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Milk and dairy products in cosmetology. Recipes and benefits of sour milk face mask Fresh milk face mask

Dairy products are one of the most valuable products in cosmetics because they contain natural ingredients. Sour milk is an ideal skin cleanser. Sour milk makes the skin smooth and tender.

When was the first fermentation of fresh milk started? Apparently when a person took up cattle breeding. The ancient methods of fermentation and the use of a fermented milk product can be judged from myths, legends and historical facts. For example, when the French king Louis XIV received a serious gastrointestinal illness, he was cured with the most common sour milk.

This case was subsequently read by the Russian microbiologist I.I. Mechnikov. And while dealing with issues of longevity, he found that most centenarians are in those areas where sour milk is often used for food. He also found out that fermented milk products change the gastrointestinal microflora, and pathogenic microbes disappear. These same products delay the onset of old age.

Long-term studies in medicine indicate that the risk of neoplasms is 3 times less in those people who drink 1-2 glasses of any fermented milk product daily than in those who do not drink it.

Dairy products especially useful for women, moreover, of any age. The fact is that these products contain a lot of calcium, which makes teeth and bones strong. In addition, dairy products contain para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), which helps with protein absorption, is involved in the production of red blood cells and supports skin health.

Both sour and fresh milk are recommended by cosmetologists for whitening and improving complexion, as an emollient and cleanser, for hair care. In Central Asian countries, all girls and women use fermented milk products for hair care. Try to find among them one that has bad hair. Most often they are long, shiny, thick, because instead of unusual shampoos, they use sour milk as a detergent.

Sour milk is an ideal remedy for cleansing the skin, and of all types. It can be used at any time of the year, especially in spring and summer, when freckles appear on the face. Sour milk will make the skin smooth and tender. However, all dairy products, especially peroxidized ones, contain a large amount of lactic acid, which acts in the same way as fruit acids, providing epidermal renewal.

Lactic acid is actively involved in acid peeling, which removes the keratinized layer of the skin. Lactic acid, like any other, can cause redness and even irritation. Sour milk can be replaced with kefir, and whey is also suitable for oily skin.

Dairy products are one of the most valuable in cosmetic procedures. These are natural products that contain beneficial ingredients that our skin needs.

For example, milk sugar promotes skin hydration, while lactic acid retains fluid. Milk protein, fats and proteins make the skin smooth and supple. Lactic ferments and vitamin E carry out regenerative processes in the skin and help improve the process of cell renewal. Therefore, all dairy products rejuvenate the skin.

With dry skin, it is better to dilute milk with boiled water. When using dairy products, you should maintain a temperature that is comfortable for your face. After the procedures, the face should be rinsed with warm water without the use of soap and applied. nutritious cream. If there are any irritations or peeling areas on the skin, it is better to dilute the milk with a decoction of linden, chamomile or raspberry.

Facial cleansing with dairy products

Cleansing is done in several steps. A cotton pad is moistened in a fermented milk product and wiped over the face. The procedure is repeated several times. Then the excess of sour milk is removed with a dry disk, the face is rinsed with warm boiled water and a nourishing cream is applied.

Instead of water, you can use decoctions of herbs: sage, lime blossom or chamomile. The decoction is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons of grass pour 2 cups of hot water, boil over low heat for 5 - 10 minutes, insist until cool and filter.

If redness appears on the face after the procedure, you can wipe it with a cotton pad dipped in tea leaves or fresh milk. If the redness recurs from time to time and during subsequent procedures, then they should be stopped and replaced with milder cleansers.

Dairy cleanser

Option 1

Oatmeal - 1 teaspoon
Serum - 3 cups.

Mix all the ingredients and leave for half an hour. As soon as the flakes swell, the resulting slurry can be wiped on the skin or used for a mask. The mask can be kept on the face for 5 minutes, then rinse off. cold water and pat dry with a towel.

