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Photos during childbirth. How children are born: a description of the process of the birth of a baby. How to understand that contractions have begun before childbirth

Tells family doctor Veronika Nazarova:

Harbingers of childbirth

Well, of course, regular contractions speak of the onset of labor - a series of uterine contractions, sometimes strong, that begin and stop.

What should you do if the water breaks? You don’t need to rush anywhere right away, but you need to immediately contact the obstetrician who will take delivery. How long can you wait if the amniotic fluid is out and contractions do not appear? You can wait calmly for two days, without fail observing the condition of the mother and child (doctors out of habit talk about 12 hours, which does not correspond to modern world practice).

Head turned off - a good sign

For most women, labor lasts about 8-12 hours. From the outside it looks like a long time. But in the correct birth state, a mother has an altered state of consciousness due to morphine-like substances - endorphins. The woman at this time is as if under light anesthesia. Pain in contractions leads to the release of endorphins, so you will not see torment during normal childbirth (unless, of course, they are stimulated with drugs, do not force the woman to lie on her back).

The mother in labor has a detached look: she closes her eyes and looks as if she is not here. She can answer inappropriately and talk nonsense - this is a good sign. This means that the woman's head has turned off, and we remember that this is one of the cardinal conditions for a good birth. Do not try to get through to mom, do not ask her questions! Don't talk around!

Even in intensive labor, there are breaks of about three minutes between contractions. And the women fall asleep. Then wake up and go back to sleep. Some even snore.

A bit of biomechanics

All this generic work is quite easily tolerated, provided that the woman is not frightened, does not worry, she is warm, her head is “turned off”, and she can take the position that instinct tells her.

If you do not command a woman, she will change position, but most often - kneel, leaning forward. If we look at the biomechanics of childbirth, then the opening of the pelvis in the supine position and in the kneeling position with an inclination forward is fundamentally different. The head passes through the small pelvis much easier if it is tilted forward. The pelvis is a mobile structure: the bones become like rubber bands, and can move relative to each other depending on how the head passes; they are connected by ligaments, which soften during pregnancy due to the hormone relaxin. The woman herself, with her position, helps the child to get out, the body prompts her.

By the way, epidural anesthesia, which has become popular today, does not allow you to feel your body or change positions so that it is easier for the child to get out.

The laboring mother has a distant look: she looks like she is not here, answers inappropriately and talks nonsense - this is a good sign

Hormone of love

What can be done for a woman in childbirth? Create a safe environment. Give her the opportunity to be at peace, "turn off her head." Oxytocin is the love hormone during childbirth. This "shy hormone" is produced when you feel safe, warm, quiet, in the absence of prying eyes. And he does not stand out where there is fear and adrenaline gushing.

Husband next?

- What do you think about the presence of the husband of the woman in labor during childbirth? Maybe it's useful?

- It's very individual. All people are different. For childbirth, there are no obligatory people, with the exception of mother and child. All the rest are variables. They are divided into those who can create a sense of security, and who cannot give it, and security, as we have already said, is a key condition for a good birth.

Therefore, if dad cannot create a sense of security, because he is nervous, does not understand what is happening, is afraid, or simply does not want to be there, in no case should he be forced to attend the birth. If a mother believes that a father is necessary during childbirth, and she herself madly wants this, then she should think about the fact that perhaps this will be psychological abuse for her husband and can seriously affect his health.

What can be done for a woman in childbirth? Create a safe environment. Give her the opportunity to be at peace, "turn off her head"

It is very important to understand that childbirth is a process that is not what it looks like on the inside. Outwardly, everything may look as if a woman is in catastrophic pain, and the further, the more. At the same time, she can say: “I can’t take it anymore, I can’t stand it,” I’m dying. At the same time, childbirth is completely normal and the mother herself objectively tolerates them perfectly.

But a man is so arranged that he must do something with the complaints of a woman, especially a beloved one. And you can’t do anything, and you need to keep a “good face”, be calm. What he has inside, he, of course, can hide, but it can be broadcast. A person who "fonites" adrenaline can be "contagious". He can be born aggression, fear, which will be transmitted to a woman.

But men are also beautiful in childbirth, relaxed, prayerful. And then no problem.

