms. These include migraine, tension headaches, and cluster (bundle) pain.

Secondary headache is not the main, but one of several symptoms that occur with any common diseases or conditions. Secondary cephalalgias occur with many infections, with an increase in temperature, but they disappear as they recover and the temperature decreases. There are over 300 causes of secondary headache.

The most common of them are:

Pain after a head injury (post-traumatic)
pain, as a reaction to changes in the environment or in the body (reactive). There can be hundreds of such changes (allergies, lack of sleep or oversleeping, infections, medical interventions, dehydration, diseases of various organs and systems, medication, and much more)
pain due to inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis)
pain, as a reaction to taking an excessive amount of medication (abuse). Usually, however paradoxically it sounds, such medicines are drugs that relieve headaches.

Of the primary causes, migraine and tension headaches are most common in children. Bundle pains are rare and only in adolescents.

Migraine in children

Migraine starts at adolescence, but it also happens in 2-3 year old children. Often one of the parents of the child suffers from this disease. It is caused by a sharp narrowing and expansion of the vessels of the brain. Migraine is characterized by attacks of pain in one half of the head of a pulsating nature, accompanied by nausea or vomiting, photophobia or sound sensitivity, and aggravated by physical exertion. An attack usually lasts 4-72 hours and resolves after a short sleep.

The occurrence of migraine attacks is provoked by such factors:
- emotional stress
- physical exercise,
- starvation
- the use of cocoa, chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, cheese, smoked meats, eggs, tomatoes, canned food, legumes, fatty and spicy dishes, etc.
- cold water, ice cream
- drinking alcohol, smoking in adolescents,
- for girls, the phase of the menstrual cycle matters
- changing sleep patterns
- long driving
- harsh light
- unpleasant odors
- long TV viewing
- weather changes
- common diseases, etc.

Tension headache in children

Tension headache is caused by sudden or persistent stress. This pain accounts for about 90% of all types of headaches. Mental overstrain is accompanied by a strong contraction of the muscles of the head and the vessels located in them, which leads to pain. The duration of pain in this case is from 30 minutes to 7 days. It is characterized by a feeling of constriction, squeezing, squeezing the head like a "helmet" or "helmet". The daily activity of the child is maintained, but the quality of learning is deteriorating. Physical activity does not aggravate the pain. At the peak of the attack, there may be nausea, lack of appetite, sound or photophobia. Sometimes tension headaches can be caused by sitting in an uncomfortable position for a long time (school headaches).

Recently, articles have begun to appear that tension headaches in children are nothing more than a chronic inflammation of the meninges caused by a bacterium called streptococcus.

Bundle (cluster) pain in a child

Bundle (cluster) pains are associated with irritation of a large cranial nerve, which is called the “trigeminal”. The pain is acute, severe, boring, unilateral, paroxysmal, short, disturbing in the eye or in the temporal region. Duration from 15 minutes to 3 hours several times during the day, and mostly at night. Accompanying symptoms are characteristic, such as: lacrimation, nasal congestion, sweating, drooping of the upper eyelid, pupil constriction and retraction of the eye on the affected side. Most often, cluster headaches occur in boys.

It is important to distinguish between acute and chronic pain. Acute pain occurs suddenly or recently and is severe. Recently - this means that no more than a week has passed since its appearance. However, if an acute headache persists for several hours, you should immediately consult a doctor. Often this condition requires urgent action.

Causes of acute headache:

Extracranial infections

childhood infections (measles, mumps, scarlet fever, rubella)
other infectious diseases (tonsillitis, sinusitis, infectious mononucleosis, influenza, malaria, tularemia)
ear infection
intestinal infections (salmonellosis, cholera)
worms (trichinosis)
inflammation of the teeth
inflammation of the paranasal sinuses

Intracranial infections: brain abscesses (the presence of purulent foci), inflammation of the substance of the brain (encephalitis), inflammation of the meninges (meningitis)

Injuries: concussion, brain injury

Mental overstrain: tension headaches, first appeared

Mental illnesses: anxiety neurosis, depression

Vascular diseases:

*high blood pressure
* tumor of the adrenal glands
* heart disease (heart defects, rhythm disturbance)
*kidney disease
* migraine, first onset
* abnormal development of cerebral vessels (anomalies)
* incorrect structure of the arteries (aneurysm - pathological expansion of the vessel area)
*poor blood supply (ischemia) to the brain

Intracranial hemorrhages: in the meninges, in the brain

Increased intracranial pressure: brain tumor, cerebral edema

Reception and withdrawal of medicines:
* taking drugs that dilate blood vessels
* taking drugs containing amphetamines
*Cancellation of drugs containing caffeine

Contact and inhalation of toxic chemicals: benzene, nitrates, carbon dioxide, lead, dichlorvos

Other reasons:

*Headache after spinal tap
* benign exercise-induced headache
* inflammatory diseases of the eyes and visual impairment (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism)
* increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma)
* inflammation of the cranial nerves (neuritis and neuralgia)

Chronic headache in children

Chronic headaches occur intermittently over a long period of time, usually weeks, months, or even years. These include migraines, tension headaches, cluster headaches.

There is a headache that is not associated with damage in the body. Pain can arise from external pressure (prolonged irritation of the scalp when wearing tight, tight hats, headbands, swimming goggles). When exposed to cold (cold weather, wind, swimming, diving in cold water cold food, cold drink, ice cream).

Examination of a child with a headache

When taking your child to the doctor, be prepared to answer a few questions. Try to reveal them as fully as possible, it depends on how quickly and accurately the doctor will make a diagnosis.

You must know:
How long ago did the headache start?
Were there any injuries?
Have you had such episodes of headache before?
What is it: constant or periodic?
What characteristics does it have (pulsating, squeezing, bursting, dull, stabbing)?
In what part of the head is it concentrated (back of the head, frontal region, temples)?
Double sided or one sided?
What is its strength (intense, light, medium)?
How long does a headache attack last?
Are there symptoms that warn of the onset of pain (harbingers)?
Is there a change in emotional state before an attack?
At what time of the year does the pain occur?
What is accompanied by a headache (nausea, vomiting, photophobia, fear of noise)?
What provokes a headache?
Does it get worse when climbing stairs, running, playing sports?
What relieves the pain or does it go away on its own?

Be prepared to answer general questions that may concern the health worker:
Does the child get tired after a school day, does he have stress (for example, anxiety about a school assignment)? Does the child have a sleep deficit? Is he emotional? Are you often physically tired? Does the headache occur when the weather changes, is it associated with the intake of any food (what)? How often have you missed school because of a headache in recent months? How often does your head hurt during school holidays? Does the child eat regularly, how much sleep? How much does he watch TV and work at the computer? How intense and how long are the lessons at school? Does he do extra work after school?

It is necessary to tell the doctor about what diseases the parents and close relatives in the family suffer from. Having received answers to these questions, most likely it will be possible to establish the cause of a headache in a child.

There are some alarming symptoms, the appearance of which should immediately show the child to the doctor. If acute pain arose for the first time, and it grows in intensity, then the likelihood of a dangerous disease is much higher. As a rule, this indicates a serious and even life-threatening disease (hemorrhage, inflammation of the meninges, tumor, inflammation of the brain).

Danger symptoms are:

Severe headache that started suddenly
- Unusual pattern of headache
- Changing the nature of the headache depending on the position of the head
- Presence of morning headache
- The nature and frequency of attacks of periodic headache has changed or they have become stronger
- Headache accompanied by impaired consciousness
- Headache appeared a few days or weeks after a seemingly minor head injury

Small children, due to their age, cannot say what is bothering them, but the mother, knowing certain symptoms, may suspect that the child has a headache. In infants, it is manifested by excitement, causeless crying, sleep disturbance, profuse regurgitation, vomiting with a fountain. The cry of these children is monotonous, suffering. A large fontanel begins to protrude above the level of the bones of the skull.

Children 1.5-2 years old may show that it hurts, ask to lie down, may complain of fatigue. They stretch their hands to their heads, pull their hair, scratch their faces. In newborns, the cause of headaches is a birth injury, which is manifested by increased intracranial pressure and the development of hypertension syndrome.

Cause of cephalgia in children preschool age there may be diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, prolonged runny nose, adenoids, inflammatory diseases of the ear.

