We develop artistry, eloquence, diplomacy

What to wish for September 1 prose. Congratulations on the day of knowledge in prose. Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge to students from the teacher

Today, the door of educational institutions, once again kindly opened the doors to everyone! Happy Knowledge Day! The teachers have generously prepared a new program, and are determined to take your education seriously! Both students and teachers after the summer holidays have gained strength and are ready to immediately start mastering new material! The desire to develop has not faded away and it pleases! Knowledge Day opens up new opportunities and gives inspiration! We wish everyone a festive mood, fresh thoughts, interesting hobbies, friendly conversations and a common desire to learn! Let the instructions of your parents help you make a decision in difficult times, and the teacher's advice will come in handy for life! Learn, grow spiritually, develop your ideas, improve! Strive, strive, don't give up! The Day of Knowledge! From September 1!

The first day of autumn gives us inspiration to study. And just on this day is a holiday - the Day of Knowledge! In the summer we relax, have fun, replenish our strength and miss experienced teachers, whose wisdom is irreplaceable. Today we have every chance to fill the void of the soul and start an exciting learning process! Congratulations to everyone who wants to study on the holiday, and we wish you not to lose precious inspiration! Let the school days not turn into an everyday routine, but become exciting and informative lessons! Let calls, breaks, additional tasks, communication with classmates and conversations with teachers please you! Golden, school years! Then you will still remember with pleasure about these days! Appreciate your opportunities, acquire the necessary knowledge and implement your ideas! Your fate is in your hands! Good luck!

Today, September 1, and on the first day of the charming season, it's time to return to your favorite school! Familiar faces, favorite classrooms and dear teachers are waiting for you there! The journey of learning that leads you to a successful life continues! The school beckons with the first bell, and the classes are filled with students. The process has begun! Every day you become more mature, more experienced, wiser. And all this is done for you by teachers! They invest in you their knowledge, their life, their strength! We wish you to respect the invaluable work of teachers, listen to comments, understand each other and respond with mutual feelings! May the lessons learned be of great benefit to you in the future! Let the advice of your mentors come in handy and good memories of your school years be preserved! We wish you all courageous solutions in difficult tasks! Learn and enjoy the moment!

Greetings to all students, teachers and parents! We are glad to see you again on the school playground on Knowledge Day! Today is a holiday that invariably happens at this time, which opens the study season! Everyone rested and missed a fresh breath of knowledge! Welcome to the Temple of Science! We wish you a genuine interest in new program and find a passion for the soul! Let study time not burden you, let it bring joy and benefit! We wish you to acquire a lot of new knowledge, skills and experience in the new academic year! We wish you to make the most of this academic season, not to miss anything and bring your abilities to perfection! Do not be afraid to make mistakes, because whoever does not make mistakes does not learn! And who does not study, he will not achieve anything in this life! Dare, try, try, strive! Good luck in your studies, comrades!

Today is a significant holiday! And the most interesting thing is that this holiday will drag on for a whole six months! Knowledge Day! For students and teachers, it's time for learning, communication, change and news! The joy of meeting after the holidays gives the celebration a friendly atmosphere! Someone has matured, someone has matured, someone has changed their principles. Everything is assembled and the most interesting process in life begins - academic year! We congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and hope that the charming time of autumn will not diminish your inspiration for study! We wish you to implement your plans, update your goals and achieve excellent results in your endeavors! Use every opportunity to fill yourself spiritually, develop and do not doubt your strength! Let the school give you the missing and leave a mark in your memory! Happy holiday!

On September 1 of each year, all schools and educational institutions come to life after a summer holiday! Student life begins to seethe with renewed vigor, and this force is gaining momentum! The school year is open! Welcome to the fascinating world of science and knowledge! Meeting with classmates, teachers, new experiences, joy, admiration - all this gives energy and strength for learning! There is a lot of new and interesting things ahead, the unknown beckons, and untraveled roads open up a sea of ​​​​opportunities for us! School is never boring, it's a kind of world with its own rules! Inside it boils an exciting life of youth and mentors, and both parties are interested in their own and common success! Both individual victories and collective victories are welcome! The school teaches not only the school curriculum, it prepares children for an independent life!