For husbands, there are special books, training courses. But this is true only if dad himself wants it. It happened that dads fell ill a few days after giving birth and even died ... These are the rarest cases, but it would be wrong not to talk about it.

If dad decides to attend the birth, he should be prepared that the doctor or wife, or doula at some point may ask him to leave. And in this case, he should be obeyed without question: after all, the main thing in childbirth is the well-being of the mother and child, and not all the scripts and cultural settings prescribed there.

Doula is a protector

“Just about doulas. Today it has become popular to take a doula to assist in childbirth. What do you think of it?

- In the 70s, researchers Klaus and Marshall in the USA conducted a scientific study: women they knew, also Hispanic, who were already mothers and for whom motherhood was a common story, were invited to women of Hispanic origin. They were invited just to sit next to each other, to talk, to support. And it turned out that the outcomes of these births were better - faster and more prosperous. These experienced female nurses became known as doulas.

A woman can say: "I can't take it anymore, I can't take it," I'm dying. At the same time, childbirth is completely normal and the mother herself objectively tolerates them perfectly.

In fact, if you go to the maternity hospital with your girlfriend, and she has a calm character, she is from a large family, she has repeatedly seen childbirth and gave birth herself, she will sit with you, massage the sacrum, help turn around, wash, let you drink, eat, talk to the doctor while you sleep, she will be the doula.

Doulas are now in increasing demand all over the world. These are women who are trusted by doctors, doulas are part of the staff of hospitals in countries with a decent level of medicine. A doula is not just a nurse, it is a bodyguard, a protector. She understands what is happening, feels how to communicate with both the woman and the medical staff so that everything goes well. Her task is to keep adrenaline at the lowest level. A doula is an intermediary between a rather indifferent, detached medical world and a particular woman.

A good doula will go to great lengths to protect a woman's interests so that she is not disturbed. An experienced doula knows which maternity hospitals are best to go to, which doctor is best to negotiate with, who delivers how. She knows a lot about childbirth. For example, she has read Michel Auden and knows that if a woman cannot give birth safely, a caesarean section should be done in the process of childbirth, and not planned in advance. For the health of the child, there is a fundamental difference: to be born naturally or through a cesarean. If the first receives the usual maternal flora, which becomes an effective immunomodulator that forms his immune system, then the second receives the hospital flora.

Doula is an intermediary between the detached medical world and a specific woman

Among those born by caesarean section, there are more asthmatics, allergy sufferers, they are much more likely to suffer from autoimmune diseases. This has been proven by studies conducted in developed countries.

At what stage of pregnancy is it better to look for a doula? How to understand whether she will really become an assistant?

- It is better to look through acquaintances who have resorted to the help of a doula. When meeting a doula, you should ask about her experience, what guides her, what books she read on the topic of pregnancy and childbirth. It is worth asking about her own path: what is her experience of motherhood, why did she become a doula.

Sometimes a midwife becomes a doula - not the best option, because she will act according to the “medical standard”, and a completely different vision of the birth process is required from a doula. Its functions do not include medical supervision, it has nothing to do with obstetrics as a medical profession. She is more of a nurse. A doula can appear at any time, even from the very beginning of pregnancy.

It is very important when choosing a doula to ask how many other things she will have during the period in which the birth is approximately expected. The busier she is, the less she is a doula, because the doula has to make time for you - completely and unconditionally.

Home birth

- Now many consider home birth to be the most correct. Is it really the best option?

- Home birth is a normal option for cases when a woman has no obvious contraindications, obvious ill health, serious pregnancy pathologies, kidney, liver diseases, epilepsy, diabetes (there is a list of contraindications). Studies have confirmed that in terms of safety in women at low risk, home births give exactly the same result as hospital births.

There are women who do not feel safe in home births, they feel more confident in the hospital. A sense of security is an indispensable condition for the successful course of childbirth.

By the way, in Russia such a practice as “home birth in the maternity hospital” has recently appeared. A homely atmosphere is created there, the wards are furnished accordingly. You can give birth with your midwife, with a doula. And, of course, the child stays with his mother in the most important period of his life.

What is the uniqueness of the first minutes

- A woman has given birth. What is the most important thing for her in the first minutes?