Reduced vision in the absence of glasses causes headaches in older children. Sometimes glasses are not fitted correctly or lens correction is required, which also contributes to the occurrence of cephalalgia.

A common cause of headaches in children is common anemia (lack of hemoglobin in the blood).

First aid for a child with a headache

If your child has a minor headache and it doesn't happen often, there are a few simple steps you can take to help him. It is necessary to put the child to bed if possible, create a quiet environment, put a cool, damp towel on his head and try to get the child to sleep. If he is nervous, Eleutherococcus, lemongrass will help. Tea with lemon is a good means of raising the tone of a child's life. Ascorbic acid, soothing herbs (valerian, motherwort) are also useful. With a migraine, you should try to avoid certain foods (chocolate, nuts, cheese) that can cause headache attacks.

If these methods do not help, then you can resort to medication. But most drugs that adults take are not used in children. Children on their own, without a doctor's prescription, can only be given the only permitted pain reliever - Ibuprofen. For large children, these are tablets, for small ones, Nurofen suspension or suppositories. The dose of the drug depends on the weight. For 1 kg of weight, you need to give 5-7-10 milligrams of the drug.

For 10 kg it is from 50 to 100 milligrams
At 12kg, this is from 60 to 120 milligrams.
At 15kg, this is from 75 to 150 milligrams.
For 20kg, this is from 100 to 200 milligrams, etc.

However, drugs should only be used as a last resort.
Before prescribing treatment for your child, the doctor will examine the child and tell you what examination you need to undergo. Usually, blood, urine, and stool tests are required. Then visit an ENT doctor, an ophthalmologist, a neuropathologist, an infectious disease specialist, an endocrinologist, a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a gynecologist for girls and other specialists. You may need x-ray examination, computed tomography. In particularly difficult cases, according to the decision of the doctor, inpatient treatment may be necessary, where a spinal puncture will be performed (taking brain fluid for analysis).

In order for your child to have a headache as rarely as possible, you need to try to create the most comfortable conditions for him to live.

Headache prevention in children

Follow the daily routine
Eat regularly
Enough to be outdoors
Parents do not smoke indoors
Ventilate the room often
Do not overload with mental stress
Create a favorable psychological environment in the family
Communicate more often with your child
Go swimming with him, go for a massage
Exercise and do morning exercises

Pediatrician Sytnik S.V.

The story of how an experiment was conducted in one Moscow family, as a result of which the child stopped getting sick and practically does not get sick for about three years.

How often do children get sick? The World Health Organization explains: if your preschool child picks up infectious diseases 6-8 times a year - this is a sign that the baby's immunity is developing normally. Pediatricians from different countries peace.

We are led to the idea that it is normal for a person to get sick, that the world of pathogens is so strong and diverse that, despite the progress of medicine in recent years, it is not possible to cope with it. American epidemiologists have come to the conclusion that epidemics in the current decade flare up four times more often than in the 80s of the last century, and the number of diseases that cause epidemics has increased by 20%.

Today, already as an epidemic, they talk about such an ailment, the existence of which was only known about 70 years ago. This is autism, with a diagnosis of which almost every hundredth child lives today in the USA and Great Britain! There are many such examples.

Obviously, medicine does not justify the aspirations of people who hope to somehow protect themselves from diseases with its help. But fortunately, as it turned out, it can be done without medicine! How? - It's very simple - you just need to raise the level of your child's own immunity. How? “We just need to stop bullying him!”

The fact is that nature initially gave a person a very strong immunity, which allows him to practically not get sick. Especially if this immunity is completely taken from the mother and was not oppressed at birth: the pulsating umbilical cord was not clamped; strong cell poisons were not introduced into the blood e the first hours of a child's life with a vaccine; the adaptive mechanisms of the newborn to extrauterine life were not violated in the maternity hospital; the child did not inherit staphylococcus from the maternity hospital (about 90% of modern maternity hospitals are infected with staphylococcus), etc. But, unfortunately, there are no ideal situations in our world.