The first lesson bell of this season rang, and the school opened its doors to hundreds of students! In a couple of minutes, the learning process will boil and life will find its usual rhythm! Happy Knowledge Day guys! Congratulations on the start of an exciting journey into the world of science! Fill your spiritual vessels to the brim and do not spill the contents in vain! Appreciate the investments and efforts of teachers and justify the hopes of parents! You have a unique opportunity to make your life successful! Thanks to the diligence of teachers, each of you will find something important and interesting for yourself! School years are the foundation of your future, so invest in it all that you have learned and make the foundation of your life strong! Appreciate the experience gained and believe me, you will thank your teachers more than once! Their efforts are never in vain!

Knowledge Day persistently urges us to take the path of success! And just start today! The first day of autumn inspires us to great deeds and great deeds! The beginning of new knowledge, the beginning of a fascinating path to the unknown, the beginning of the beginning! History will tell us an interesting journey into the past, geography will be lucky around the world, biology will tell us about the animal world! Sports, literary discussions, talks about great creators! Hundreds of opportunities to plunge into the past and experience the magic of yesteryear! How much beauty awaits us ahead! The desire to learn knows no bounds, and we absorb knowledge with great pleasure! May the school years never end! May the source of knowledge never run dry! We wish everyone a great desire and inspiration for learning and development! Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and wish you success!

Today we are at the start of our path to knowledge! September first! We wish all students to expect maximum results from the new academic year and, of course, to try for this! We wish you successful study and memorization of what you have learned! Take from each lesson something important for yourself, put aside the baggage of knowledge in reserve, it will definitely come in handy for you! Everything you learn in school will be useful to you in life! We wish you great patience, mutual understanding, friendly class, reliable girlfriends and friends! Let the academic year leave a pleasant impression, a wonderful memory, and at the end of the training bring an excellent result of your efforts! We wish your soul to yearn for knowledge throughout your life! Do not stop there, because a person at any age always has something to strive for!

Learn, learn and learn again! There is no such thing as too much knowledge! Congratulations on the first day of the school year! Happy Knowledge Day to you, dear teachers and students! A whole academic year is ahead of you and you have a great opportunity to get a new dose of new experiences! In order for the year to bring an excellent result, we wish you attention, patience, perseverance and interest! Direct your determination towards knowledge and do not miss the opportunity to learn something new! We wish you educational events of the school world and interesting hobbies! Actively show your abilities, share your knowledge, make your school life diverse! Do not hide your talents, reveal your potential and strive to conquer the peaks! Congratulations on the holiday to all who want to study! Dare!

Summer vacation lasts for three whole months! However, for schoolchildren, this time flies like one day. It would seem that just yesterday the guys were splashing in the sea, fishing on the lake, relaxing in the camp with friends, and today the new school year has already begun. Standing on the line, first-graders, graduates and all boys and girls listen to sincere congratulations from September 1, 2017. In verse and in their own words, classmates and teachers wish them excellent grades and good mood, and the headmaster in his official speech in prose gives them wise instructions. At the same time, students exchange cheerful SMS with classmates about upcoming sessions and life in the hostel, give friends gifts-fun and celebrate the first day of school with their parents and friends.

Official congratulations from September 1, 2017 - Wishes in prose from the headmaster

On September 1, the school will begin with an official speech by the principal. In his speech, he will congratulate the students on the beginning of the 2017-2018 academic year and wish the children to strive for deep knowledge, make every effort for excellent studies, and not give up when they encounter difficulties along the way. In prose, he will greet the parents of schoolchildren and his colleagues, who pass on knowledge and experience to children.

Examples of official wishes from the principal of the school - Congratulations in prose on September 1, 2017

Summer holidays, the most fun time of the year, are over as soon as they start. At least that's what the guys who still live with pleasant memories of a wonderful time may think. On September 1, 2017, they will come to the line in a slightly relaxed state - after the rest, not everyone will be able to tune in to the learning process. The official speech of the school principal, his wishes in prose will help the children to realize: the time has come for serious work and the study of new subjects.