- In the first hour after birth, a unique period begins that will never happen again in the life of a mother and a child: it is difficult to talk about this in our country, because it almost never happens authentically, without outside interference. But let's hope the situation changes.

Within an hour after birth, mother and child are able to experience a time of amazing unity and harmony. This process is physiologically determined, this is a time of rare hormonal balance. One of its purposes is mutual recognition, so that mother and child become attached to each other in order to better feel each other in the future. And nature took one hour for this.

If we talk about the authentic process of natural, healthy childbirth, when the baby is just born, for some time the mother rests. She is reclining, and the baby is lying down, and at this time, blood flows from the placenta through the still uncut umbilical cord.

Mom will examine the child, stroke him, she will not even take him in her arms right away. This can happen in about two minutes, she will take him, press him to her chest. If you let the mother act instinctively, the mother will not put the child on the stomach, but will press it to her chest.

Within an hour after birth, mother and child are able to experience a time of amazing unity and harmony.

After that, the woman will want to lie down, because adrenaline was produced during the release of the child, and then its influence decreases, and again the first violin is played by the hormone of love - oxytocin, which, as we have already said, is produced when you feel safe, in warmth, silence, in the absence of prying eyes.

And so the mother lies down, puts the child on herself - and miracles begin. He starts to move, crawl over his mother, crawls to the chest, he holds his head, turns it from side to side, looks for the breast, finds, and then finds the nipple. He takes the nipple and sucks, and correctly, as he should, while opening his mouth well. All this was completely unbelievable 50 years ago: a human cub can take care of itself immediately after birth! But in Russian maternity hospitals, this approach is extremely rare.

And in this process - the guarantee of the health of the child. He connects with this world through his mother, captures both the mother's face and the smell of the mother's breast, he receives a friendly mother's flora, he receives enough blood from the placenta to open the lungs, by sucking he "straightens" the bones of the skull, which "folded" until he walked the narrow path.

After the baby has sucked on the breast, the mother completes the separation of the placenta. In our maternity hospitals, the separation of the placenta is rushed, synthetic oxytocin is injected so that the placenta is “born” as soon as possible. It is believed that it is with the separation of the placenta that the highest risks of bleeding are.

But under the right conditions, this happens beautifully and itself purely physiologically. To do this, you just need to leave the mother with the baby and not disturb them at least for the first half hour. It is clear that there should be someone experienced and calm nearby.

The first three days are best spent lying down.

Immediately after giving birth, mom needs to lie down - and here's why. During pregnancy, and especially before childbirth, the hormone relaxin is produced, which causes softening of the ligaments. Therefore, in the early days, mom needs to move with caution, someone should help her. For example, if a child needs to be washed, then someone else should do it, or mom should have wet wipes on hand.

A woman often feels great after giving birth, she is active, she is full of strength, a desire to do something, but this desire in herself needs to be suppressed in the first three days. Euphoria is usually followed by a decline - approximately on the third day: "milk comes and the mood leaves."

You can learn how to breastfeed!

About feeding: Approximately 97% of mothers can breastfeed. And this is the best food for a child, everyone knows this - but what's the point? “I didn’t have milk”, “my nipples are irregularly shaped”, “my baby didn’t take the breast” - you will hear this everywhere, along with “I could not give birth, I had a cesarean”.

Keep in mind: with almost any problem, competent breastfeeding consultants can help (they are in all major cities, they also advise online). Doctors do not do this, these services are not paid for by insurance. I say this because everyone should know "where to run, if that."

Overload after childbirth is fraught with depression

- What does a mother need most after childbirth?

The postpartum period lasts forty days. The first ten of them are the most responsible for women's health. The hormonal storms of the postpartum period are worse than those found during pregnancy. If a woman has complications after childbirth, then, as a rule, it is during this period, and almost always the provoking factor is overstrain. Therefore, others need to relieve the mother as much as possible, take all the worries about her: feed, protect, help with the child.

Postpartum hormonal storms worse than those found during pregnancy

And here the relatives make a gross mistake. They think that you need to come to visit your mother with a cake and flowers, bring diapers and rattles, sit down for everyone at the table, take a picture. But for mom, all this is extremely difficult, even if she loves guests and communication.

