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1 5 years of marriage what a wedding. Chintz wedding (1 year). Desired gifts for a print anniversary

Family life consists not only of harsh everyday days, solving everyday issues and doing current affairs. It has a place for romance, joy, and holidays. One of the most important is the wedding anniversary celebration. It is important to know exactly what to give and how to congratulate. For example, 1 year wedding - what kind of wedding?

The traditional name of this holiday: chintz wedding. There are several explanations for this name.

  • The most common and, perhaps, conservative, associates the first wedding anniversary with a thin and rather fragile fabric - chintz. The relationship of the spouses has just acquired some formality, they have begun to undergo strength tests, but they still remain thin, like cotton threads of chintz fabric. According to popular rumor, it is still too early to consider marriage strong. Perhaps another name came from such an attitude - a gauze wedding.
  • Another interpretation is related to the color of the fabric. Chintz, as a rule, is distinguished by variegation and bright patterns. First year married life also rich in events, has a bright emotional coloring.
  • There is also a more mischievous interpretation. The first year of marriage is a time of passion and activity for the young. From frequent hugs, bed linen quickly wears out to the state of thin chintz or even gauze. This is the explanation preferred by most young spouses.
  • In some regions of our vast Motherland, this name is explained very pragmatically. Say, on the first anniversary, the newlyweds were given home textiles for arranging and arranging housing. Therefore, they called the first anniversary chintz, it was from the fabric that the gifts were sewn.
  • There is also a rather exotic decoding of the name of the first anniversary of married life. In Sanskrit there is a word "sitras" which means "variegated". Allegedly, this means a variety of new life experiences that young people have acquired as a result of the first year of living together. Many couples like to think that the holiday got its name precisely because of the linguistic delights of Sanskrit. Well, this version is no worse than the others.

According to traditions, the spouses themselves congratulate each other on a successful year, exchanging cotton handkerchiefs. Aesthetes can replace them with silk ones. For a husband - in the form of an original neckerchief, for a wife - a beautiful handmade scarf can become quite worthy alternatives to traditional gifts.

If you have to congratulate young spouses on their first anniversary, then you can choose from the following list of gifts.

  • A set of bed linen made of natural fabric, for example, from the same chintz. Coarse calico or satin is also suitable.
  • Beautiful things for spouses, for example, a shirt for a husband and a sundress for a wife. Items in the national style are especially welcome, they look very unbanal, and turn a simple purchase into an original and unusual gift.
  • Home textiles. Suitable tablecloths, sets of towels, curtains.
  • For young spouses with a demanding taste, you can choose home decors from colorful ornamental stone. For example, a couple of mandarin ducks or a tree of happiness, collected from various species.
  • The closest relatives - parents - have the right to an exclusive gift. They can give young people diapers or newborn kits if the couple wants a baby.
  • But Stuffed Toys newlyweds should not give, especially to those who plan to acquire offspring in the near future.

There are certain traditions of this holiday.

  • It is better to celebrate the first anniversary not at home, but on neutral territory. The script itself is built on the principle of the second day of the wedding: congratulations, a feast, contests and entertainment for guests.
  • Be sure to invite parents, witnesses, but friends - if desired.
  • On the first anniversary, a bottle of champagne is drunk, which is specially left for this purpose from the wedding.
  • There is a folk ritual that is performed at a chintz wedding. The heroes of the celebration tie knots at opposite ends of a chintz scarf. It is believed that by doing this they consolidate their feelings.
  • However, the church recommends putting candles in the nearest temple, and if the spouses did not go through the wedding ceremony, then the first anniversary, according to church ministers, is the time to do it.

Each family celebrates 1st wedding year in its own way. The main thing is not the blind execution of traditions, but a happy atmosphere, sincere feelings and the holiday feeling that you can create for your loved one.

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print wedding- 1 year

There are many wedding anniversaries. And one of them is a print wedding. A chintz wedding is considered a year of marriage. Such an anniversary is also called a cotton or gauze wedding. This anniversary was given such a name as a sign that in a year the marriage is not yet strong enough and is similar to gauze or chintz.

paper wedding- 2 years

Two years of marriage together are already behind us, which means that the anniversary has come, namely the paper wedding. A marriage that lasted 2 years is called a paper wedding because it short term does not yet speak of a strong alliance, is subject to change and can break as quickly as paper.

leather wedding- 3 years

Several steps have already been taken in married life, the relationship has become strong. Such conclusions can be drawn about the anniversary of three years of marriage, the name of which is “leather wedding”. She marks 3 years of marriage. As for the name, it speaks for itself. Leather is a durable material. This means that the relationship is already more or less solid.

linen wedding- 4 years

A linen wedding is 4 years of marriage. Also, 4 years is also called a rope wedding. This is not considered an anniversary in the classical sense, but has the status of an anniversary. For 4 years, the husband and wife have already become accustomed and are like intertwining ropes or flax fibers. It's not so easy to separate them.

wooden wedding- 5 years

A wooden wedding or the fifth anniversary of marriage is a small anniversary for spouses. We can say that this is the first anniversary of marriage, which must be celebrated. If previous anniversaries leading up to a wooden wedding were the first steps in a life together, then this is reliable evidence of the strength of family ties. Even the name of the anniversary speaks for itself.

cast iron wedding- 6 years

The sixth anniversary suggests that it is time to strengthen your home. This is the first anniversary after the fifth anniversary, and this suggests that the first crises may appear in marriage. Therefore, this anniversary was called the “cast-iron wedding”. In fact, cast iron is not the strongest material, but on the contrary, it is very fragile and can crack at any time.