With great pleasure, I congratulate all those gathered on the Day of Knowledge, from September 1! Behind the long summer holidays, during which we all had time to relax properly. And now with renewed vigor we are ready to start studying and working. Today I would like to wish schoolchildren to easily and enthusiastically master new subjects, gain new knowledge. For teachers, I would like to treat work with soul and inspiration, because only you can ignite a craving for learning in students, only you can develop in them the ability to think, analyze, feel, empathize, which is so important in modern world. I hope that the upcoming school year will be interesting, eventful, full of new victories and achievements - and I suggest that we all make it that way together!

Dear colleagues, dear students, I want to congratulate you on the new academic year!

September 1 is a special holiday, the day when the first school bell rings after a long summer break. During the summer, the students rested and matured, managed to miss their teachers and classmates. The teachers went on vacation, saved up a lot interesting ideas for engaging lessons. All of us will once again plunge into the whirlpool of school life, full of bright events and impressions.

Today I wish all those gathered that the coming year will bring everything that is planned. May plans come true and dreams come true. Believe in yourself, work hard on your goals, don't be discouraged when faced with difficulties - and you will succeed!

Knowledge Day is a wonderful holiday and a fun one. I sincerely congratulate you and wish that this academic year will give you many opportunities to show your talents, I wish you solid knowledge and great success, good comrades and endless enthusiasm, vigorous activity and good health.

Original congratulations to students - Wishes for September 1 in your own words

On September 1, the parent committee, teachers and high school students will prepare funny scenes about cool cases from the life of the school, flash mobs, dances and even rap. They will sing merry songs to them, altered to new way, will show original musical numbers, will perform with humorous miniatures. Congratulating the schoolchildren in their own words, their senior comrades wish the children to start the school year in high spirits and finish it with excellent marks.

Examples of original wishes for September 1 - Congratulations to students in your own words

Knowledge makes us wiser, smarter, more patient and attentive, helps us get a prestigious, well-paid job and succeed in life. Congratulating students on September 1 in their own words, parents, teachers and classmates wish them to always strive to achieve their goals and be the first in everything.

I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and sincerely wish you a strong mind and reliable health, great enthusiasm and good mood, inexhaustible strength and creative inspiration, an unshakable desire for knowledge, good friends, luck and great success.

Let this holiday, called the Day of Knowledge, give purposefulness, enthusiasm and inspiration. I wish you to confidently go towards your goals and make new discoveries, I wish you high erudition and endless optimism, great and bright happiness, intellectual abilities and creative talents.

Congratulations on the start of the school year! I want to wish this year to be extremely easy, but rich in new knowledge! Appreciate the time, because it is so fleeting: today is the first of September, tomorrow is already a different summer ... Let's take a day of knowledge!

Congratulations on September 1, 2017 to teachers - Poems for Knowledge Day

A teacher is a very difficult profession that requires extraordinary patience, tolerance, wisdom, prudence and kindness. A good teacher can only be a strong-willed person who knows how to find the right approach to children. School life is filled not only with holidays and fun - there are also unpleasant events in it. The teacher should teach the children to experience them with dignity, to get out of difficult situations winners. On September 1, 2017, on Knowledge Day, grateful students will congratulate teachers with poems, wishing them love, kindness and good health.

Examples of poems for knowledge day for teachers - Congratulations on September 1, 2017 from teachers

On the line on September 1, 2017, poems and congratulations addressed to teachers of their native school will be heard. In turn, the teachers will also prepare a surprise for the children. They will show them sketches prepared a week or two before the end of the summer holidays.

Let this New Year training

Brings you good days

Lessons will be interesting

Let the students not be naughty

Let the salary not offend you,

Your boss will honor you.

May more happiness than ever

The academic year will bring you!

You again lead to the light of knowledge

Big and small kids.

You give your soul to work

For which you are all thankful!

We wish you an easy start

And happy school days

So that everything is fulfilled with success,

Life became brighter.

Chrysanthemum tenderness,

violet love

And pink joy to you,

To bloom all year round!

For children to listen

And always appreciated

The way you are with your soul

They were well taught.

And among the flowers, confessions

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!