Option 2

Wheat bran - 1 tbsp. spoon
Serum - 0.5l

Mix all components and leave for 10-15 minutes, then add 1st. a spoonful of milk. With a warm mixture, you can wipe your face or use as a mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse alternately with cold and hot water. After such washing, the skin should be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

With sluggish aging skin, it is useful to wash with serum or just chilled serum.

Dairy products, especially whey, are best products for deep restoration of the epidermis. Serum can simply be washed, or can be used for masks. On the basis of it, you can prepare an anti-aging cream, for example, this:

Beeswax - 1 ? Art. spoons
Emulsifying wax - 1 tbsp. spoon
Vaseline oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
Serum - 6 tbsp. spoons
Borax - 1/2 teaspoon

In one container we soften the wax and oil, in the other we heat the whey with borax so that the borax dissolves completely. Remove both saucepans from the heat and pour the whey into the oil, stirring until a white cream forms.

You can add a few drops of essential oil to the cream, for example, rose - and there will be benefits, and a pleasant smell. While the mixture is cooling, continue stirring until it thickens. The cream is ready. It must be stored in the refrigerator.

To strengthen and you can use kefir. Before washing your hair, apply kefir to the skin and hair roots, spread over the entire length of the hair, massage lightly. Wrap your head with polyethylene, then with a towel. Wash off with warm water after 30 minutes. This procedure is more suitable for oily hair.

For dry hair, mix 3 tablespoons of kefir with one tablespoon of burdock or olive oil, add one yolk and some essential oil. Apply the mass on the head, cover with polyethylene, then with a towel. After an hour, wash off the mask using shampoo.

It should be noted that kefir, like any other fermented milk product, gives a brightening effect, so for dyed hair, especially in a dark color, proceed as you wish.

Milk has been used as a cosmetic product since ancient times. The royal bath is considered a milk bath. This bath was loved by Queen Cleopatra and the wives of Roman emperors, who used the milk of donkeys.

Take 2 liters of milk, warm it up, then add 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of honey, mix until smooth and enter this mixture into a bath filled with water. The temperature of the bath should be 36 - 38 degrees. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes. Rinse your body with warm water after the bath.

If milk baths were used by the queens of Egypt and Roman patricians, then sour cream was used in Rus' not only with pancakes, but also for the sake of female beauty. This is probably why the Slavs who inhabited ancient Rus' were so white-faced and good-looking that "... you can't take your eyes off ...".

Dairy masks

Tonic and moisturizing masks can be masks containing milk and fruit pulp, such as banana, strawberry, apricot, kiwi and others. For 3 st. spoons of fruit pulp add 3 tbsp. spoons of milk.

Mask of grated apple and sour cream, taken equally, apply for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water, then rinse with cold. This mask whitens the skin and improves the color.

As lifting masks, you can use the yolk or protein of one egg with the addition of milk.

If you are worried about red blood vessels and stars on your face, milk will help. Use an infusion of parsley in milk. It is very simple to do this: pour a handful of parsley into 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew, then strain and mix with milk 1:1. The resulting liquid can also be used for washing, and even better as compresses. The procedure time is 10 minutes.

For flaccid and aging skin, take a glass of milk, add 1 teaspoon lemon juice and mix. This liquid can also be used for washing or as a compress, leaving it on the face for 10 minutes. Milk can be diluted with boiled water.

If necessary, after the mask, apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

Dairy products can be used at any time of the year and for any type of skin and hair. Dairy products should not be highly sour, as redness can occur on very sensitive skin.

Thanks to dairy products, the aging process slows down, and all the components that make up milk moisturize the skin and give it firmness and elasticity.

When I am approached with a question about how to make the skin healthy and beautiful, I can give a whole lecture. What is important is not only a full-fledged diet and rest, walks in the fresh air, willpower not to go to bed with makeup, etc. It is impossible to overestimate the role of cleansing the skin of the face, because if it is clean, it breathes and rejoices, and after it you do the same :)

Cleansing is the most important step in any skincare regimen. I always remind you that the products for it must be chosen carefully, cleaned at the same time CAREFULLY and CAREFULLY. It's certainly easy to say! I myself broke quite a few spears before I picked up a cleansing ritual that my face became friends with.