Zinc wedding- 6.5 years

Each of the wedding anniversaries is a new stage in the development of family relations, which has its own characteristics. Each anniversary and each anniversary is marked by one or another material that could most accurately describe family life at this stage. Life in marriage, this short period of time is called a zinc wedding.

copper wedding- 7 years

The marriage, which lasted 7 years, was called the "copper wedding". It is not for nothing that such a metal as copper was chosen for the name. It should be noted that copper is not only a durable metal, but also valuable. This suggests that a seven-year marriage is not only durable, but also of considerable value to its participants.

Tin wedding- 8 years

Eight years of marriage is already a long period of time. The symbol of this anniversary is tin, hence the name “tin wedding”. On the eighth anniversary of marriage, or on a tin wedding, the life of the spouses must finally settle down, they must completely get used to each other, raise children and move on.

faience wedding- 9 years

Nine years of marriage has been called "faience wedding". Why is this, because faience is a very fragile material? The explanation is simple. It is believed that for nine years of marriage there are some critical moments that should be experienced, so marriage can easily crack like faience. There is also an opinion that for 9 years of marriage, spouses live in abundance.

Tin wedding- 10 years

Tin wedding - a decade of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is tin, which in turn is a symbol of flexibility. This suggests that the spouses have “grown” to each other and adjusted to the characteristics of each other, they seem to bend under each other. So, we can say that their marriage has become flexible. Also, this anniversary is also called the pink wedding.

steel wedding- 11 years

Eleven years of marriage is called a steel wedding. The relationship is already fully established and has become hard as steel. Steel, the symbol of a steel wedding, is a very beautiful and mirror metal. It should be the same family life for 11 years of marriage: solid and mirror-clean. At this point, the family should already have two children and their own home.

nickel wedding- 12 years

Having lived together for 12 years, the couple celebrate the Nickel wedding. It is believed that with its name this anniversary reminds the husband and wife that they must not forget the importance of maintaining cleanliness and radiance in the family. Thus, the newlyweds are hinted that the main guarantee of family happiness is fidelity and care for each other.


nickel wedding- 12.5 years

Nickel wedding is the anniversary of 12.5 years of marriage. Since the anniversary is not round, it is celebrated in family circle. Guests are required to donate nickel-plated crockery and kitchen utensils. Only in this case, the dishes are presented unpolished in order for the spouses to do it on their own.

Lace wedding- 13 years old

A lace wedding is the thirteenth anniversary of marriage. The symbol of a lace wedding is lace, which indicates that the 13th year of married life should be especially valued for marriage, because it is as thin as lace. A lace wedding is also called a lily of the valley. Therefore, guests should give not only lace, but also white flowers.

agate wedding- 14 years

If the marriage has lasted for 14 years, then he is not afraid of anything. Joint life in marriage, which lasted 14 years, is called an agate wedding. Agate is a symbol of well-being, health and prosperity. The marriage that existed before the agate wedding can be called prosperous and strong. Such a marriage is not afraid of any obstacles.

crystal wedding- 15 years

Crystal wedding comes on the 15th year of marriage. Crystal, which symbolizes this anniversary, is a very strong material, and besides, it is still sonorous and clear. The same can be noted about married life at the age of 15: the relationship of the spouses is strong and clean, time-tested.

Topaz wedding- 16 years

A topaz wedding is a kind of anniversary of living together, celebrated 16 years after legal marriage. Having lived such a solid period, the spouses have already learned to be one, but at the same time, romantic relationships are still fresh between them and the former passion has not faded away. Topaz - semi gem, symbolizing the transition from soft to strong.

pink wedding- 17 years

In the entire history of family life, the newlyweds will celebrate two Pink weddings. The first, also called tin, exactly 10 years from the date of marriage. And the second beautiful and tender pink wedding according to folk traditions, spouses celebrate after 17 years from the date of the creation of the family.