Cool congratulations to the first grader on September 1

The first-graders who came to the line on September 1 attract the attention of all those gathered. Yes, and how not to notice smart, tanned girls and boys, hugging huge bouquets and waiting for the moment of presenting flowers to their first teacher! Some first-graders are still so small that because of the sea of ​​chrysanthemums, gladioli, asters and peonies, only their tops and bows are visible. However, they happily listen to congratulations and cool wishes from high school students and teachers.

Examples of cool congratulations for September 1 - Poems for a first grader

Humorous lines of cool poems addressed to first-graders who came on September 1 will give the guys an excellent, truly festive mood. Examples of such funny quatrains, posted on our page, will help them immediately fall in love with the school and tune in to get to know their classmates.

The school will accept you for the first time.

Will open wide its doors -

And the school week starts

And after it the second, quarter, year ...

Your school period will flow,

Walks, runs, rushes,

Just have time to "five" to study!

You will go to first grade for the first time.

Knowledge is still a little stock,

But over the years you will overtake us.

For the first time in first class

I want to wish you went to first grade,

I want to wish you to find the way

Found her in life, open the gate

You will be older forever.

Well, what do you wish?

Learn for sure, study for sure

Certainly diligent!

Good grades, good friends.

There are so many good things in life, believe me!

Who has a holiday today?

Whose backpack is here? Waiting for whom?

It contains - in total:

Cars, player, Spiderman…,

Well, I myself will have to in return

Put books, pencil case and notebook,

Will you today, son, you teach

There are subjects at school, and these friends

They will stay at home, you can’t go with them!

Look out the window - they're rushing to school

Hundreds of guys just like you!

Congratulations on September 1, 2017 to graduates - Wishes to high school students in prose

9 or 11 years spent in the walls of the school ends unexpectedly quickly. Coming to Knowledge Day on September 1, 2017, graduates will think of one thing: they will soon begin a new life. It will be a completely different story, unlike the one they have been creating for so many years. Boys and girls will have new goals, priorities, desires and aspirations. Knowing this, parents and teachers will congratulate high school students on the holiday in prose and wish them to use the knowledge gained during their studies “for their intended purpose” - to get the right, favorite profession and achieve high results in it.

Examples of wishes to graduates in prose - Congratulations to high school students on September 1, 2017

On September 1, 2017, the teaching staff of the school and the parents of high school students who came to the holiday will congratulate them on the Day of Knowledge. Senior comrades and subject teachers wish them to pass the final exams for "4" and "5" and score the required number of points for the Unified State Examination and the OGE.

Dear friends! With great pleasure I would like to congratulate all of us on September 1st. After a hot summer vacation, we, having rested, gained new strength, are starting a new academic year. I wish all students to easily and enthusiastically acquire new knowledge. I wish the teachers a lot of patience, energy and inspiration. Let this academic year be full of bright events, victories and accomplishments!

Our dear 11th graders! This year will be the most difficult for you, because it is the last one. Ahead of final exams, graduation from school and the beginning of a new life. That is why today the last first call sounds for you. But we don't want to say goodbye to you guys right now. Just let me congratulate you and wish you all the best.

May this new academic year bring you only good bright feelings and give you only positive emotions. Just remember that you should not relax either, as you have many different serious trials ahead of you. From September 1!

Congratulations on the new school year to parents - Poems for September 1

On September 1, parents will wish the children that the new academic year 2017-2018 bring them success and inspiration, open a "second wind" for intensive classes in the classroom and active extracurricular activities. The students will also make a return speech, congratulating their fathers and mothers in verse on the Day of Knowledge and the first day of the most beautiful time of the year - autumn.

Congratulations in verse on September 1 - Wishes for the new school year to parents

On September 1, the children will certainly congratulate their parents on the first day of the new 2017-2018 academic year. Schoolchildren wish them patience and wisdom, joy from the success of their own children, good emotions and good luck that accompanies them in all good undertakings.

Dear parents, we congratulate you on the day of knowledge. We wish you a lot of patience and understanding. Let the children delight you every day with their new successes and achievements. Let the path of knowledge of our children be easy and simple, let it be interesting and exciting new discoveries. Good luck and much success in the new school year.