Like most girls in the Russian Federation, my skin is complex and capricious. Either it is dry (actually dehydrated), then it is oily, then it rushes into redness and allergies, then into acne, blackheads and blackheads, and sometimes it is generally dull and lifeless. In addition to everything, she does not get younger over the years, no, no, yes, wrinkles will appear on her ... And also freckles and hyperpigmentation ... In general, a complete set of "joys".

Solving one problem (like acne) with aggressive products, I exacerbated another (dehydration). On this swing, I blabbed all my youth, until they came up with micellar water. So, every night I take off my make-up with a micellar solution (currently Bioderma Sensibio H2O for sensitive skin). The solution instantly dissolves war paint of any degree of water resistance, you can remove everything with one cotton pad. I do go through after another disk soaked in micellar water (to be sure). In principle, then you can not wash. But I can't do that: I need water! And then, the principle of THOROUGHNESS needs to be worked out properly if you don’t want to wake up in the morning with another pimple on your chin.

The micellar solution is followed by a cleanser with non-aggressive surfactants (no sulfates!), preferably also for sensitive skin. And then follows the whole point of this post. The tool is so simple, inexpensive and effective that it is simply unbelievable! His name is sour milk. Never throw it away! Do not make cellulite food out of it - pancakes. Let your milk sour to get an excellent and gentle cleansing for 60 rubles.


So, after the "industrial" wash, I pour a handful of sour milk into my palm and rub it into my wet face. If I feel that it is not enough, I add a handful more. It is important to lightly massage the face, do not rinse immediately. You can even walk around with milk on your face for five minutes. Wash your face, gently dry your face with a towel and apply your night care.

Sometimes I mix sour milk with oatmeal, it turns out a delicate peeling. Since milk is a good natural emulsifier, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to it on the problem (for example, rosemary or tea tree - regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands).

In the morning I use only sour milk, it is quite enough to wash away everything that has accumulated during the night. I came up with another trick. Since I often use all kinds of sheet masks, now they do not go straight into the trash. I wash them, soak them in sour milk and put them on my face. I relax and dream for about 30 minutes, wash off with warm water.

To cleanse my body, I combine the leftovers from freshly brewed ground coffee, oatmeal, and sour milk. If necessary, I drip my anti-cellulite concentrate into the liquid and actively massage the thighs and buttocks.

This is an ideal remedy, it will suit all skin types, even the most sensitive (maybe not every day). The exception is lactose allergy.

And what does it give?

The effect of softness and purity is noticeable immediately, but the true properties of such washing appear after about a month. My skin has become less oily, inflammation is now rare, freckles and pigmentation have faded. Acne scars disappear faster, pores narrowed a little.

I practically abandoned scrubs, before they were needed 2-3 times a week. I do not spend money on lotions and tonics with salicylic acid. I don’t need lotions at all, immediately after washing I apply a cream (during the day - a base with SPF, at night - nutrition and hydration). As a bonus - I wake up with awesome, life-giving juice poured from the inside, skin, and makeup "sits" on me like a native.

How it works?

And all the magic lies in lactic acid or lactate (lactic acid), which is formed by the fermentation of sugar-containing (raw sugar, refined molasses) and lactose-containing raw materials (milk whey) by lactic acid bacteria of the Lactobacillus family. Along with fruit acids, lactic acid is an AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) and has similar properties.

Lactic acid is a real multi-machine, acting on several fronts at once:

1. Intensely cleanses

It softens the protein bonds between the dead cells of the stratum corneum, as a result of which they are easily exfoliated and washed off the surface of the skin. The skin becomes smoother and more even. This property helps to eliminate marks and scars after acne and prevent the formation of clogged pores, because. the scales in the ducts do not stick together, but are removed from the skin in a timely manner, while the pores narrow. Therefore, lactic acid is used in products for oily, problematic skin. In high concentrations, it exfoliates the top layers of the skin.