Turquoise wedding- 18 years

A turquoise wedding is the eighteenth anniversary of marriage. By this time, the crisis situations, if there were any in the family, are over, and dawn is coming. The children have matured enough, which means that the problems have become much less. Turquoise is a symbol of happiness and victory. Relationships of spouses for a turquoise wedding should sparkle with new light.

pomegranate wedding- 19 years

Having lived in love and harmony for 19 years, the couple celebrate the Pomegranate wedding, named after the stone, symbolizing fertility and abundance. Over the years, the spouses should already have many children and the house is a full bowl. With all this, the husband and wife remain tender to each other and retain the romantic mood that accompanied them at the beginning of family life.

porcelain wedding- 20 years

A porcelain wedding is the 20th anniversary of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is porcelain, which is a thin, light and elegant material. Another characteristic of porcelain is its fragility. Therefore, a twenty-year marriage should be taken seriously, because if the spouses are not careful, it can break.

Opal wedding- 21 years old

The spouses celebrate the opal wedding exactly 21 years after marriage. Interestingly, by popular belief Opal is considered a stone that causes a repulsive feeling towards the person who gave it. However, it is from this mineral that spouses should present products to each other as a gift.

bronze wedding- 22

The bronze wedding is celebrated 22 years after the wedding. With its name, this anniversary symbolizes the strength and flexibility of relationships and the beginning of a stage towards a new development of the family. It is believed that by this time the husband and wife should be able to easily adapt to each other, while remaining one.

Beryl wedding- 23 years old

Few people know that after 23 years from the date of marriage, it is customary to celebrate the Beryl wedding. Beryl is considered a stone of peace of mind, the keeper of the hearth, a symbol of love, prosperity and prosperity. Beryl is found in nature in various colors and shades. The term of 23 years is one of the turning points in family life.

satin wedding- 24 years

A married couple celebrates a satin wedding exactly 24 years after the wedding. Satin is a light and smooth fabric, and this is exactly what family relationships should be like after such a long period of living together. It is believed that all the difficulties are already behind, the children have grown up, life is arranged - all that remains is to enjoy what has been achieved and maintain the fire of love for later life.

silver wedding- 25 years

A silver wedding is a whole 25 years of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is silver, which in turn is a precious metal. A twenty-five-year marriage is also a jewel in some way. Spouses who have lived together for a whole quarter of a century will never part, their love has been tempered over the years, they appreciate, respect and love each other.

jade wedding- 26 years

Exactly one year after the high-profile Silver Jubilee, the couple celebrate the Jade Wedding. The name of the anniversary was not accidental. Jade is known for its strength, which is difficult to break both physically and chemically.

mahogany wedding- 27 years

The people call the 27th anniversary of family life the Mahogany Wedding, symbolizing nobility, wisdom, endurance, strength and strength of relationships. This anniversary is usually celebrated in a narrow circle, surrounded by children and grandchildren. To please each other, spouses can exchange symbolic gifts.

nickel wedding- 28 years

Exactly 28 years after the wedding, couples celebrate the Nickel Wedding. There is a belief that with its name this anniversary reminds spouses with experience that life needs to be filled with radiance even after many years of marriage.

Velvet wedding- 29 years

According to folk traditions, a velvet wedding is usually celebrated on the 29th anniversary of marriage. The unusual name symbolizes the warmth, tenderness and softness of the relationship between husband and wife. Spouses are recommended to celebrate a luxurious wedding in a restaurant. A woman should wear a velor dress, and a husband can confine himself to a velvet bow tie.

pearl wedding- 30 years

Pearl wedding - thirty years of marriage. Pearls are a symbol of chastity, love, purity and fertility. Therefore, it is assumed that for 30 years of marriage, spouses should already have grandchildren. Relatives, friends, children and grandchildren can be invited guests for the wedding anniversary.

Dark (sunny) wedding- 31 year

A swarthy (or sunny) wedding is celebrated by a married couple 31 years after the marriage. The name of the anniversary symbolizes warmth and light in a relationship. Of course, for such a solid period of time, the spouses have already become close people to each other and no minor troubles can prevent them from building their family happiness further.

Stone (strawberry) wedding- 33 years

The symbolic anniversary of family life - 33 years, is called the Stone Wedding. The name speaks for itself - by this time the relationship should become strong and reliable. Interestingly, the same anniversary is called the Strawberry Wedding, probably for the reason that the husband and wife are intertwined with each other, like strawberry bushes.

Amber wedding- 34 years

After 34 years from the date of the creation of the family, the couple celebrate the Amber wedding. The anniversary got its warm name for a reason. It is known that amber, before becoming a beautiful stone, goes a long and tedious way, transforming from a viscous resin into a valuable mineral. So the relationship between husband and wife in 34 years turns from soft to strong.

Linen (coral) wedding- 35 years

A linen wedding is a thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. This anniversary is also called the coral wedding. The canvas symbolizes strength. As for the coral, it is a plant that tends to grow rapidly and form coral reefs. Therefore, for a coral wedding, the newlyweds should already have a huge family, with many grandchildren.

