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What can cause freckles? What to do if freckles appear after sunbathing. Preventative measures for appearance

Freckles or ephelides are small pigmented formations that appear on the skin of fair-haired and fair-skinned people. Freckles on the body are not a pathology, but a feature. Many people consider pimples to be an aesthetic defect and put a lot of effort into getting rid of them.

Melanin is the pigment responsible for the color of human skin. Its main function is protection against ultraviolet radiation. The more melanin is produced, the darker the skin becomes, and the higher the degree of protection. For this reason, the body tans. This is why dark-skinned people are less exposed to the sun and do not get sunburned.

Melanocytes are cells in which the production of melanin is synthesized. When they are deformed, the process of protecting the skin itself is disrupted. Dysfunction of melanocytes leads to chaotic melanin release. Instead of an even tanning of the human body, colored spots are formed, partially covering the area of ​​the skin. The lighter a person's skin, the more melanin is required to protect it. People of phototypes 1 and 2 suffer from pigmentation much more. Typical representatives of freckles are fair-skinned redheads.

The appearance of pigmented formations on the body is associated with several reasons:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • oncology;
  • lack of vitamins A and C;
  • hormonal disorders of the body;
  • liver or kidney diseases;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin.

Freckles appear in late spring and summer. This is due to increased solar activity. Pigments cover those areas of the body that are not protected by clothing - the face, arms, upper chest and back. In the autumn-winter period, the formations become less noticeable or disappear completely.

Types and features of localization

Pigment formations on the body have a general similarity in appearance, but differ in the nature of their occurrence. There are several types of age spots:

  1. Chloasma. Large brown formations that tend to merge. Occurs during pregnancy, diseases of the kidneys, liver, and reproductive system.
  2. Lentigo or senile ripples. Dark spots of varying diameters. Appear in old age, mainly on the hands or face.
  3. Melanoma. Dangerous oncological phenomenon. It is characterized by a lack of symmetry of the spot, uneven edges, and an admixture of foreign shades.
  4. Melasma. Spots that appear after excessive sunbathing. As a rule, formations are preceded by burning of the skin.
  5. The birthmark nevus occurs in a single copy, has a rich dark color, and occupies a large area.

In the photos on the Internet you can see various pigmentation disorders.

Ephelides have nothing in common with the listed types of formations, but refer to the general manifestation of pigmentation disorders. People often apply the general name "freckles" to all types of skin hyperchromia.

The usual location for freckles is the face. The most pronounced spots are on the cheeks and nose. Although a freckled body has long been recognized as a cute feature, for most owners, ephelides are a problem that they have to deal with.

On the back

Located on the back, ephelides most often affect the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra and shoulder blades. The spots are larger in size. Freckles on the back appear after prolonged exposure to the sun, acquiring a dark, rich shade.


Freckles on the chest spread, occupying an area from the collarbone to the abdomen. Pregnant women face a similar phenomenon when hormonal changes occur in their bodies. The severity of the formations occurs in the summer, when the chest is partially exposed and exposed to UV. The magical meaning of the spots on the chest speaks of the kind, sympathetic character of the owner.


Freckles on the shoulders are as common as on the back, chest, and face. They occupy the area of ​​the shoulder joint, smoothly moving to the back. In the summer, they appear earlier than others, since the shoulders are freed from clothing more often. According to legends, if pigment dots are located only on the shoulders, this can mean a difficult fate or many trials.

Can they disappear on their own?

Ephilides appear in childhood. The peak of severity occurs in adolescence, when all body systems work with increased efficiency. After a person reaches 30 years of age, the formations become less noticeable, and by old age they completely disappear. It is also noteworthy that the severity of freckles occurs during the sunny season. In autumn and winter, the formations fade and become almost invisible.

It is common for chloasma to occur during a period of hormonal changes and disappear after stabilization. Pigment spots often appear during pregnancy and disappear on their own a few months after the birth of the child.

Melasma is the most persistent. Their formation occurs as a result of sunburn and persists for a long time. Waiting for it to disappear usually does not bring the desired results. It is easier to remove such stains using special whitening creams or procedures.

To remove freckles, a person can contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Cosmetology offers a list of services to eliminate age spots of various nature: laser excision, cauterization with liquid nitrogen, photo treatment or chemical peeling.