But, despite this state of affairs, by removing only the main depressing effects, it is possible to achieve significant results. A similar example is an experiment conducted in our family with our own child, as a result of which our child stopped getting sick and practically does not get sick for about three years! Lest anyone think that we are experimenting on our child, I will say that at first I did it on myself and got a convincing result.

I also wanted to add that during the experiment, no medically recommended or folk remedies that increase the activity of the body's immune system. No diet, gymnastics, hardening, no immunostimulating, restorative or vitamin preparations (even of plant origin) were purposefully used. It’s just that the child lived as usual, and not in the most favorable place from an environmental point of view - the metropolis of Moscow. Of course, we tried to purchase the least harmful, in our opinion, products and use a balanced diet, but we understood that it was impossible to completely protect ourselves in eating in a metropolis. Therefore, they did not show fanaticism. We showed inflexibility in other ways... But, by the way, we must tell everything from the beginning.

It all started from that unfortunate day when the eldest daughter, after another Mantoux test at school, was brought home in an ambulance with the words: “All children have a normal reaction, but your child is not normal. There was an anaphylactic shock (the reaction of the body to the introduction of an exorbitant amount of a foreign allergen) with a short-term loss of consciousness, so deal with your child yourself!

I, as a meticulous person, began to understand. I shoveled a lot of information and was extremely amazed that the test for tuberculosis - the Mantoux test, is the introduction into the body of a number of substances alien to it: a weakened tuberculosis virus - tuberculin, which has strong allergenic properties; extremely toxic cell poison - phenol; polysorbate Twin-80 with estrogenic (female sex hormone) effect, etc.! And all this despite the fact that the Mantoux test absolutely does not have the reliability of the result. That is intoxication with the strongest poisons is guaranteed, but the result is not! …? - No answer! Why can't you just take blood from a person for analysis and test it for tuberculosis (as they do, for example, for AIDS, or some other disease), without harming the body and getting a 100% result? - No answer!

A similar unanswered bewilderment occurred to me when I began to study information on vaccination. The same introduction into the body of a large amount of substances alien to the body for the sake of creating a very doubtful, and even then only temporary immunity to one kind of disease, and poisons harm the entire body as a whole!

This follows from the composition and mechanism of action of vaccines. Here's how they're made. Strains (causative agents) of a certain disease are cultivated (cultivated, multiply) in a certain nutrient medium on biological tissues, in most cases, not of human origin. By the way, subsequently, particles of these tissues (foreign protein) enter the bloodstream with the vaccine directly (it is impossible to completely separate the obtained strains from biological tissue).

Then, in order to weaken the grown strains, they are exposed to a strong biological poison, which, subsequently, along with the weakened strain, also enters the bloodstream. Often used for this purpose formaldehyde(formalin) is a potent mutagen, carcinogen and allergen. It is used in vaccines: DTP, ADS-m, AD-m, against poliomyelitis, tick-borne encephalitis, hepatitis A, in some influenza vaccines.

Some vaccines are created using methods genetic engineering when they genetically modify and recombine the DNA and RNA of viruses and create an antigen that can cause an immune response of the body (vaccine against hepatitis B, against influenza, against the human papillomavirus).

As adjuvant, substances that increase the production of antibodies in the body, use aluminum hydroxide. However, it is very toxic and allergic, and can cause the development of autoimmune diseases (the production of autoimmune antibodies against healthy body tissues). It is present in such vaccines as against hepatitis A, hepatitis B, DPT, ADS-m, AD-m, against tick-borne encephalitis.

To preserve the resulting mixture in most vaccines, it is used as a preservative. merthiolate(or thiomersal - from Mercury - mercury) - a salt of mercury, a substance about which it is known that it well prevents biological fluids from rotting. But merthiolate is also a pesticide, the strongest allergen and cellular poison, affecting primarily the human nervous system and brain, which also enters the human blood! Today, it is banned as a component of mass childhood vaccinations in the USA, the European Union and some other countries. In our country, merthiolate is used in vaccines against hepatitis B (vaccines are administered at the maternity hospital in the first 12 hours of a child's life), DTP, ATP-m, AD-m, a vaccine against hemophilic infection, in some vaccines against influenza and tick-borne encephalitis.