Muslin wedding- 37 years

Muslin wedding comes to the newlyweds exactly after 37 years of marriage. Muslin is an expensive fabric, the production of which in ancient times required a lot of time, effort and patience. For such a long period of time, a husband and wife must create a strong and high-quality family in which love, respect and mutual understanding reign. It is not necessary to lavishly celebrate this interim date.


aluminum wedding- 37.5 years

Oddly enough, but the non-circular date of 37.5 years of family life also has its own name. On this day, an aluminum wedding is celebrated, named after a strong but flexible metal. Having lived such a solid period, the spouses must learn to put up with each other's minor shortcomings, respect the dignity and be able to find a way out of any situation with the inherent ease of aluminum.

Spouses have the opportunity to celebrate a mercury wedding, having lived together for 38 years. It is known that mercury is a liquid metal that can easily change its shape. So spouses with solid experience are given a chance to take a fresh look at their relationship and start a life dedicated to each other. This intermediate anniversary is celebrated in a narrow family circle.

Crepe wedding- 39 years

A crepe wedding is not an anniversary, but an important anniversary in the life of a family. This anniversary owes its name to a durable material, the threads of which are tightly intertwined with each other. So it is in the family - in the 39th year of their life together, the husband and wife are a single canvas, which is very difficult to break.

ruby wedding- 40 years

A ruby ​​wedding is considered 40 years of marriage. Symbol ruby wedding- ruby, which is a stone of love, fire and an ever-burning feeling that will never fade away, as it has already been tested by time. Another explanation for this jubilee symbol is that the ruby ​​is the color of blood.

Mother-of-pearl wedding- 42 years

According to folk customs, after 42 years from the date of marriage, the mother-of-pearl wedding is celebrated in the family. Superstitious people have always attributed magical qualities to mother-of-pearl, it is believed that it is able to strengthen relations between husband and wife and bring happiness to the house. Traditionally, on the 42nd anniversary of marriage loving spouse must give his wife a necklace of 42 pearls.

flannel wedding- 43 years

Having lived in marital status for 43 years, the couple celebrate the Flannel wedding. The people called this anniversary so in honor of the soft and warm fabric that can protect and keep warm in cold weather. Following folk traditions, the spouses should give each other flannel products. It can be pajamas, nightgowns, shirts, bathrobes.

Topaz wedding- 44 years old

44 years after marriage, the couple will celebrate a topaz wedding - an anniversary named after the purest gem, known not only for its transparency and beauty, but also for its strength. It is believed that family relations by this time should be strong and transparent, without offense, quarrels and intrigues.

Sapphire wedding- 45 years

A sapphire wedding marks forty-five years of marriage. The couple has proven their love and devotion over time. The symbol of this anniversary is sapphire, which is a stone of love that protects from evil. Like this stone, spouses should protect and protect each other. Sapphire is also a stone of renewal and kindness. Relations with him will become as if new, fresh.

lavender wedding- 46 years old

A lavender wedding is celebrated by spouses who have lived together for 46 years. At this age, there is no longer passion and fuss, but there is calmness, mutual understanding, respect and tenderness. The lavender anniversary does not have to be celebrated magnificently, it is enough to invite your beloved children and grandchildren to the house. There should be a blue tablecloth and blue dishes on the table.

cashmere wedding- 47 years old

Exactly 47 years from the date of registration of a legal marriage, the husband and wife will celebrate the Cashmere wedding. The anniversary got its name for a reason - warm and pleasant to the touch natural cashmere is unique in that it does not cause allergies. Similarly, spouses who have lived together for many years cannot annoy each other.

amethyst wedding- 48 years old

An amethyst wedding is celebrated by spouses who managed to live together for 48 years. Amethyst symbolizes the transparency and purity of relationships, without which it is difficult to live such a long period of time. Over the years, husband and wife have learned to support each other and become real halves of a single whole.

Cedar wedding- 49 years old

Exactly one year before the Golden Jubilee, the husband and wife celebrate the Cedar Wedding. Having lived in love and harmony for 49 years, the couple demonstrate to others their ability to adapt to each other and solve complex problems together. The anniversary got its name from the hardy and noble cedar - a tree that lives for several hundred years.

golden wedding- 50 years

The golden wedding is the fiftieth anniversary of marriage. The symbol of this anniversary is one of the most valuable and expensive metals - gold. Gold represents something that has been achieved through hard work. A fifty-year marriage is a great value that has been formed over the years through hard work. People who have lived together for half a century have proved mutual love, respect, trust and devotion.

Liana Raymanova

After how many years of marriage does a cotton wedding come? A cotton anniversary is when 1 year of marriage has passed, i.e. It is celebrated 12 months after the wedding. During this time, the newlyweds have time to learn the main shortcomings of their soul mate, to see the behavior of a partner in everyday conditions.

