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What can girls buy on March 8

In this article we will tell you what to give girls on March 8 (8th, 9th grade). It is desirable that the presentations be the same for everyone or very similar. After all, if things differ in cost, beauty or other parameters, conflicts cannot be avoided. We also advise you not to buy banal and boring presents, such as pencil cases, mugs and cosmetic sets. In our article you will find original gift options for girls at school.

TOP 10 gifts for girls on March 8, grades 8-9

To get started, we suggest that you carefully study the best gift ideas for classmates on March 8. These are universal things that will appeal to girls in 8th or 9th grade.

  1. Painting by numbers or other set for creativity.
  2. Bouquet of soft toys.
  3. Flash drive with rhinestones.
  4. Antistress coloring book.
  5. Original cosmetics.
  6. Cinema ticket.
  7. Name t-shirt.
  8. A set of kinders or other sweet present.
  9. Flower in a pot.
  10. Night light projector of the starry sky.

It is best that the choice of gifts for March 8 is made by boys, and not by parents from the parent committee, because peers know modern trends and better understand the interests of their classmates.

What to give girls on March 8 in 8th grade?

From this section you will learn what to give girls on March 8 in grade 8. It contains original gifts for girls that can be presented to classmates in honor of Women's Day.

  • Mittens with muzzles of animals- the latest hit of youth fashion. With them, your girls will be in trend and will not freeze in winter. In addition, with such funny mittens, you can organize a puppet theater for your younger brother or sister.
  • Original passport cover- a practical present, because this year the girls receive their main document. There are many options for such covers: with a geometric pattern, embossing, reproductions of famous paintings, etc. Get together with the male part of the class and think: what is each girl interested in, what are her tastes? Based on this information, make a choice of covers - for each classmate according to her hobby
  • Laptop pocket mirror- funny and useful thing. Such gifts will definitely come in handy for classmates and, of course, will cheer them up with their original appearance.
  • "Emotional" bookmarks -fingers for books- another practical thing for good mood. In the set, girls will find as many as 200 sticker bookmarks with different emotions.
  • Set for weaving bracelets- this is an interesting present that you can always give to girls at school on March 8, because the fashion for weaving accessories from rubber bands has captured the whole world. The set contains everything you need to create original bracelets.

What to give girls on March 8 in grade 9?

After carefully studying the ideas in this section, you will find out what to give girls on March 8 in grade 9. Although you have final exams this year, please refrain from buying textbooks, stationery and other things for school. Let your present be beautiful and useful for your free time.

  • Watch-mirror- an original, practical and not very expensive present that you can give to classmates on March 8th. A bracelet with a rectangular mirror looks very interesting on the hand. It is worth pressing the button and the exact time appears on the surface of the mirror.
  • Selfie Remote- a useful gift in our time of social networks. This accessory is compatible with any smartphone and works at a distance of up to 10 meters. In the assortment of online stores you can find remote controls of various colors - each girl can make a gift of her favorite shade.
  • Stand for gadgets in the form of a cat- a cute and practical thing that will conveniently place your phone or tablet while charging, watching a movie, etc.
  • Owl lunch box- these cute gifts for girls will be appreciated even by their mothers. After all, with their help, classmates will eat homemade food. In such a cool box, it is not a shame to bring a sandwich and porridge from home at once: the lunch box has 2 separate compartments.
  • Chameleon Ring- a funny little thing that changes color depending on body temperature. Such a thing will captivate girls for a long time and will perfectly fit into their everyday wardrobe.

Instead of material gifts, you can arrange a tea party with a cake or order pizza (calculate the amount of food so that it is enough for the whole class).

Inexpensive gifts for classmates on March 8 in grades 8-9

In this part of the article you will find a great choice inexpensive gifts for girls. Despite their price, all these things are distinguished by originality and high quality.