Negative effects of mercury compounds on the nervous system in the presence of aluminum hydroxide drastically intensifies, but despite this, they are together in such vaccines as hepatitis B, DTP, ATP-m, AD-m, in some vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis.

Thus, such alien substances as aluminum salts, mercury salts, formaldehyde, phenol, antibiotics (neomycin, kanamycin), genetically modified organisms, various biological contaminants and foreign proteins enter the human body with vaccines. Unfortunately, nature did not foresee that substances that were not intended for this at all would enter the human body, and even by the parenteral route, that is, immediately into the bloodstream, bypassing all the existing protective barriers of the body.

We considered that there are too many of these substances to create a healthy immunity to diseases in a child and decided to see how the immune system would react to the cessation of the intake of all these substances into the body.

In childhood, most diseases are tolerated quite easily, therefore, in pre-Soviet Russia, children were taken to visit sick children so that the child would become infected, get sick and acquire immunity to as many diseases as possible, because the natural course of the disease creates lifelong immunity in the body.

The youngest daughter at the time of this decision was about 4 years old. We were obedient parents, carried out all the prescriptions of doctors - the main part of the vaccination calendar was more or less successfully completed. Well, the child did not particularly stand out from his peers - he was sick 4 - 6 times a year. A child who does not get sick at all is likely to have a weak immune response, which means that worse diseases await him than a runny nose, the doctors explained.

To enhance the effect of our experiment, at the same time we also decided to abandon antipyretics, as we learned that temperature is one of the most effective types of the body's immune response to a disease. After all, as it turned out, most pathogens die at a temperature of 39 degrees! Starting to bring down the temperature with antipyretics at 38.5 ° , as doctors prescribe to us, we essentially prevent the body from giving a decent immune response to pathogens. And protein and blood coagulation occurs at temperatures above 42 ° and few people's body can raise such a temperature on its own. I have not found descriptions of such lethal cases, and there are many descriptions of recovery after high fever. Subsequently, we ourselves were convinced of this, when, after the influenza ascertained by a doctor, his virus burned down at a temperature of 40.5 ° in one night, and there was a recovery.

Our experiment to restore the child's own immunity would not be complete if we did not decide to gradually abandon such foreign substances for humans as antibiotics.After all, they, first of all, violate the composition of the intestinal microflora, and after all, the intestine is the largest organ that forms immunity. It is in the intestines that lymphoid tissue is located, which serves as a source of 70% of lymphocytes that produce antibodies - immunoglobulins.

So, to summarize, we decided to refuse: 1 - from cell poisons and substances alien to the body (Mantoux tests, vaccinations); 2 - from substances that depress the immune system (antibiotics); 3 - from substances that directly interfere with the body's fight against diseases (antipyretics). That's it, that's all! We refused only, in our opinion, from the main factors interfering with the vital activity of the organism. I repeat, no special diet, gymnastics, hardening, immunostimulation, etc. were used.

As a result, we saw that the child began to get sick less and less. This happened for approximately 4 years. The control group in the experiment was first children in the kindergarten group, and then classmates, who, for the most part, continued to get sick as usual and it was believed that this was normal.

But the difference became especially noticeable when, after these 4 years, our child stopped getting sick at all and is no longer sick whole 3 years! We do not consider our experiment completed, it continues. We will continue to observe the child in the dynamics of development. But even the result that has been achieved so far is very eloquent and indicative. We do not believe that by our actions we have secured the health of the child. In our opinion, we removed only the main factors of the negative impact on the immune system and the body of the child, but even this gave such convincing results!

We believe that the main harm to immunity is caused by vaccinations from early childhood after the completion of the vaccination calendar. In the future, this depressed level of immunity only "supported" such things as revaccinations, Mantoux tests, antibiotics, antipyretics, ionizing radiation, stress, etc., without giving the body the opportunity to restore it.

Due to the misconceptions about health and disease prevention that have been imposed, it is very difficult for parents to break their child out of this vicious vicious circle. But isn’t the health and success of the child in the future a good reason to figure it out and change something?

After all, neurotoxins reduce the potential of the brain, and it may happen that a child in the future will never be able to reach the level of development that was possible initially.

It is in the hands of parents that the key to the well-being of their own children lies, and I wish all parents to use it for good.

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