You can whiten freckles at home. To do this, you need to purchase an ointment from a pharmacy that contains hydroquinone. The most popular, according to reviews, drugs for the treatment of ephilides are Achromin, A-Ret, HC, Cora, Ideal Whitening, Meladerm Skin Lightener, Depiwhite Advanced Depigmenting.

To remove pigments, you can prepare bleaching masks. Use parsley juice, cucumber, almond oil, potato starch, carrot juice. Particularly popular are:

  • dandelion based lotion;
  • soda solution for washing;
  • parsley decoction;
  • mask based on lemon juice and egg white;
  • onion compress;
  • curdled milk cleanser;
  • strawberry-currant mask;
  • honey-almond mask;
  • washing with milk using yeast;
  • birch sap compress.

Despite the many ways to get rid of freckles, preventive methods are more effective.

Prevention of occurrence

It is impossible to prevent genetically determined freckles. But reducing the risk of hyperpigmentation is quite simple. You need to follow simple and effective prevention methods

Before going outside, use sunscreen with a UV filter. The cream will create a barrier from ultraviolet radiation. The body will no longer need to protect itself, and melanin production will stop.

Do not overuse sunbathing. Even with the use of a filter, prolonged exposure to the sun causes the skin to overheat. The optimal time for walking in the summer is before 10.00 and after 18.00.

Enrich the body with vitamins and microelements. A lack of certain components leads to skin diseases, including pigmentation disorders.

At the first sign of stains, consult a doctor. Skin defects may indicate a dangerous malfunction of the body.

A freckle is a safe formation that does not require treatment. However, in cases of their sudden appearance, it is necessary to consult a doctor for a diagnostic examination.

Are freckles an annoying pathology or a human decoration given by the generous sun? This is the question you should ask yourself before you start reading our article. If in a freckled face you see your own peculiarity, a personal highlight - we congratulate you, you don’t have to read our article. But if such solar pigmentation brings discomfort for many years and develops a feeling of inferiority, then today’s topic is just for you!

Freckles all over the body

This pathology manifests itself as light brown pigmentation. The main location of freckles on the body is the face, but sometimes the pathology appears on the skin of the back, arms or chest.
The first signs of manifestation are noticed at the age of five or six, and “ephelis” (scientific designation) reaches its apogee during puberty. People with fair skin and red hair are at risk. But brunettes are also susceptible to pigmentation, especially if there is a genetic predisposition.

There is an opinion that it is not worth getting rid of freckles, since this is a kind of protection for overly sensitive skin from the harmful effects of the sun's rays. Therefore, it’s up to you to decide how to treat this feature.

Freckled face: what is the reason

Before moving on to combating any problem, it is worth understanding its operating principle. Freckles on the legs, face or back occur due to a defect in the structure of melanocytes (skin cells on which the production of melanin depends). By synthesising in response to insolation, melanin protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation (as a result - a beautiful, even tan).

Dysfunction of pigment cells leads to their work becoming chaotic and disordered. Alas, if you have skin phototype I or II, then a lack of melanin will lead to burning, not tanning. Freckling is a concomitant pathology.

Brief description of the varieties of freckles

In fact, freckles can occur not only due to genetics (ephelis); there is a second type of pathology - acquired as a result of non-compliance with the rules of exposure to the sun (lentigo). If natural spots have smooth edges, small sizes and a light shade, then the pathological variety is characterized by disproportional shape and too dark a color.

Freckles on the back

The pathology is most often localized in the back, in particular on the shoulders. Freckles on your back are at risk of sunburn, so if you have acquired pigmentation, try to cover your delicate skin during sun exposure. Always use sunscreen.