  • Spinner- a fashionable anti-stress toy. Even if the girls already have one spinner, another toy with a beautiful design will never be superfluous.
  • growing pencils- inexpensive, but interesting gifts for girls at school. In appearance, an ordinary pencil contains a capsule with seeds. As soon as it becomes too short to draw with, you can stick it in a pot of earth and proper care mint, basil, sage or other plant will grow from the pencil.
  • Waterproof phone case- a useful present with which you can take cool underwater photos.
  • Name notebook with a photo of a girl and a congratulatory inscription - perhaps the best option for what girls can buy for 100-200 rubles. Such a touching notebook will be useful in studies and will remain for a long memory of school years.
  • Fortune cookies in a gift box- an original present that will cheer up classmates with positive predictions.
  • A set of chocolates "since March 8"- another delicious gift. Each chocolate bar is packed in a cute congratulatory wrapper.
  • Keychain "Lucky Clover"- a beautiful symbolic present that will bring good luck in studies and not only...

In addition to a material gift, you can arrange a small concert for girls, where each boy will show his talents: he will tell a verse, sing, show a trick, etc.

Original gifts for classmates on March 8, grade 8.9

Nowadays it is quite easy to buy an original and memorable thing. Therefore, from boys of grades 8-9, something interesting and unusual would be a good gift. In this part of the article you will find the best options for such presentations.

  • spy pen- a useful accessory for writing cheat sheets for an exam or a test. A normal-looking pen writes with invisible ink that only shows up under ultraviolet light. Such a flashlight is already built into the handle.
  • Runaway alarm clock- a cool accessory that will help you not oversleep school. Such an alarm clock cannot be turned off without getting out of bed: the watch on wheels continues to ring and starts to run away. The alarm clock will run until the owner gets up and catches it.
  • Glowing headphones- a stylish and original thing that will distinguish girls from the crowd and will perfectly cheer them up. In addition to the backlight, the accessory has a pulsation mode in the same way as the music. These headphones will also come in handy for safety at night, making classmates more visible to motorists in the dark.
  • Reusable electronic piggy bank-safe- an unusual surprise for girls. It is made in the form of a safe with a slot for crumples and protection in the form of an electronic code. With it, you can successfully save up for your dream and move on to the next goal.
  • shower radio- this unusual gadget will make the morning good. You can take it with you to the bathroom or to the sea. The hermetic case of the device is protected from moisture and steam.

Do-it-yourself gift for girls on March 8 in grades 8-9

A good option for a memorable gift for March 8 is a gift made by yourself. After all, there is not much time left and you, after graduating from school, will scatter in all directions. A touching present will always remind you of your favorite classmates and the best moments of school life.

  • Album with photos of the class and congratulatory inscriptions - A good gift for any occasion. Buy the same photo albums, print the best photos together and write warm congratulatory words for each girl.
  • Video about your class- Another interesting option for a memorable present. Make a slideshow of your photos and add fun music to it. An alternative could be an original video greeting, for example: in verse. Send your work to each girl on a page on the social network.
  • DIY postcard- such a thing will be a nice addition to the main gift.
  • Fruit or chocolate basket- a delicious surprise for classmates. Such an original present is much cheaper to assemble on your own than to buy. ready-made version in the shop.
  • Wall newspaper with photos of girls and kind words about them- a classic version of a do-it-yourself school gift. Successful examples of such wall newspapers are easy to find on the Internet.
  • Bouquet of sweets- A lovely holiday gift. To make it, you need colored corrugated and green crepe paper, scissors, canapé skewers, threads and, of course, sweets. Detailed master classes with photos of each stage of the craft, look at the hand-made forums.
  • Rainbow cup for pencils and pens- practical and very simple to make a present. You will need a simple glass, glue, colored thread, wire or buttons. How to fix decorations on a glass - you will find on the Internet.

We hope our article helped you decide what to give the girls in the classroom. A good addition to any present would be a card with warm words from the entire male part of the class or a small bouquet of flowers.

Choosing gifts for little ladies is always exciting, especially when it comes to a girl of 7-9 years old. What is interesting for young beauties at this age? Babadu knows how to surprise the girl and what to give her on March 8th.