2. Moisturizes

Lactic acid is part of the Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF) of the skin. Increases elasticity and firmness of the skin, making it look fresh and young.

3. Regenerates

Lactic acid normalizes the process of renewal of epidermal cells that slows down with age, stimulating it. Enhances the formation of collagen and glycosaminoglycans in the skin. As a result, lipid metabolism is normalized in the skin, it becomes elastic, retains moisture better. Unlike other AHAs, lactic acid helps to strengthen the skin's lipid barrier by increasing the synthesis of linoleate-containing ceramides. External manifestations of this process are the improvement of complexion, increase in moisture content, elasticity and firmness of the skin, reduction of the depth of wrinkles.

Remember, I said above that the skin is as if poured from the inside? This is the one :)

4. Whitens

These properties are directly related to item 1, i.e. peeling effect. Gradually, layer by layer, age spots and acne marks disappear, which has always been a problem for me. After I began to constantly wash my face with sour milk, I found that freckles and hyperpigmentation practically do not appear (although summer is in full swing) and are noticeable only to me. And earlier, new acquaintances were surprised to notice in the spring that I turned out to be a red-haired freckled :)

5. Kills germs

Lactic acid is part of the acid mantle of the skin. For many microorganisms, an acidic environment is detrimental, so they cannot live and multiply in it. Thus, the skin is protected from the development of pathogenic microflora. Thanks to this, by the way, it is effective against the smell of sweat! If you strive for everything natural, then nature has already come up with a deodorant for you - sour milk.

6. Regulates the pH of the skin
pH is the balance between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions. If there are more hydrogen ions in the solution than hydroxide ions, then it is considered alkaline, if there are more hydroxide ions, then it is acidic. Pure water was taken as the starting point, in which the number of hydrogen ions is equal to the number of hydroxide ions. The pH of the water was called neutral.

The sebaceous and sweat glands of our skin secrete various substances onto its surface. Mixing with the exfoliated cells of the epidermis, these substances form a protective film on the skin - the lipid layer. And we take the pH of the lipid layer as the pH of the skin. With age, the pH value of the skin increases, i.e. the reaction becomes more alkaline. A change in pH to the alkaline side is noted with oily seborrhea and acne.

The most common type of care is washing. The water coming from our taps is not neutral, but usually alkaline due to the presence of chlorine in it. Therefore, the water for washing should be either distilled or softened with acidic agents. This is what lactic acid does, it shifts the pH of the water to the acid side, making it softer.

After washing with tap water and soap (also alkali), we usually feel tightness and dryness of the skin of the face. The pH of the skin has swung to the alkaline side. It will recover on its own in a couple of hours. But we can't wait :) Therefore, we are in a hurry to apply a tonic or lotion to the skin. After washing with sour milk, I do not need tonics, I have already said about this above. My skin feels great, I don't even want to put on cream sometimes.

Caution won't hurt

Like all acids, lactic acid can cause skin photosensitivity, i.e. its reaction to ultraviolet in the form of a manifestation of age spots. Although I doubt that the concentration of lactic acid in sour milk can reach a critical level (as in salon peels, for example), I still do not appear on the street without a sunscreen below 15 (this is on cloudy days). On sunny days in the city I have SPF 30, at sea I have SPF 50 (for the face).

It makes sense to introduce into your care cosmetical tools containing arbutin (Arbutin), because. it inhibits melanin synthesis. Most often, arbutin is obtained by extraction from bearberry leaves, but it is found in many plants, including bergenia and lingonberry leaves.

In the diet, it is worth leaning on foods rich in antioxidant properties and containing beta-carotene, vitamin E and vitamin C. Antioxidants are also lycopene, coenzyme Q10, n-acetylcysteine, selenium, alphalipoic acid, flavonoids, polyphenols, proanthocyanidins.