Why is the first wedding anniversary called calico? This means that some couples manage to get used to each other during this time, for others the family boat is drowning in the abyss of everyday life. In the first year of marriage, relationships are considered the most fragile, which is why the anniversary is called a cotton or gauze wedding. Both materials are thin and tear easily. Seems like an analogy, right? After about a year of regular use, cotton linen becomes shabby, begins to tear. So that a similar fate does not befall a young family, the first anniversary is celebrated according to special traditions.

Traditions for a print wedding

There are many signs and superstitions associated with the 1st wedding anniversary. People believe that this day can be decisive for a young family. A calico wedding is also called gauze or cotton, by analogy with the fragility of relationships and the listed materials.

It is believed that a young family is more than ever subject to bad influence on this day, so the 1st anniversary is celebrated in the circle of only close people.

Newlyweds are not allowed to invite strangers into their home. An unfamiliar woman will become a harbinger of her husband's infidelity, a man will awaken a propensity for adultery in a young wife.

There are other signs for the first wedding anniversary:

  • spouses woke up at the same time on the day of the holiday - soon they will have a baby;
  • if a male guest enters the house first, this promises money; if a female guest, replenishment in the family;
  • crumpled or dry clothes on young spouses - a harbinger of many problems in their family, neat clothes, on the contrary, promise well-being;
  • the behavior of the couple is judged on its future. If it is calm and peaceful, then further life will pass in harmony, if the husband and wife quarrel a lot on the day of the anniversary, then they will often swear after it.

According to tradition, the newlyweds should give each other a piece of clothing for the holiday. best gift husband, according to signs, will have a shirt that symbolizes mutual loyalty. It is undesirable to give socks or trousers, they foreshadow parting.

The festive table should be covered with a white chintz tablecloth, decorated with embroidery or flower patterns.

In a similar decorative design, and should be made. It is customary to decorate a festive room in the same style: chintz handkerchiefs, ribbons, hearts, flowers.

In Germany and some other Western European countries, the first anniversary is called paper. You can use the traditions of your neighbors and decorate the hall or studio for a photo session with colored paper flags.

The most important custom of a print wedding is handkerchief exchange. Newlyweds buy or make their own handkerchiefs for a cotton wedding. Before handing them, knots are made. In the process of tying them, the spouses promise that their love will remain strong and will not fade away for the rest of their lives. Handkerchiefs should not be thrown away, they should be kept until the death of one of the spouses. Our ancestors believed that this small piece of fabric serves a powerful amulet, which is able to protect a young family from adultery, heartbreak and other hardships.

The Orthodox Church does not share this position; it has a different one on this score. Christian canons order to get married on the first anniversary after marriage in order to experience a happy and prosperous family life.

What bottle of champagne to open on the first wedding anniversary?

On the wedding day, the newlyweds are given two bottles of champagne: one for the groom, the second for the bride. Both bottles are kept for special occasions. "Nevestova" is opened on the birthday of the first-born, although the young mother herself does not participate in drinking. The groom's bottle is uncorked for a cotton wedding. At the same time, it is important that the wife drank the first glass, and then everyone else.

Recently appeared new tradition- Snack champagne with ripe strawberries. Moreover, the wife should “feed” strawberries to her husband, and the husband, accordingly, feeds his wife with sweet berries. Immediately after drinking champagne, handkerchiefs are handed over.

Print wedding status (one year of marriage)

The chintz wedding symbolizes the end of grinding between the spouses. It is believed that in one year of family life, the newlyweds manage to become native people. They already know almost everything about each other, they are fully aware of what their future life together will be like. But the feelings between the spouses are still strong. The first year of married life should remind them of love and fidelity when their relationship fades after years of marriage.

Witnesses and parents must be present at the first anniversary, but traditions do not prohibit inviting other people. It is desirable that only close relatives and friends be among them.

If the plans include home gatherings in the family circle, then invitations may not be needed at all - it’s easier to call a few guests

If a restaurant or a banquet hall is chosen as the venue for the celebration of the anniversary, then invitations will still be needed. A calico wedding is considered a modest holiday, so instead of traditional official invitations, you can send out “reminders” with a message about the upcoming celebration and a request not to plan any business for the specified date. It indicates only the subject of the celebration and its date, the venue is specified closer to the event itself. For spouses who did not have time to decide on the premises in advance, this option is optimal.

If the newlyweds decide to take the organization of the holiday seriously, then they should find or create an invitation template for the celebration of 1 year of married life. You can order it on the Internet, there are many options with completely ready-made design and text. It remains only to print and add by hand the names of the recipients. Computer programs make experimenting with graphics much easier, so even a beginner can now create a masterpiece.

The design of cards can be unique and inimitable, but the traditional attributes of a print wedding should not be thrown out of it.

These include flowers, handkerchiefs, thread with a needle, buttons, handmade toys and trinkets. The text of the invitation also does not have to be banal, you can come up with something original and fun, for example, a comic rhyme.

All invitation cards should look the same, except for the personal details of the recipients. Therefore, you should not be too smart with the text and design, because what friends find cool may seem unacceptable to the older generation.