  • Doll. At this age, children still play with dolls, but not baby dolls, as they used to be, but with toy models or dolls made based on popular cartoons about princesses.
  • A large mansion with furniture will become a cozy nest for your favorite dolls.
  • Thematic set. The birthday girl will certainly be delighted with a gift in the form of a set with small animals. At this age, toys from the Sylvanian Families series are popular, girls love and My Little pony sets.
  • 7-9 year old girls are little ladies. They love to dress up and do their hair. Buy a stylist kit for your child: with such a toy, the baby will be able to experiment with hairstyles and learn how to take care of herself.
  • Soft toy. A teddy bear or a bunny - such gifts always delight a girl. Feel free to choose a large soft toy. An interesting present is an interactive plush animal.
  • Children love moving board games for a fun company. If your daughter is fond of puzzles, present the Perplexus ball. Interesting gift – .
  • Constructor from the Lego Princesses series. Kids love the Bunchens velcro sets. An unusual gift is a cardboard constructor from which you can assemble a house or some kind of animal.

For the soul

  • . One of best gifts for children of all ages. For this age, a collection of fairy tales or a book in the adventure genre is suitable. Children like to read detective stories and fantasy.
  • Encyclopedia. Of all the books of an educational nature, the girl will like the book the most. You can buy an encyclopedia dedicated to art.
  • At the age of 8-9 years, girls willingly keep personal diaries, so you can present a regular diary or buy a girl an original personal diary in combination with an anti-stress coloring book.
  • Coloring by numbers. If your daughter loves to draw, buy her a coloring book. You don't have to be a professional artist to paint a real masterpiece on canvas. Coloring by numbers is a great pastime.
  • At this age, the child masters the basic types of needlework: knitting, sewing, embroidery. You can buy a toy sewing machine and sew an outfit for the doll together with your daughter. Introduce your child to the technique of creating toys and jewelry from. Fun activity -. Girls also like sets for, but a gift in the form of a set for is of particular delight.
  • 3D pen. This is a gift for those who love to draw and create. With a 3D pen, drawings literally come to life in the air. The girl will be able to draw a fairy-tale castle, a princess, heroes of her favorite fairy tales and cartoons, and then play with the figures that are the result of creativity.

For a little schoolgirl

  • A beautiful pencil case with filling is one of the options for an inexpensive gift.
  • Not school, but one with which it is convenient to go to training or go on a trip.
  • Experiment set. Theory is boring, and if you comprehend the basics of science empirically, then study becomes much more interesting. With a set for experiments, your little researcher will create an original fragrance herself, will be able to experiment with growing plants, and will grow an unusual crystal.

For a young fashionista

  • Lipstick, shadows, nail polish - the minimum that must be in a little lady's cosmetic bag.
  • Dress. Buy a daughter Nice dress and arrange a real ball in the evening.
  • . With a backpack, a little student goes to school. With what to go to visit a friend? Of course, with a fashionable bag that will fit all the little things a princess needs.
  • This cute accessory will complete the look of a little lady.
  • Hair ornaments. Pretty haircut, decorated with a bow or rim, is what emphasizes the feminine in a girl.

The beginning of spring is a pleasant and exciting period for all men, because it is necessary to organize congratulations for all the women you know, as well as pick up gifts for them. Traditionally, they congratulate both adult ladies, and very little ones, relatives, girlfriends of colleagues and classmates. It is very difficult for boys to decide what to give girls on March 8, grade 5, 6, 7 - this is not quite childhood, but adult gifts will be inappropriate. Usually, the parent committee decides on the presentations, but the boys should also take part in the discussion in order to please their classmates with the best gifts.