If you decide to wash with sour milk, be sure to leave your impressions below. Perhaps you will have your own recipes and know-how, which we all simply must know about! :)

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Mikhailova Ilona

Everyone is aware of the benefits of dairy products for the body. Sour milk, kefir, yogurt help maintain immunity, resist diseases, and normalize digestion. People already knew about the magical properties of such products in ancient times, and the benefits were emphasized not only for the internal organs of a person, but also for his appearance. Otherwise, why would the most famous beauty ancient egypt, Cleopatra, used milk for bathing, and even left a reminder of this to her descendants. And sour milk for hair is a truly magical remedy that can heal hair and give it a blooming look. appearance.

Benefits of sour milk

Cosmetic procedures using sour milk are very popular among women who are supporters of natural cosmetics. The benefits of this product depend on the biologically active compounds present in its composition (by the way, in large quantities). Scientists have found almost all vitamins in sour milk, however, in products obtained from the milk of different animals, their ratio is not the same. So, in the same fermented goat milk, there is much more nicotinic acid (vitamin PP - a growth stimulant for curls). Proteins and fats, which are present in sour milk, retain natural moisture and prevent overdrying of the hair.

Sour milk is a gift from nature itself, since fermentation occurs naturally. Sour milk mask is one of the most popular remedies used to restore damaged, thin and weakened hair. In parallel with the restoration, you can solve the problems of nutrition, giving a natural shine. A wonderful fermented milk product is often used to strengthen hair. It is especially good to carry out these cosmetic procedures at the end of winter - early spring, when the hair is not in the best condition.

Homemade or store-bought?

The most useful will be homemade milk fermented in the usual way. It is clear that it is difficult for a city dweller to find such a product. If milk is bought in a store, then you need to choose the fattest. The second point is that the product must have a minimum shelf life, in such milk there are the least preservatives and additives.

Recipes for sour milk products


Sour milk is applied to wet hair, covered with a cap or plastic wrap, on top - terry towel. The mask lasts 40-45 minutes. This time is necessary to feel and see changes for the better. Hair becomes healthy, obedient and shiny.

Sour-milk masks are best made from several components, then the effectiveness will be higher.

To strengthen

The mask is prepared from the following ingredients: sour milk, honey and lemon. Each of these products is used for cosmetic purposes for the beauty of the skin and hair. Together they give an even better effect. The second option is to mix sour milk with solutions of vitamins A and E, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Also, women like to introduce essential oils various plants (one or two drops are enough). By adding chamomile, lavender or ylang-ylang oil, they also get an aromatherapy session.

Advice. Sour milk, like a mask, is applied to the roots, then the bulbs will receive the main nutrition, the condition of the scalp will also improve, and dandruff will disappear.


To prepare a regenerating mask, you will need the following ingredients: sour milk, the yolk of one egg, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, preferably burdock or olive. Grind all products well until smooth. The technology of use is almost the same. The mask is applied to wet hair, after which they must be wrapped, then left for a while. Rinse off with warm water and enjoy the effect.

Advice. If you add a couple of drops of vinegar to any mask to sour milk, then, in addition to nutrition and moisture, your hair will acquire a beautiful shine that cannot be achieved using synthetic conditioners, even the most expensive ones.

In addition to honey, lemon, egg yolks, sour-milk masks may include infusions of various medicinal herbs.

Sour milk is an important product for dietary nutrition and the basis of the beauty of any woman's hair. Using a fermented milk mask at least once a week will allow you to treat your hair, grow length and add shine to curls.

Milk has occupied a respected place in our diet since childhood. The benefits of this product have been known for thousands of years. And milk was famous not only for its nutritional properties. Even the legendary Avicenna wrote that "the dairy product removes ugly spots from the face and improves its color." Remember the famous baths of Cleopatra! And the ancient Romans created a whole trend in anti-aging cosmetology - dairy.

Dairy cosmeceuticals today

Does not lag behind the ancient connoisseurs of beauty and modern science about beauty. A face mask with milk is a great opportunity to increase the beauty and health of the skin. Moreover, given its availability and versatility - after all, milk care has many faces, it suits any type of dermis and is capable of much:

  • Well moisturizes and whitens.
  • Tightens the skin and relieves wrinkles.
  • Removes inflammation and removes pimples.
  • and give it a radiant look.