If you really want to help your mom, bring her some food and leave. Not flowers, but a pot of soup, homemade cutlets or baked meat, mother will remember with gratitude all her life.

After childbirth, it would be good for a woman to do at least ten, and it is better not to do housework for all forty. Her job is to take care of the baby, feed him and recover. And cooking food for yourself and your family, cleaning the house is a job that will easily lead to exhaustion for a mother who has just given birth.

An invaluable help is to pick up older children in the first ten days, take them to the theater, cinema, and visit. Clean the apartment, wash the dishes, load the washing machine without talking to my mother, without changing her lifestyle in any way. When leaving, grab the trash.

During the day, when the baby sleeps, the mother should also be able to sleep, and not wash the floors. Her health, mood, even the amount of milk will depend on whether she got enough sleep.

During this period, mother and child are one creature, they are inseparable, and everything revolves around them, everyone becomes service bees. Any overload for the mother can subsequently turn into depression.

What to give mom

Money. And don't ask if you should. Necessary. For some reason, we give money for weddings and funerals, and for the birth of a child - only flowers and sliders. Believe me, few people in the first month after giving birth do not have a failure in the budget. After all, there is one worker in the family, and he falls off his feet, and there are more expenses. I'm not talking about the fact that there are single women, widows, wives of the sick and drinkers. Any donation of money will be gratefully received. And if mom has special wishes, she will tell about it.

Don't forget to ask the newborn's opinion

- You said that at first, mother and child are inseparable, they are as one. How should this be reflected in life, in the routine? Should, for example, a child sleep next to his mother?

“It depends on the woman and the child. There are children who categorically do not sleep in their mother's bed. They need to be put in a cradle. Most often, children feel calm when they sleep next to their mother. In this case, it is easier for mom to feed the baby, you can not get up ten times. There are even books on co-sleeping. Another question is that you don’t need to set conditions for yourself: I will give birth in such a way, then I will sleep with the child, breastfeed until three years old, teach me to swim from birth, and so on. Life can turn out differently. And the child can let you know: "I don't want to."

A child is a small person, it's good to listen to what he wants. Inseparable - does not mean that the child must be constantly carried in a sling and sleep with him in an embrace. Mom just lives in close connection with the baby, and how it will be arranged - life will tell.

- And when can a woman begin to return to a more autonomous mode of her life? And the usual relationship with her husband?

- The right question. At the latest after these forty days, it would be good for a woman to remember that she has a husband, to return proper attention to him, to return the husband-wife-child hierarchy. Dad naturally "fades into the background" with the birth of a baby. Hormones and sleepless nights lead to a temporary decrease in the wife's desire - this will pass. However, if a man is deprived of attention and care for a long time, then this will inevitably lead to problems. And even Orthodox families are not immune from this. So it’s not worth “going into children” and ignoring your husband.

There are few such joyful events in life as the birth of a child. A tiny and beautiful baby awakens a storm of emotions in each of us. Not surprisingly, there has been a significant increase in the number of photographers offering images of pregnancy and young children. But there is another significant point that is often overlooked, perhaps due to the fact that such shooting has a number of difficulties. This is the moment when a child is born.

Such a photo session, coupled with photographs of the expectant mother and subsequent photographs of the growing baby, will create the most complete story of the child's life. Below are a few tips on how to prepare and hold a photo session in the hospital.

Call work

If you are interested in filming during childbirth, make sure you have the time to do so. Childbirth can be fast or very long.

There is no set time for them (even in the case of a caesarean section, because the doctor's work schedule may change in an emergency). Be prepared to cancel other photo shoots if the need arises. You should be able to “break loose” and go to the hospital at the moment when the need arises.

This is not a staged photo.

Nurses, doctors, orderlies and interns will go in and out of the room all the time. You will not be able to stop them to take a good picture. You just have to come to terms with it and work among people in the space that you have.

no flash

The expectant mother is very tense at this moment. And the flash will only distract. That says it all.

Don't interfere with others' work

Questions about procedures, medicines, your opinion about childbirth or the actions of doctors are completely unnecessary. You are here to document an event, not to give a quiz to medical professionals.

In addition, your task is to convey the atmosphere, emotions, and not a photographic statement of the medical details of the process.