The best traditional gifts for girls classmates on March 8

All the girls in the class have different tastes and preferences. If you try to choose for everyone what only she likes, you will have to spend a lot of time and, quite possibly, a significant amount of money. In addition, in such a situation, there is a high probability of making a mistake and not pleasing. Therefore, it will be much easier and safer to pick up the same gifts for all girls. It should be something useful and as versatile as possible, for example:

  • Little figurines. Choose ceramic animals or cute fairies. Girls love such cute little things and will surely keep them on the shelves in the room for many years.
  • Interesting pens. You have to look in stores ballpoint pens with an unusual design, for example, decorated with plastic flowers, fruits or animals.
  • Notepads. Choose cute notepads with flowers, birds or animals. It is better not to buy notebooks with movie or cartoon characters, because there is a high risk of not guessing and not pleasing the girl.
  • Beautiful scented candles. Such cute little things adore girls and girls of all ages. Aromas are better to choose light and unobtrusive - floral, berry or fruit.
  • Photo frames. Such a gift will surely come in handy for every girl. You can insert a photo of your class into the frame.
  • Beautiful mugs or coasters for them. It is possible to order printing on mugs of commemorative inscriptions with a mention of the year when the present was given. Such a mug will remind you of your school years and friendship in the classroom for many years.

It is advisable for each girl to give at least one flower along with a present. You can also buy chocolate for everyone. By the way, sweets and flowers are a good gift in itself.

TOP 10 gifts for girls on March 8, grade 5,6,7

  1. Flowers
  2. Beautifully decorated candies
  3. Cakes in individual packages
  4. Beautiful photo frames or figurines
  5. Fancy mugs
  6. Pens and notepads
  7. Invisibles or rubber bands
  8. Handmade soap or scented candles
  9. Key chains or small soft toys
  10. Postcards and calendars

Interesting and unusual gifts for girls on March 8

If you want to not just congratulate the girls, but really please them, you need to choose something original and try to make your gift as interesting as possible. The easiest way is beautiful packaging and design. You can choose chocolates for all the girls and attach a postcard with a funny congratulation to each. Or make wrappers for chocolates with photos of girls using any graphic editor and print them on a color printer. On top of the usual wrappers, you need to “put on” your original products.

Candy bouquets are very popular today. This is a great way to stylishly and beautifully present the most ordinary sweets. Of course, boys are unlikely to be able to do such a miracle on their own, so you will have to ask for help from mother needlewomen or order from a professional designer. Attach a cute postcard to each bouquet. A small symbolic present, for example, a notepad for notes, will also be a good addition.

To make gifts even more unusual and hesitant, it is worth organizing a small theatrical performance for their presentation. Boys may need the help of a parent or teacher to come up with a script and rehearse the performance discreetly. But the joy and surprise of the girls will fully pay off all the efforts.

Confectionery can be an excellent and very original addition to any gift. You can give each girl a unique painted gingerbread or order cupcakes for them with bright mastic decorations. Cakes with photographs printed on edible rice paper are also very popular today. Girls will be delighted if they receive sweets with their photos.

Useful and inexpensive gifts for classmates on March 8

Not everyone has the opportunity to spend money on gifts for classmates. In addition, valuable presents in such a situation are not very appropriate. The best solution would be inexpensive and useful little things, for example:

  • Hair invisible. It is best to choose multi-colored invisibility with flowers or butterflies. They are usually sold in pairs or in sets of several. To make the gift look more “solid”, a bag of invisibles can be attached to a bright postcard.
  • Sets of elastic bands for hair. A small set, which includes several elastic bands of different colors - a great present. But if you have girls in your class with radical short haircut it is better to choose something else.
  • Key rings. Simple and cute little things will please the girls and will not become a big burden for the boys.
  • Nail polish sets. It is better to choose sets of several water-based pastel shades. It is absolutely harmless and approved for use by children.
  • Handmade soap. Small pieces of fragrant soap in the form of flowers in a beautiful package are a pleasant and useful present.

To make your gifts more interesting, you can attach to each balloon filled with helium and leave them on the desks until the girls arrive. The class will look very elegant and festive.

If the class is friendly, boys can organize a "sweet table" for girls at school or invite classmates to a cafe. But then you will have to involve parents who will control that the slinger passes culturally and calmly.