How to celebrate a print anniversary,.

Print Ideas for a Printed Wedding: 1 Year of Marriage

A print wedding should serve as a reminder of the intensity of feelings, so many newlyweds want to immortalize it with photographs. To get pictures successful, you need to find a good photographer, a suitable place, costumes, props, scenery. If finances allow, then you can also order the services of a makeup artist.

If the newlyweds are lucky enough to meet a professional photographer, everything else will not cause difficulties. The specialist himself organizes everything, having previously familiarized himself with the wishes of the clients. But it won’t hurt the newlyweds themselves to dream up, what if their idea turns out to be more fresh and creative?

Many couples prefer a studio to a place with which they have pleasant memories: a cafe where they met, a park where they kissed for the first time, etc. A photo session in nature can be a worthy alternative: in the forest, in the mountains, on the seashore.

To make the photos more diverse, you can start during the day and end in the evening in a romantic setting with sky lanterns and candles.

A photo session in nature is suitable not only for warm seasons. In autumn, a yellow-brown forest with a carpet of fallen leaves will be a suitable background, in winter - snow-covered expanses. If the weather does not please you with a beautiful landscape, you can move to another city for a photo session, where snow-white winter has already settled. So it will be even more exotic, and the chosen settlement will begin to be associated with festivity and romance. In a few years it will be possible to visit this city again, celebrating a larger anniversary there.

Sep 3, 2018 at 7:57 PDT

In cold seasons, a photo session is still more often arranged in a studio. There are other alternatives: a cafe with a beautiful interior, a cozy country house. Regardless of the chosen background, there should be festive decorations: knots, a cake, various handicrafts. Paired t-shirts for a print wedding look beautiful. They appeared recently, but have already managed to turn into a traditional attribute.

The interior should be bright and romantic, just like the atmosphere at the photo session itself. If one of the spouses does not like the place or the photographer, it is better to look for other options. As holiday paraphernalia Anniversary gifts can be used. Many people prefer to give traditional things: chintz bedding sets, large cakes with original decorations, sets of sweets and other items that will be appropriate for a photo shoot.

Liana Raymanova

Newlyweds have calico, wooden, porcelain and other “weddings” only once, and it takes a long time to wait for each of these events. But the newly-married couple will not be left without gifts and a festive atmosphere in the first year of their life together, because there is still a green wedding!

And how many years do you have to be married to celebrate a green wedding? The correct answer is 0 years, because the wedding day itself is called the green wedding.

This is a significant event. celebrate 11 times- every month of the first year of marriage.

The wedding day is the first green wedding, so green elements must be present at the celebration

The name of the very first, or rather, zero anniversary, takes its roots from ancient tradition. When a girl was born in any family, the parents planted myrtle - an evergreen tree. On the day when the grown daughter was given in marriage, the plant "migrated" to the groom's house along with the bride.

The young husband and his parents had to monitor the well-being of the myrtle, symbolizing the bride herself. The family of the newly-made wife checked how she was taken care of in the new house according to the condition of the tree.

Feb 28, 2017 at 7:30 AM PST

Now almost no one plants myrtle, but the tradition gift plants for a wedding remained. In addition to the usual bouquets, the newlyweds must be given a flower or a tree in a pot. Indoor plant will symbolize the feelings of the young spouses and demonstrate their ability to take care of each other.

What is the name of the week after the wedding?

The first week after the wedding does not have an official name, but there are several popular ones. Sometimes her, like the first month, called honey. Sometimes referred to simply as a sweet week of living together. The third option is a branch in honor of the rite of the same name, which was performed in Russia a week after the marriage.

If the newlyweds are ready to follow the traditions, then the first days after the wedding will definitely be rich and interesting for them.

The second day has a special name - the prince's table. On these unusual days, young spouses will have to stock up on energy, because they will have to travel to relatives all day and gather them for the festive feast.

The third day has always been considered the most difficult for the bride. By this time, all her relatives were already returning to their home, and the young wife remained in new family. On the morning of the third day, she was supposed to start by baking pancakes and other concoctions. But in the evening there was a small compensation - the couple's friends came to visit. The evening gatherings of the third day were noisy and cheerful, and ended with the acquaintance of the newlywed with the neighbors.

The final end of the wedding was considered to be branches. On the seventh day of their life together, the newlyweds again had to run around relatives. On this day, a huge amount of sweet pastries awaited. Almost no one performs the rite of passage now, but the tradition of eating pies a week after the wedding is still relevant. Thus, the process of celebrating the wedding is finally completed.

What is the name of 1, 2, 3 months of marriage? What kind of wedding is this?

The first month of marriage, like the next 10, is called a green wedding. On the twelfth month, a cotton wedding is already celebrated. The need to celebrate the first anniversary is clear and obvious. Do they celebrate the month of the wedding?