A milk face mask should ideally be made from a natural, unprocessed cow or goat dairy product (fresh, of course). If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can use milk with a high percentage of fat content or a pasteurized product (it undergoes minimal processing and leaves all valuable qualities). But the sour dairy product is best suited for the care of greasy, oily epidermis.

The uniqueness of the composition

A face mask with milk is the best thing you can offer your skin. Nature did her best by inventing milk. Its chemical composition contains more than 400 substances that are most useful for the dermis. Water, carbohydrates, organic acids, essential proteins (globulin, casein albumin), healthy fats. A rich combination of trace elements (fluorine, sodium, iodine, zinc, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron). And leading the team of healing and rejuvenating substances are important vitamins:

  • Thiamine (vitamin B1). Cell protector. It has anti-inflammatory properties and protects cell membranes from negative factors.
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2). Takes part in cell regeneration, removes inflammation and inhibits the development of acne.
  • Niacin (vitamin B3). Niacin is the doctor of the skin. With its deficiency, sores, cracks on the lips appear, begin to develop. It supplies oxygen to the cells of the dermis, improves its appearance and maintains the health of the epidermis.
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9). It helps the birth and development of new, healthy cells, improves and restores complexion, reduces its photosensitivity.
  • Retinol acetate (vitamin A). Rejuvenating master, regenerates, restores the cellular structure and successfully fights acne.
  • Tocopherol (). A unique compound, the strongest antioxidant that restores skin immunity and is considered the main fighter against aging of the body.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). An active participant in all the most important metabolic processes. Restores and strengthens the epidermal structure, whitens and cleanses the skin surface.

Milk is completely non-allergic product, so a milk face mask will never harm the skin structure. It is also used to improve the sensitive skin of the eyes. Dairy products are applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes. It is best to remove their remains with warm water.

The best milk face masks

From cow's milk

  • Whitening with milk and flour

Warm up the milk a little (32 ml) and mix in chopped parsley (20 gr.) And wheat flour (15 gr.). This tool is excellent, gives her velvety and softness.

  • Toning mask from sour milk

In the cold brew of green tea (32 ml), add the sour milk product (16 ml). Soak a piece of gauze thoroughly with the mixture and apply on the face. This mask well rejuvenates the skin, cleanses it and removes inflammation.

  • Moisturizing face mask with milk and yeast

Pour the yeast with warm milk and leave the mixture warm for a quarter of an hour. Then add Shea butter (7 ml) and Aloe juice (5 ml) to the yeast mass. This mixture nourishes and saturates the dermis with life-giving moisture.

  • Anti-aging mask with milk and oatmeal

In a blender, beat a mixture of yolk, oatmeal (7 gr.), Liquid honey (12 gr.), Orange juice (7 ml) and milk (5 ml). The thick healing mixture that we have will perfectly refresh the skin, removing wrinkles.

  • Anti-inflammatory sour milk face mask

Add the yolk, lemon juice (4 drops), cottage cheese (60 g) and hydrogen peroxide (7 drops) to the sour dairy product (32 ml). This therapeutic agent with nourishing, antibacterial and whitening properties is ideal for aging dermis.

  • Soothing face mask with milk and honey

In warm milk (32 ml), mix potato starch (30 gr.), Salt (5 gr.) And melted honey (12 gr.). The whitening mask perfectly removes all irritations and soothes the skin.

From goat milk

A dairy product from a goat copes with numerous skin problems, it is very useful for inflammatory processes, irritation. With acne and. Goat milk has a strong rejuvenating effect.

  • Repairing treatment for dry skin

Puree from ½ ripe banana mixed with liquid honey (10 ml), lemon juice (4 drops). We need to add goat's milk to give the mixture a state of porridge. We keep 20 minutes.