What can you do with your own hands on March 8 for girls

Good gifts for girls can be made with your own hands. Of course, real masterpieces and boys in the 5th, 6th, or 7th grade will not work, but this is not the main thing. Much more important is to do something unique and unusual for dear classmates. The best options for such presentations:

  • Postcards. This is the simplest thing you can think of. The boys will be able to use simple applications or decorations using the quilling technique. You can also decorate your postcards natural materials or different ribbons and beads.
  • Small toys. There are a huge number of tutorials on the Internet on how to create simple soft toys, for example, from socks or pieces of fabric. You can also make cardboard figures using the origami technique and unusual crafts from plastic bottles, thread and other simple materials.
  • Calendars with photos of recipients. Almost all modern children have smartphones with cameras, so getting a photo will not be difficult. You can make calendars using any graphics editor. You will only have to spend money on printing finished creations on thick cardboard.

With a little effort and a lot of imagination, you can come up with gifts that girls will remember for many years after school. For example, boys can organize a whole quest for their classmates with the search for gifts. To do this, it will be necessary to lay out the notes in advance in the agreed places and protect them or create a map to search for treasures. At the end of the adventure, the girls will receive small symbolic gifts, such as chocolates or Kinder surprises. The main thing in such a gift is not its price, but the search process itself.

Individual gifts for classmates

In the 5th, 6th or 7th grade, many boys already have objects of sympathy, when one girl likes the most and wants to do something nice for her. March 8 is a great occasion to please her. Many boys are embarrassed to show their sympathy in front of the whole class. In this case, a gift can be given before lessons or after school on the street.

It is very important to choose the right present. It should not be too expensive or "adult". Therefore, it is best to give:

  • Flower. Large voluminous bouquets are not given to young girls, it is better to choose one beautiful flower. Please note that if you give a live plant before lessons, it will wither before lunch and the girl will bring home the remains of the plant. Therefore, in this case, give preference to a flower made of balls, beads or in a vacuum.
  • Sweets. A stylish cake in an individual package, a box of chocolates or candied fruits will definitely please the girl. You can combine two gifts into one and give a flower made of marzipan, marshmallow or marmalade.

Try to take the holiday seriously and give something from the heart, and not because "it's necessary." Girls will definitely appreciate it and your school year will be easy and enjoyable.

World Women's Day, which is celebrated on March 8, for every woman, including a very young girl, is one of the most beloved holidays that are expected with special trepidation and a premonition of something incredible. On this day, it is customary to present gifts to the beautiful half of humanity, and this tradition is common not only among adults, but also among schoolchildren. So, in this article we will consider in detail the options for what to give girls on March 8th. The choice of a present in this case is due to many factors, among which the number of heroes of the occasion and the financial capabilities of the donors play an important role.

Gifts for girls on March 8

In order for your present to be really pleasant and not put anyone in an awkward position, you should think carefully about its choice.

Going shopping, consider the age of the heroes of the occasion, their hobbies and hobbies, as well as, of course, the amount that you have. As a rule, it is customary to give classmates something purely symbolic or useful directly in the educational process. Next, we will consider in more detail all the possible gift ideas for girls. However, keep in mind, in order to avoid awkward situations in the team, girls should give the same or very similar gifts so that no one is offended.

Purchased gifts should not be expensive, so as not to put parents in a difficult financial situation. In addition, such a decision is dictated by the very rules of etiquette, so it is highly not recommended to violate it. After all, the girls next year will have to answer your courtesy, why frighten them in advance.

Inexpensive gifts for girls on March 8

As mentioned above, in most modern schools it is customary to celebrate March 8 with inexpensive symbolic gifts for girls. This allows you to show respect and attention to each classmate, while not doing much harm to the family budget.

  • Unusual notebooks in various design interpretations. You can choose both the same options, and unique ones for each of the heroes of the occasion. Fortunately, the modern assortment allows you to do this with ease. The main thing is to know what exactly this or that girl will like the most. Some models are not just a beautiful cover and high-quality sheets, but also funny tasks on each of the pages. For example, list your dreams, draw a picture or caricature, list your favorite school subjects, etc.
  • Soft toy. Whatever class you are in, your classmate will most likely be a fan of various cute soft toys. Why not add another present to her collection? The main thing is to pick up funny little animals that would be remembered and always make you smile.
  • Flower- a gift that will be nice to receive a girl at any age. Thus, you say that you think your classmate is as cute and charming as the flower you have chosen. Well, the truth that women and flowers are inseparable always works!
  • Original postcards. Perhaps the most correct option would be if the boys make these postcards with their own hands at one of the labor lessons, but you can always buy very interesting options. The main thing is to personally sign them for each of the girls, wishing her all the best and admiring her beauty.