Some practical couples refuse an extra holiday, although the tradition of celebrating a second green wedding does exist. What will be the format of the event, the newlyweds decide. They can throw a feast for loved ones, but they have the right to leave this holiday for themselves, celebrating it together.

In this case, you should not count on gifts, because there was no feast. But if the holiday is arranged for many people, then each of them should give the newlyweds some present for the month of the wedding: a souvenir, kitchen utensils, a beautiful or useful thing in everyday use.

A gift for the month of the wedding should not be too expensive, because it's not an anniversary.

A couple who decided to celebrate a green wedding together are also waiting for festive chores. The newlyweds need to take care of creating a romantic atmosphere for the evening in advance and, of course, choose presents for each other. A man traditionally gives his lady a chic bouquet of flowers, but what to give her husband for a wedding month?

You can choose any gift, since there are no special recommendations and traditions on this occasion. You should not spend too much, because you have to celebrate a green wedding not once or even three, but every month up to a year of marriage.

If the newlyweds have been married for a month, then sense in expensive gifts no. But if there is a desire to please a loved one with a really worthwhile gift, then it is better to save it for six months of the wedding.

Six months of living together from the date of the wedding - what is the anniversary of marriage?

The countdown of the anniversaries of a joint life begins from the first year with a cotton wedding. They didn’t come up with a special name for six months of living together, but it’s not forbidden for newlyweds to make a good holiday out of this date.

A great way to highlight the 6 months after the wedding with something unusual is to arrange a joint photo shoot in the studio or a short romantic trip to one of the neighboring cities.

6 months of the life of the newlyweds - what kind of wedding is this?

How long are newlyweds considered newlyweds?

The term "newlyweds" applies to a married couple before their first anniversary. After 12 months of marriage, the name loses its relevance. This can happen even earlier if a child is born in the first year of marriage.

However, it does not matter until what time the term is officially used. If the spouses feel young and happy, if their relationship has not become less passionate due to everyday life, then the lovers can be safely called newlyweds.

December 9, 2017, 01:27

The tradition of celebrating wedding anniversaries originated about two hundred years ago. But relatively recently it has become popular to celebrate not only round anniversaries, but almost every year lived together.

The wedding day and the first year of marriage is called the green wedding as a symbol of the youth of the newlyweds.

Read also:

1 year - . After only a year, the relationship between the spouses is still bright and fragile, like the chintz fabric itself.

2nd year - paper wedding . The feelings of the spouses are not yet strong and, like paper, can be easily torn.

3 year - . Relationships of spouses become more durable and flexible like good skin.

4 year - linen wedding . Linen is a symbol of prosperity. It is believed that after four years of marriage, the couple becomes financially secure.

5 year - . The tree symbolizes strength and constancy, which are also characteristic of a married couple celebrating their first anniversary.

6 years - cast iron wedding . The relationship of spouses is like cast iron: although it is strong, it is one of the most fragile metals.

6.5 years - zinc wedding . This is a reminder for the couple to cleanse their relationship from time to time to keep it lustrous and long lasting.

7 years - copper wedding . Copper is already a valuable metal, but not yet precious. It symbolizes strength and prosperity.

8 years - tin wedding . Tin should sparkle, but over time it fades and requires polishing. So the relationship of spouses after 8 years of marriage needs to be refreshed.

9 years - faience wedding . Faience is a symbol of beauty and fragility. So it is in the family: on the one hand, the storms of passions have already subsided, the spouses have got used to each other, but it is at this moment that a critical period may come.

10 years - . The rose is a symbol of love and beauty, as is the relationship between husband and wife after 10 years of marriage. And the trials and problems of family life are thorns, without which it is impossible to imagine even the most beautiful rose.

11 years - steel wedding . The countdown of the second decade of living together has begun. Relations have hardened like steel and become even stronger.

12.5 years - nickel wedding . Like a tin wedding, the glittering nickel reminds the couple of the need to freshen up their relationship.

13 years old - lily of the valley wedding . Feelings become light, refined and tender like this flower.

14 years - agate wedding . Agate is the first gemstone in a series of wedding anniversaries, which means that the value of a family is growing.

15 years - glass wedding . Between wife and husband, the relationship becomes as pure and clear as glass.

17 years - tin wedding . Husband and wife learned to yield to each other, because tin is a very flexible metal.

18 years - turquoise wedding . Turquoise symbolizes victory and happiness. , have experienced a lot and, nevertheless, came out of life's troubles as winners.

19 years - krypton wedding . An unusual name for the anniversary, because krypton is a chemical element used, for example, in energy-saving light bulbs. Therefore, the nineteen-year marriage of the spouses should be bright and bright.

20 years - porcelain wedding . Porcelain is a thin, elegant material, but at the same time very fragile. Therefore, a twenty-year marriage must be treated with caution so as not to let feelings break.