Dear children, dear adults!
Today, all the students of the school have gathered here, from first-graders to graduates, teachers primary school, middle and senior level, parents.
I sincerely congratulate everyone on the start of the new school year. Let it be entertaining and informative, successful and fruitful!
Every year our school family gladly welcomes new students into their arms. Dear first-graders, you are going on a long and difficult journey for knowledge. Be brave and curious! You are waiting for amazing discoveries, new friends; a teacher will always be with you, he will never get tired of answering your questions and will come to help if you need it.
Special wishes to future graduates. This school year will be a turning point for all of you. Feel responsible, decide now what you want to achieve in life, concentrate on preparing for graduation tests. Let high school results help you achieve your goals!
Dear teachers! You are not only conductors of knowledge, but also educators of souls. Thanks to your enthusiasm, creative approach, you instill in kids a love of knowledge! We wish you the realization of all your ideas, brilliant and grateful students, wisdom and health!
Dear parents! Thank you for sharing with your children the joy of meeting with the school today! Remember that you are expected here not only on holidays, take an interest in the life of your children, help them. Remember, your children need you!
The modern world is changing too fast and requires constant updating of knowledge. A person who stops learning falls behind life. That is why Knowledge Day is an important calendar date not only for schoolchildren and students!
Good luck, for knowledge! ©

September 1 - the holiday of the first call, the holiday of white bows and new portfolios, your holiday and mine! All roads today lead to school. Smartly dressed kids proudly walk the streets in anticipation of new school days, homework and fives in diaries.
Knowledge Day is the beginning of a new school year, so Happy New Year to YOU!
And first-graders and first-year students today enter into a completely new life, so today's holiday for them is perhaps the most exciting, like everything first and new.
September 1 is a holiday for those who take the next step along the wonderful road of knowledge!
We all are or were once children, we stood on the solemn line and were proud of the new school uniform and our teacher.
Great knowledge in the new academic year! Happy first of September! ©

This day is marked on the calendar with white bows, bright colors, cheerful school bells! September 1 is a long-awaited, beloved and exciting day! It is special for first-graders who cross the school threshold for the first time. Please accept our warmest and kindest congratulations on September 1! And may there always be a place for knowledge and wisdom in your life! ©

Dear first graders!
We welcome you to our school! Now this is your second home, where you will learn to comprehend new, complex sciences, learn to read and write, make friends, help your classmates. School is a whole life, bright and interesting, which you will remember with warmth when you grow up.
Summer is over, and now your first school bell is calling you. At the school desk you will get acquainted with the whole world, visit different parts of the globe, you can easily go around the world!
Learn guys! Have an easy road on the ladder of knowledge! ©

Congratulations to students from teachers

Knowledge Day is always a warm, especially exciting holiday for everyone who comes to study, to receive new and new knowledge. All of us, once first graders, came to the door of the school with new satchels over our shoulders, bouquets in our hands and excitement in our chests! How endless the school road seemed to us, and now we have already studied at school, we ourselves have become teachers and now we meet you guys in order to transfer all our knowledge to you so that you become worthy people, get an education, choose a profession to your liking.
Today the New Academic Year begins and let today's red day of the "Knowledge Day" calendar be a good start for the entire academic year! ©

Congratulations to the students

The school welcomes students and teachers today! For the umpteenth time, in a motherly way, the beloved school, full of knowledge, books, textbooks, opens its doors to the children. Ahead of the new academic year, new discoveries, new acquaintances, grades and homework. Behind were beautiful carefree summer days, so dearly loved by everyone, the holidays also flew by quickly, leaving us only warm memories, the smell of fresh strawberries, a gentle tan on the necks and a sea of ​​​​bright photos. And ahead - the school!
Learn guys, master and comprehend new sciences! You are our future!
From September 1! ©

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!
You give us your knowledge, your wealth of experience. And thanks to Vamm - these are the bright intelligent eyes of the children, who, like a sponge, absorb your kindness, care, participation! Thank you for your generous sensitive heart! ©

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge in prose to students

Guys, today is open for you new road to knowledge, you take another step towards discoveries, research. Take care of knowledge, try, learn! Knowledge is the key to your successful future. Happy holiday! From September 1! ©