Girls at school on March 8 can be given many more inexpensive gifts. We have listed only the most common options, and you, starting from them, can dream up plenty. For 100-200 rubles on March 8, you can buy a lot of original pens or rulers, cool sticker sets, funny hair clips, etc.

Gifts for classmates in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade

At this age, of course, parents will most likely choose gifts, because boys still do not understand anything at all in the subtle female nature. Therefore, it is best to entrust the purchase of presents to the parent committee or the class teacher directly. First of all, these same people should generate ideas.

Girls in grades 1, 2, 3, 4 can be presented with:

  • A set of original notebooks for school subjects. You probably remember that the more interesting the notebook, the more interesting it is to do homework in it.
  • An unusual pen who will be so interested in doing various school assignments and writing notes to her best friends.
  • Various creative kits, for example, for beading or painting.
  • Drawings on various topics. Most likely, these will be princesses or favorite cartoon characters.
  • Set of stickers for notebooks and diaries, as well as various girlish profiles.
  • Chocolate sets or sweets in an interesting package. All children have a sweet tooth, and on a holiday they can be pampered!

You can also give the girls in the class small mirrors so that they can admire themselves, beautiful bracelets on their hands or unusual coasters for office supplies. These are useful and pleasant gifts that will not cost parents very much.

Presents for classmates in grades 5,6,7

At this age, girls have their first loves, which they habitually share with girlfriends and diaries. Therefore, in grades 5, 6, 7 on March 8, you can present:

  • Original diaries for daily entries and the most mysterious secrets.
  • Small bouquets, as beautiful as the girls themselves.
  • Delicious gifts, consisting of a set of favorite sweets of classmates.
  • Small, cute cosmetic bags for the first treasures.
  • Unusual piggy banks.

What to give girls in grades 8-9 at school

In grades 8-9, almost adult girls are already studying, who, of course, devote considerable time to their appearance and fans. You can present many different gifts to such classmates: from very useful to original and purely thematic:

  • Bouquet of tulips- the most beloved spring flowers by girls. Any girl will certainly like such a gift, because flowers are exactly what every woman dreams of receiving on a holiday, including your classmate.
  • Box for girls' secrets. A very stylish present that can be made in any design variation, so you can easily pick up something to your classmate's taste. Be sure that your classmate will appreciate your gift and find something worthy for them instead of in their own room.
  • Teen care kits. It can be pocket hand creams, lip balm in an interesting package, etc. Girls love this kind of stuff.

Presents for classmates studying in grades 10-11

Gifts in graduation classes should be special, because you will graduate very soon, so these presents will remain the last impression of you. So, how to choose good gifts for girls in grades 10-11? Surely, you already know a lot about the hobbies of your classmates, about their dreams and plans for the future - this can be a great help in choosing a really worthy present.

  • Frame, in which the hero of the occasion can place a picture with the whole class, reminding you of how friendly you are. It will be a memory for years to come.
  • Cute and funny cartoons for classmates. They will become a memento that will always cheer you up.
  • Personalized mugs with wishes, which will become not only excellent and useful gift but also a wonderful reminder of a close-knit class over the years.

Options for original gifts for classmates

Perhaps the most pleasant thing for your classmates on the holiday will be to get something unusual and completely unexpected. Gifts from boys, as a rule, are banal, but we suggest you move away from this tradition and stand out with your non-standard present.

  • Unusual photo collage made from many joint pictures that will tell about the most unforgettable adventures of your friendly cashier.
  • Going to the cinema together, favorite cafe, bowling or disco. This wonderful evening filled with fun will be remembered by both the girls and you for many years to come.
  • Holiday dinner homemade with themed decorations and favorite treats.
  • Original candy bouquets. Both beautiful and delicious.