Organize everything in advance

One of the most important points. Talk to your doctor and medical staff. Talking to your doctor will help you find out if there are any special rules for filming or recording a birth.

It also gives you the opportunity to talk about what would happen if your client had a C-section. Some doctors decide the issue of finding a photographer in the ward with an anesthesiologist. In the event of an emergency, you will not be allowed into the ward. In most cases, the final decision rests with the anesthetist. If you are denied filming, do not take it personally, because at this moment the doctors act in favor of the patient.

You must obtain permission and consent to be filmed in a medical facility. Preferably documented. So that at the moment when it's time to shoot, you are not asked to leave by the staff of the house or security. You will not have time to solve problems on the day of delivery.

Prepare a backup plan

You must make sure that you know where the client will be taken after the birth. The doctor will tell you about this during the meeting, but be sure that you know exactly where the right room is located.

Find out all the details in advance, think about possible angles and composition. Warn the client that there may be situations where you will not be allowed into the birth process itself for reasons beyond your or him's control. Therefore, you will have to remove only immediately before and immediately after childbirth.

Prepare for the unexpected

Babies don't care about your time, the time of doctors and everyone else. They are born when they want. Be prepared for fast or long work. Make sure you have a spare battery for your camera or phone and extra memory cards with you. Don't forget to take money for lunch if you have to stay late.

It is better to prepare everything in advance than not to take anything and end up in the hospital for a long time without food and with 10% of the remaining charge.

Film history

This is the second most important tip, after getting consent in principle to a photo session of the birth process from a medical institution.

Flowers, balloons, visitors… It all helps to tell a story. Capture moments that your customers would like to remember. Even take off the sign on which the name of the nurse and the number of the ward are written. Your clients will probably want to remember the nurse's name. If there are shift changes, take a picture of this moment too.

If you see a clock somewhere, let it be in the frame. Not everyone remembers exactly the time of birth years later.

Film everything until the baby is born. Perhaps the expectant mother will have a favorite nurse, and you will help her remember her name. Often parents want to express their gratitude to the staff, and your photos will remind them of the names of the people who took care of them.

Creating a similar story, insurance in case you are not allowed into the ward immediately at the time of delivery. The client will still have a memory of this event.

Moreover, it is this story that is the main subject of shooting. Photographing the process of childbirth itself is unlikely to cause touching emotions in anyone.

Remember this is not your day

Do not try to communicate with everyone and be the center of attention. You can easily draw attention to yourself, without even realizing that you have overshadowed the real heroine of this day - the expectant mother. Let her know that you are here to photograph whatever she wants. This will make the birth easier and allow her to concentrate.

Take black and white pictures

Prepare both color and black-and-white versions of your photos. The reason is very simple. Some people don't like the medical staff very much. Others can't stand the sight of blood or even a hint of it, or primordial lubrication (the cheesy stuff that covers newborns). Some other medical or physiological details may also look quite good in black and white, but unattractive in color.

When customers put together a baby album, they may want black and white photos. Don't let them do it on their own. Take control of photo editing and give them ready-made options. Clients can use full color images, but you can give them a choice. Don't forget to take pictures of your baby's legs, arms and ears. Such photos most of all cause tenderness of parents and relatives. Especially when something gets into the frame that allows you to understand the diminutiveness of the body of a newborn.

Taking pictures during childbirth is very different from taking portraits. You don't always get perfect shots. Outsiders may enter the frame. Someone can turn the light on or off. Anything can happen. Scenes can change all the time. Such a photo shoot is more like a reportage shoot, where there is no time and place for staging, choosing the best moment or angle, or glamorous creativity.

Keep your camera ready and be prepared for changing events. Seize the moments and learn from your experience. The next birth will be easier, and you will gradually learn to adapt and navigate during the birth, and each time your stories will get better and better. Your clients will love you for it and you will grow as a photographer, artist and person with every moment you bring to life.

Childbirth is a responsible and exciting process for every woman. The most important thing is not to panic at the right time. Armed with complete information, watching a video or photo of women giving birth, reading relevant literature, attending special courses where they will help mentally, psychologically, physically prepare for childbirth, as well as the right attitude and support from loved ones, will play an important role in the birth process.

A woman can expect harbingers of childbirth at home or be under the supervision of a doctor on such days. But in any case, you should constantly monitor your condition. Childbirth itself goes through three stages.