21 years old - opal wedding . Opal symbolizes fidelity on the one hand, but on the other hand, it can lead to quarrels. However, with minimal care (the stone must be wiped with vegetable oil), it gives eternal love and happiness.

22 - bronze wedding . Bronze is a very malleable alloy. Also, by the 22nd anniversary, the spouses, having studied each other well, became more flexible and tolerant.

23 years old - beryl wedding . Only some varieties of this mineral are precious. So are married couples: many manage to live together for 23 years, but only a few become truly “precious”.

24 years - satin wedding . Atlas is a durable, smooth, noble material, like the relationship of the spouses after 24 years.

25 years - . Silver symbolizes purity and is a precious metal. A twenty-five-year marriage is a kind of family treasure.

26 years - jade wedding . A very durable and strong jade stone symbolizes the longevity of marital relationships.

27 years - mahogany wedding . A very strong and durable tree, as well as the feelings of spouses who have lived together for so many years.

29 years - velvet wedding . Velvet is a symbol of luxury and nobility, a very soft and delicate material is akin to the feelings of spouses who carried their love for each other through the years.

30 years - . Pearls are a symbol of purity and impeccable relations of spouses who have lived side by side for 30 years.

31 year - swarthy wedding . Another name is solar. No one knows why the thirty-first anniversary got such a name, perhaps the sun symbolizes that all hardships are left behind and only the brightest awaits the couple ahead.

34 year - amber wedding . Amber is a magical healing stone, symbolizing the time-tested strong love of spouses.

35 years - coral wedding . Coral represents strength, it is formed from the smallest particles and forms entire coral reefs. So the relationship of husband and wife is made up of many days spent together, intertwined and form a strong indestructible union.

37 years - muslin wedding . In the old days, weavers had to spend a lot of time and effort to make muslin fabric strong and thin. So the spouses, who lived together for 37 years, tried to ensure that there was peace and mutual understanding in the family.

37.5 years - aluminum wedding . Aluminum is a very light and flexible material, as is the relationship between husband and wife after so many years of marriage.

38 years - mercury wedding . The spouses became one, merged together like mercury. With this anniversary, the couple has a great opportunity to give their relationship a new shape.

39 years - crepe wedding . As the threads of this material are tightly intertwined, so the fates and feelings of husband and wife are inseparable.

40 years - . Ruby is second only to diamond in value. The color of the stone is red. This is the color of blood, blood ties that bind spouses who have lived together for 40 years.

42 years - pearl wedding . Mother-of-pearl symbolizes the well-being and prosperity of a married couple, whose feelings for each other have not yet faded.

43 years - flannel wedding . Warm, soft and at the same time strong feelings bind husband and wife together. It is these qualities that are inherent in flannel.

44 years old - topaz wedding . This stone is very durable and beautiful, just like the feelings of the spouses after 44 years together.

45 years - sapphire wedding . Sapphire is a healing stone, refreshes feelings, gives strength from fatigue and illness, which will not interfere with people of respectable age, which are spouses who have lived together for 45 years.

46 years old -. A very symbolic name for such a long-lasting marital relationship: the delicate aroma of lavender lasts for many years.

47 years old - cashmere wedding . The warmth and comfort of cashmere symbolizes what binds two hearts together for many years.

48 years old - amethyst wedding . Stone extraordinary beauty, amethyst symbolizes pure and transparent relationships that connect people who have lived 48 years of marriage.

49 years old - cedar wedding . Very strong and durable cedar is associated with love between a man and a woman who lived for almost half a century.

50 years - golden wedding . Family relationships, which lasted half a century - this is a real jewel, which, of course, is gold.

55 years - emerald wedding . Emerald is a very rare and expensive stone, and its green color symbolizes the eternity of life. So in family life, couples who have lived for 55 years are a rarity.

60 years - diamond wedding . Diamond is a very beautiful and durable stone. Spouses who have saved their family, despite any problems and hardships, nothing and no one can separate.

65 years old - iron wedding . The name of the wedding speaks for itself: the strength of marriage is already unshakable.

67.5 years - stone wedding . The relationship of the spouses is like a stone rock: strong and reliable.

70 years - blessed (grateful) wedding . Lived for many years together in love and understanding - this is grace sent from heaven.

75 years - crown wedding . People who have lived together for so long are worthy of the highest praise. The seventy-fifth anniversary crowns married life.

80 years - oak wedding . The name of the wedding speaks for itself, because oak is a symbol of power and longevity.

100 years - red (beautiful) wedding . To live to such an anniversary seems fantastic. However, the name of this wedding was invented by the Agayev couple from Azerbaijan on their centennial wedding anniversary.

As you can see, some dates are missing. But, don't be afraid to mark them: the absence of these anniversaries in the list is most likely due to the fact that they have simply not been given a name yet. So, for example, in some sources you can already find that the sixteenth anniversary of marriage is called a topaz wedding. Therefore, celebrate, give names to nameless anniversaries and may your family life be long and happy!

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