So the first autumn bell rang, playfully calling the students to their desks, and the teachers to the blackboard, to teach, to explain... The maples under the window were covered with gilding, and the school again and again meets the children and calls them to meet knowledge. With new strength, you will study at school desks, sing, draw, write. Good luck in this difficult task, from September 1! ©

Dear our teachers!
Congratulations on September 1st! You are our guardian angels, the foundation and strength of our school.
We wish you diligent, sensitive, smart children - students, their attentive look at the lessons, and control ones without mistakes! We love you, Happy Knowledge Day! ©

On Knowledge Day, children rush to school, and parents see them off ... How many instructions sound on this day! Not wanting to fall behind the glorious traditions of the first of September, I also congratulate you and wish you good luck, Have a good mood and friendly classmates!

Hello school! On the first of September, it's time to return to classes, again in the evenings not to walk and admire the sunset - but to do homework, and in the morning - write uneven answers with chalk on the blackboard ... I congratulate you on the start of the new year of study - the year of good mood and excellent grades!

Adults sometimes say they miss school, and rightly so! After all, school is not only tasks, but also new friends, interesting discoveries and victories, and you achieve everything with your own work! On the holiday of September 1, I congratulate you and wish you to enjoy every day of childhood, which is so fleeting, as well as the school years, which you will certainly tell your children about more than once!

The first bell is an exciting moment for those who go to school for the first time, as well as for those who missed their studies during the summer holidays! On this day, accept my congratulations and wish to study only "excellently", not to cheat and to be a well-mannered and friendly person!

You may not be too in a hurry to go to school every day, but by the first of September, you probably managed to miss your classmates and interesting knowledge! Today I congratulate you on the holiday of the first bell and want to advise and wish you to be a hardworking and diligent student!

Animals are born with instincts, they know what herbs they can eat, they know where the North and South are ... But a person needs to learn a lot to become an adult. But it's not boring at all and a lot of fun! I congratulate you on September 1 and wish you to study eagerly and always be a cheerful and happy person!

Today, September 1, a new school year begins, and every five will be a contribution to your happy future! Believe me, learning and being the best is much more interesting than defeating the main monster in computer game! All roads are open to an educated person! So - good mood to you and success in your studies!

Just think about it! A hundred years ago, many children did not even dare to dream of going to school, reading bright books and writing in snow-white notebooks with oblique stripes ... It's good that those days are gone, and today, if there was a desire - you can study and be the best the best! I congratulate you on September 1 and wish you great luck!

On school days, you can’t sleep until noon, and every evening you need to do your homework, but again, every day you learn something new, and in years to come, all roads will be wide, friendly open before you! Please accept my congratulations on the Day of Knowledge, as well as the wish to always be among the favorites of teachers!

In sweet dreams of the future, we see ourselves as successful and prosperous people, and our dreams come true ... This future will certainly come, but first you need to work hard, and right now, from September 1 and the whole academic year - study well! With all my heart, I wish you brilliant success in your studies, good health and cheerful mood!

Happy knowledge Day. Let the academic year be successful and prosperous, I wish you to get a lot of new knowledge and make many interesting discoveries. Great mood and great marks!

The Day of Knowledge! Dare, create, strive to explore new and unknown! After all, our strength is in our knowledge.

Happy knowledge Day. With all my heart I wish you moral strength and physical endurance, determination and a bright mind, striving for your goals and good luck in everything.

Happy knowledge Day. I wish you great strength, patience, inspiration, enthusiasm, optimism, great success, great luck and strong knowledge.

Happy knowledge Day. I wish you optimism, enthusiasm, confident strength, determination, great success, good health and joy of the soul.

Today I hasten to congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and wish you great achievements, great success in your studies and activities, versatile talents and abilities, good health and good luck.

Happy knowledge Day! I wish that the granite of science yielded like butter to a knife. So that bright ideas always visit thirsty minds. So that knowledge is given easily and naturally!

Let the day of knowledge be full of emotions, games, ideas! And the whole academic year is rich, fruitful and successful!

May new forces and aspirations, desires for discoveries and new knowledge, good health and good luck arrive on Knowledge Day!

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