In period I, the cervix dilates. In terms of duration, it can be completely different. First of all, it depends on the characteristics of the woman's body. The duration of the initial period can take from 1 hour to 12 hours. It is generally accepted that multiparous women go through the stage a little faster than primiparas. But this is not an axiom. During this period, the cervix opens from 2 cm to 10 cm, i.e. The opening should start at 2 fingers and eventually end at 10 fingers. This whole process is accompanied by attempts and contractions, the outpouring of amniotic fluid. A woman can feel pain as during the menstrual cycle: pulling pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, in the chest. Contractions should have a constant interval between each other, which is gradually reduced.

When contacting a doctor with these symptoms, he will definitely conduct an examination, do an ultrasound to make sure that the result is positive. If the disclosure is normal, then the woman will be sent for tests and treatment, which includes the removal of hair from the pubis and perineum, an enema. Next, the woman in labor is placed in the prenatal ward, where she will wait for full disclosure and the start of the second stage of labor.

II period - the expulsion of the fetus. By this time, contractions already have the shortest interval. In the second period, the fetus moves along the birth canal, making involuntary, rotational, translational movements of the head, passing through two obstacles. The first is found at the entrance to the pelvis in the form of a transverse ovoid, the second is already at the exit - a longitudinal ovoid. The entire process of fetal movement is called the biomechanism of childbirth. Differences occur in the case of the type of presentation of the fetus. It can be head, pelvic or gluteal, foot, mixed. Also take into account the ratio of the back of the fetus to the abdominal cavity of the uterus, namely the anterior and posterior.

When the biomechanism of childbirth begins, the woman is transferred to the delivery chair. This process includes: insertion, then gradual advancement and flexion of the head, then there is an internal rotation of the head and its extension, and only after that follows the external rotation of the head, all this ends with the expulsion of the fetus. For better passage through the birth canal, the fetus is covered with a cheese-like lubricant.
After "expelling" the lubricant is thoroughly washed with warm water 37-38°C or sterile vegetable / paraffin oil, or 30% aqueous solution of soapy alcohol, using sterile cotton swabs.

III period - consecutive. After the child is born, the birth of the placenta occurs, i.e. placenta and fetal membranes. In time, it takes from 10 to 30 minutes and is also characterized by contractions, but less painful. This process has two main stages - detachment of the placenta and the birth of the placenta. Childbirth completed! Now the young mother is waiting for the postpartum period.

All this information can be viewed as childbirth in pictures, so you know roughly what to expect. In general, childbirth is a natural process that should not be feared. The body and the movement of the fetus are "programmed" for a successful resolution. Most importantly, listen and follow all the instructions of the doctors to avoid injuries, ruptures.

Good luck and health to you and your future baby.

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The process of childbirth in women at certain moments begins to excite every person, because we all want to become parents in the future. Especially many questions regarding the upcoming birth arise in girls who are pregnant with their first child. They really want to meet the baby, but they are scared, so pregnant women are advised to attend special courses and find out what childbirth is and how it proceeds. This will help prepare you both mentally and physically.

Harbingers of childbirth

The last month for the expectant mother is the most exciting. His companions are fears of sudden childbirth, severe pain, loneliness, etc. It is important to calm down and listen to your body, which will tell you when labor begins.

Often, before childbirth, their precursors appear - manifestations in the form of:

  • increased back pain;
  • difficulty walking;
  • liquid stool;
  • loss of appetite;
  • insomnia;
  • false contractions;
  • discharge of the mucous plug (mucus with blood streaks).

Childbirth procedure

It is rather difficult to show the whole process of childbirth in a woman in a photo, because this is not only excessive physical labor, but also psycho-emotional stress for a woman and a baby. Videos of the process of childbirth in a woman are also difficult to perceive.

In fact, childbirth is the process of the child leaving the womb into the outside world. The process itself is divided into several periods:

  • dilatation of the cervix (the period of contractions);
  • expulsion of the fetus (the appearance of attempts and the birth of a baby);
  • the birth of the placenta (placenta or baby place).

The duration of labor is influenced by many factors: the repetition of childbirth, the weight of the child, the presentation of the fetus, the nature of the contractions, the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman, the state of health, etc. An important role is played by the mood of the pregnant woman and the desire to have this child.