TOP 10 best gifts for girls on March 8:

  1. Bouquet of flowers.
  2. Original notepad.
  3. Stationery.
  4. Convenient cosmetic bag.
  5. Stylish jewelry or hair ornaments.
  6. Unusual photo frame.
  7. A set of any sweets and other treats.
  8. A joint trip to the cinema, an invitation to a cafe or a disco.
  9. Name circles.
  10. Boxes for storing jewelry and girly secrets.

As you can see, the question of what to give the girls in the class is not so difficult. After reviewing the presented options for presentations, you can easily choose a truly original and worthy gift for their classmates, while limiting themselves to small expenses!

March 8 is one of the most long-awaited holidays for women. Even very small representatives of the fair sex are waiting for him with impatience and pleasant surprises, we will not forget about them. If you have a younger sister, niece or granddaughter, then the question remains, what can you give a girl on March 8 of an original and inexpensive one temporarily to like it 100%. It is quite possible that you are going to visit friends, and they have a daughter of 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 years old, then my ideas will also be useful to you and the young charmer will have good memories from the women's holiday.

The best ideas for what to give a girl on March 8

  • If you walk through children's stores, then your eyes simply run up from abundance, which you will not find there. A soft toy is a good gift for a girl that will appeal to both a 5-6 year old and an older 10-12 year old. The choice is large, it can be dolls and teddy bears. Modern toys are now very interesting, they can talk, sing songs or purr like a real kitten.
  • The baby will be delighted with the new doll, which, for example, can eat, cry and talk. Fashionista doll with a set of clothes and other interesting accessories.
  • Various board games can also be a good present.
  • Many young fashionistas simply adore various costume jewelry, an inexpensive gift that is sure to please. Various hairpins, headbands, beautiful hair ties, don't forget about a bracelet, a ring or a necklace. Of course, you can also present it as a surprise, but there is another option. I offer a set for self-made jewelry. It has step by step instructions and everything. necessary materials. A little lady will appreciate such a present.
  • A set for sewing soft toys, interesting and exciting. A mini sewing machine for kids will help you take the first steps in mastering sewing.
  • Educational book on origami. Paper crafts are very easy to reproduce and the girl will be happy to engage in such a creative process.
  • Embroidery kits, making fridge magnets, paints, felt-tip pens, the choice is simply huge. Pay attention to the coloring pages, but our coloring pages will be unusual, for example, voluminous. It is much more interesting than a simple coloring book.
  • An elegant dress, shoes, a jacket or a hat, a handbag or a backpack, or maybe fashionable shoes. Little princesses are very fond of beautiful clothes.
  • Fragrant shower gels or hair shampoo can also be presented as a present. For older girls, nail polish, soft colors, lip gloss are suitable.
  • Fashionable wristwatches, there are models for the little ones or even older ones.
  • Souvenirs have already firmly entered our lives. For gifts for any holidays, we remember them. On March 8, you can also buy interesting souvenirs for a girl.
  • Notebook for girlish secrets with a lock so that not a single secret thought is revealed.
  • Many children are very fond of magic and fortune-telling, let's let them be sorceresses and present a magic ball or a whole magician's set.
  • A piggy bank for money, it is better to choose a soft one, then it will be more difficult to break it. Talking repeater toy that will be interesting for any age.
  • If the child sleeps alone in the room, then a night light will come in handy. There are very interesting projector nightlights, in the form of a starry sky or a nightlight made under funny cartoon characters.
  • Everyone loves to be photographed, so you can arrange a photo session, it will remain not only in memory, but on high-quality photos.

Do-it-yourself original gifts for a girl on March 8

To please young princesses, you can not only expensive gifts, but also a theme that you can do with your own hands. Now we will show several options. We hope we can help you decide.

Barbie doll in a glass bowl

Sweets in unusual packaging, simple and tasteful

Garden behind glass, master class on video

Beaded Miracle Butterfly

Here is such a headband for hair, it is quite simple to make it


Give joy to your little princesses on March 8th. Such wonderful gifts will appeal to every young charmer. Share your ideas and comments. Always happy to help you.

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