  • Anti-aging anti-wrinkle

Pour rose petals or wild rose (handful) with hot goat milk and leave for 20-25 minutes. We put a warm mass on the face. Session time is 20 minutes.

  • Whitening for oily skin

Grind the almonds until flour forms. We dilute the almond mass (15 gr.) with goat's milk until thick. Session time is a quarter of an hour.

  • Anti-aging for sensitive dermis

We knead the peeled ripe peach and fill the peach mass with goat's milk to the state of sour cream. Apply to the dermis for half an hour.

For centuries, women have been fighting for beauty and youth. Modern cosmetology offers more and more new and advanced types of weapons for this difficult fight. But are they as effective as we would like? Has not nature created all the most ideal? Chances are it is, the very best products that can be found for our skin are right at our fingertips. Even Cleopatra invented a mask of sour milk, the use of which for the face and body, allowed the queen to remain irresistible and captivate the hearts of thousands of men.

Useful properties of sour milk

Sour milk is a storehouse of useful substances and elements that are easily absorbed by our body, increase immunity, and activate cell regeneration processes. In order to understand all medicinal properties of this product, it is enough to carefully study the composition, which includes:

  • thiamine (vitamin B1) - has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the protective membranes of cells;
  • riboflavin (vitamins B2) - activates regeneration processes, is indispensable in the fight against acne;
  • niacin (vitamin B3) - is responsible for saturating the cells of the epidermis with oxygen, prevents dry skin;
  • folic acid (vitamin B9) - responsible for the formation of new cells;
  • retinol acetate (vitamin A) - regenerates and restores the skin, therefore it is the main protector of youth;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is an important component of most metabolic processes in the body, has a whitening effect.

The use of sour milk in cosmetology

Given the composition of sour milk, we can confidently say that it is a natural miracle for our face and body, because it contains a whole complex of B vitamins, without which a healthy and beautiful skin, as well as acids that can gently cleanse and exfoliate dead skin cells. Since lactic acids have a milder effect, unlike fruit acids, they can be used for acne-prone skin. Such peels not only renew the skin, but also activate the production of collagen.

Curdled milk masks open pores and promote the removal of toxins, impurities and residues decorative cosmetics, which prevents blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Fats that contain dairy products perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin. If you are the owner of oily skin, then the use of serum obtained by heating curdled milk will help to gently cleanse the skin without overloading nutrients. Beneficial lactic bacteria help to strengthen and restore the natural microflora of the skin, enhancing the barrier properties.

Sour milk also has a whitening effect, therefore it will help to cope with freckles, age spots and traces of post-acne. By activating the production of collagen, fermented milk products slow down the aging process and activate recovery and rejuvenation.

Recipes for masks based on sour milk (yogurt) and whey

Toning face mask from curdled milk

Mix 32 ml of green tea with 16 ml of milk product. Soak gauze or cotton swabs with the mixture. Apply to thoroughly cleansed skin for 15 minutes. Such a procedure will help refresh the skin color, cleanse and relieve fatigue, and also dry out the inflamed elements.

Moisturizing face mask based on whey

Pour dry yeast with warm whey and leave to swell for 20 minutes. Add a tablespoon of olive oil and a few drops of aloe juice to the broth. The duration of the cosmetic procedure should not exceed 10 minutes.

Anti-aging mask

It is prepared on the basis of 7 ml of hot serum. Add to it: yolk (1 pc), oatmeal (7 g), honey (12 g), orange juice (7 ml). Mix everything thoroughly, and it is better to beat in a blender. Apply to face for 20 minutes.

Contraindications to the use of masks from whey and yogurt

Masks based on whey and yogurt are hypoallergenic, therefore they have practically no contraindications. The exception is people with individual lactose intolerance, which is present in fermented milk products.

It is forbidden to use masks based on serum and yogurt during an exacerbation of the herpes virus, pustular rashes, in violation of the integrity of the skin.

It is necessary to be attentive to women prone to atopic dry skin of the face, lactic acids can cause microcracks.

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