The first birth, as a rule, lasts from 8 to 18 hours, the second - about 6 hours (since the reproductive system is already prepared in advance for a complex process).

This is the longest stage of labor and often the most painful. It consists in the gradual opening of the cervix (CMM) due to uterine contractions (contractions), as a result of which the diameter of the CMM should stretch to 10-12 cm. This process is also divided into different periods that characterize the time of CMM opening:

  • latent phase (balloon opens at a speed of 35 mm per hour up to 3-4 cm);
  • active phase (balloon opens up to 8 cm by 1.5-2 cm per hour);
  • deceleration phase (balloon opening reaches 10-12 cm at a speed of approximately 1-1.5 cm per hour).

In order to correctly show how women give birth, it is necessary to understand the meaning of this stage. Contractions help not only prepare the birth canal for the baby's exit, but also push him to the speedy birth. Contractions can also cause the bladder to rupture and release amniotic fluid, but sometimes the placenta has to be torn apart by the doctor with instruments.

It is important to understand that a woman in labor cannot affect contractions, their intensity, frequency and other characteristics, so you need to accept them and try to behave correctly.

  • You need to breathe properly. If you feel a contraction approaching, then breathe evenly and deeply. During the fight itself, you need to breathe often and rhythmically, and after it is over, gradually calm down. These actions will not only help reduce the pain reaction, but also ensure the flow of oxygen;
  • It's important to relax. Tense muscles cause increased pain and spend a large amount of oxygen;
  • You should take a comfortable posture. You can lie down, walk, lean on the back of the bed, sit on a fitball, etc.;
  • You need to tune in positively and understand that this period will end and you will soon see your baby.

Many people know how a woman gives birth in a video, but most often it is in the 2nd and 3rd stages of childbirth. The expulsion of the child from the birth canal occurs quite quickly even at the first birth (in about 30 minutes), but this phase may increase due to various circumstances, for example, due to weak labor, fetal and pelvic parameters, presentation of the child, etc. .

This period begins with the full disclosure of the CMM, increasing the intensity of contractions, increasing their duration and reducing the interval between contractions. Women in labor have a desire to push, as the child presses on the pelvic organs. The muscles of the chest and abs also contract.

It is important to remember that a woman in labor has an impact on attempts, so you need to listen to the advice of a doctor and midwife. Attempts gradually move the child to the exit: first the head appears, then the shoulders and the rest of the body.

Not only the woman in labor, but also the baby makes every effort for her birth. He overcomes many obstacles and experiences real torment, which is why babies scream a lot when they are born.

After the appearance of the baby, they put it on you, bandage the umbilical cord, which no longer has important functions, thoroughly wash and inspect, setting points according to the Apgar system, which characterizes the health of the baby.

The period of birth of the placenta

If you look at how women give birth in new videos, you will understand that the birth of a child is not the end of childbirth, at the end of which it is necessary to give birth to the afterbirth.

After a short break, the woman again experiences small contractions, after which a child's place is born, which doctors carefully study. If you have previously had a caesarean section, then an additional manual examination is performed to prevent possible complications.

Then a cold heating pad is placed on the mother's stomach and observed for 1.5 hours, after which the baby and mother are transferred to the department.

childbirth one of the most important moments in a woman's life. But most often, apart from elusive memories of this period, nothing remains in memory. Photographer Monet Nicole considers this unfair and tries to remedy the situation by taking amazing photos before childbirth, after childbirth and.

"I have witnessed and captured moments of incredible power, incredible doubt, and incredible joy. It's simple: nothing evokes so much emotion as the memory of childbirth," Monet told POPSUGAR.

We offer you 24 pictures from a series of works by Monet Nicole, which will show you, (photo) and (photo).

“It always amazes me when first time parents choose for their baby. It can be so hard to relax and trust your body when you haven't gone through labor before, and yet many of my clients do. "

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"Words cannot express the strength of this woman who gave birth to her perfect baby girl naturally just minutes before she was due to go into emergency."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"This mom was transferred from our local maternity hospital to the hospital when her blood pressure got too high. It must be so difficult when your birth plan changes dramatically. But when I walked in, this amazing woman was laughing and smiling."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"They called me and said that. I found them in the bathroom. Mom was sitting in the tub with the clear intention of giving birth. I asked dad, 'You don't want to catch your baby?' The midwife ran in the door a few minutes before the baby was born."

Photos of newborns, photos before childbirth

"This mom is currently in the process of preparing for a home birth with a midwife. Seeing her push and pull her own baby was one of the most touching moments I've been entrusted with filming."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"This family gave birth to their sixth child at home - in the presence of older girls who watched and offered support to the mother. The sun was shining, the children were excited to meet their little brother, and there simply could not be a more beautiful birth."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"Her birth was beautiful from start to finish. After Maeve was born, Erin lay back in the bath and I captured this moment, which has definitely become one of my favorite moments in history. Umbilical cord on her stomach, baby on her chest, and the relief on her face still excites me."

Photos before childbirth

"I love seeing siblings during labor. They often hold up surprisingly well! Much better than some adults. This older sibling donned his Batman cape as soon as his mom went into labor. He stayed with her throughout the whole period, offering your support and love."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"Even though I shoot a lot of home births, I love working with families who want to have their babies in the hospital. They are just as beautiful and just as powerful. One of my favorite moments I love to capture during a birth (regardless of from where it happens) is the moment when the child falls into the arms of the mother".

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

“Logan gave birth to Jack knowing that she would not be able to spend much time with him. She wanted to document his birth and his life, because she knew that these moments, despite the darkness, can be filled with light. Logan’s face shows longing and love "It is the longing and love that every parent feels for their child. A longing and a love that grows stronger when we realize that despite our great love, we cannot protect them from evil."

Photos before childbirth

“She remained so peaceful and calm during her labor. She swam in the bathtub, sometimes completely submerged during or after the contraction. So often people think that without medicine, labor means screaming or great pain, but it most often looks like this way."

Photos before childbirth

"Giving birth can be one of the most loving experiences of your life. Many of my clients say they cherish the photos taken during this period even more than wedding photos because I was able to capture natural, unstaged moments like this ".

"Birth by c-section is incredible, a wonderful experience to see and film. As more providers work to make this birth more family friendly, I was allowed to come back and film these moments."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"Her baby was born in a nightgown. They carefully removed it after it was born, and then her mother held the baby to her chest. So much love, so much relief."

Photos before childbirth

"The love between Jennifer and Josh was so strong. In a few months, Jennifer will be filming my own story about the birth of a child. I am lucky that I work with her and we raise our children together!"

Photos before childbirth

"This moment: such strength and beauty! Do you see a man in the corner? This is her father, he is an obstetrician-gynecologist. He watched these births with the midwife so calmly, and even prompted her a couple of times."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"I have no words for this photo! This is the birth of a child for me - there are just so many emotions."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth, photos after caesarean

“So often women say that there is no opportunity for in the operating room. I have seen it as many times as I have heard that it is impossible. Women deserve this chance. A caesarean section is also a birth, and it remains one of the most profound and important days in a woman's life. If a woman wants her baby to be placed on her breast immediately after birth, then let's do everything we can to make it happen."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth, photos after caesarean

“A home birth after a caesarean section is often an incredibly powerful experience. Dr. Mike is actually a chiropractor and he guided his wife through the birth. They worked great together - he held her while she pushed and when they got their daughter out and hugged her felt such joy and love."

“Surprisingly, women don’t cry as much after childbirth as I thought when I started my career. I think many of us are in shock, so these tearful emotions come a little later. So whenever a mother cries, it’s something special to me. I love the way tears roll down this mom's face."

Photos after childbirth, photos of newborns

"I love capturing shots. Some birth photographers don't show them to anyone, but I think they're so powerful and really show how incredible a woman's body is."

Photos after childbirth, photos of newborns

"I've been fortunate enough to film several babies born with a chemise on. You can see the bag of water left intact around this baby's head. The midwife calmly removes the membranes just a few seconds after this incredible moment."

Photos after childbirth, photos of newborns

“This labor went so fast that I barely had time to catch it somewhere in the middle! As soon as the client called me, I immediately ran and, of course, my mother was already in pain. I had just enough time to take the camera and capture this moment."

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