Freckles on the chest

Prevention as an important stage of treatment

To avoid having to resort to modern methods of treatment, which we will talk about a little later, always follow the rules of prevention. This will allow you to prevent new stains from appearing and make the existing problem less noticeable. Here's what you should know:

  1. By accustoming your skin to ultraviolet exposure in advance, you will balance the production of melanin pigment.
  2. A lack of certain acids (ascorbic and nicotinic) causes increased skin pigmentation, so your menu should include vegetables, fruits, as well as liver, chicken and beef. Advice - love buckwheat.
  3. In the summer, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., the sun has the most detrimental effect on the skin, so try not to go outside unnecessarily, or cover problem areas of the skin with light clothing.
  4. Buy yourself a wide-brimmed hat and make it a habit to wear it regularly (this will prevent new freckles from appearing on your nose).
  5. Before going to bed, cleanse your skin and apply whitening products containing titanium dioxide.
  6. From the first month of May until the last fine days of autumn, use sunscreen (based on milkweed, celandine or coffee).
  7. Apply photoprotective cream before leaving the house in the heat; after twenty minutes, cover it with protective powder. This layer will effectively protect your facial skin from sun rays for three to four hours.
  8. Remember that the skin around the eyes is very delicate, so before lubricating it with an anti-pigment composition, apply a nourishing cream.
  9. Do not wash your face with plain water if you leave the house for a long time; it is better to wipe your skin with a cotton swab soaked in acidified water.

Modern methods of problem removal

Result of laser freckle removal

Today there are several ways to solve such an uncomfortable problem as freckled pigmentation:

  • chemical peeling (painless skin whitening with removal of the dead layer of epithelium);
  • laser removal;
  • cryosurgery (use of liquid nitrogen);
  • phototherapy (freckles on the shoulders, arms and other parts of the body are removed using light irradiation; the procedure must be repeated several times);
  • traditional methods.

Pigment spots on the face are not always freckles

Sometimes people mistake pathological pigmentation for freckles. You need to understand that if a patient at a more mature age has a face or body covered with pigment spots, and before that there were no freckles since birth, then the reason is a malfunction of the body. If age spots are not freckles, they most often occur for the following reasons:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • tanning abuse;
  • some pathologies of the liver, kidneys or gall bladder;
  • increased photosensitivity of the skin due to taking certain medications;
  • too frequent peeling;
  • hormonal imbalance due to stress or physical activity;
  • natural or pathological changes in hormonal conditions.

If you notice similar manifestations in yourself at the age of twenty, for example, it is not recommended to immediately run to get rid of a cosmetic defect. First of all, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics to understand what is the cause of the pathology. And only then, after therapy, can the achieved effect be consolidated with cosmetic procedures.

Age spots on the face

Video: why freckles appear

Be healthy and beautiful!

Freckles are usually called small pigment spots of oval or round shape. Freckles are localized on the face, arms, upper back, and shoulders. They can rarely be located at a considerable distance from each other. Or they can fall out so thickly that they look like a large pigment spot.

It must be said that freckles on the face almost always appear due to a genetic predisposition, but freckles on the shoulders can be the result of the negative effects of sunlight. Spots (lentigines) appear after sunbathing if you overdo it and get a sunburn. These spots tend to be larger than regular freckles and may have an irregular shape. In most cases, lentigines go away after some time when the skin is completely restored, but for some people the spots remain permanently.

In any case, the causes of age spots on the shoulders are almost always related to solar radiation. Essentially, this is the body's response to the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. With this exposure, the production of melanin increases, but it is not distributed evenly, as with a regular tan, but in spots.

To prevent the appearance of freckles, it is recommended:

Do you have freckles?

Of course have!No and no need!

  • carefully protect your skin from the sun. It’s clear that in the summer you don’t really want to wear closed blouses, but before you put on an off-the-shoulder top, you need to apply a cream with a high degree of ultraviolet protection to your skin. A wide-brimmed hat or a sun umbrella can also provide protection (by the way, this accessory is coming back into fashion). A light stole that can be thrown over your shoulders during the hours of the most active sun (from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.) can be an excellent solution;
  • apply cosmetics with UV protection necessary regardless of the weather outside. Apply cream before each exit to the street, and when visiting the beach - after each exit from the water;
  • you need to go to the beach in the morning or evening, the period when the sun is most active is best spent indoors.

Traditional removal methods

The easiest way to remove freckles from your shoulders is to use traditional skin lightening methods. These tools are quite simple and accessible to everyone. But to succeed, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • All whitening procedures must be performed in the evening. If you plan to do them during the day, then try not to go out into the sun after doing them for at least three hours;
  • Whitening folk remedies should be used regularly. Most products need to be used daily. But some recipes are quite aggressive and dry the skin very much, so it is recommended to use them once every two to three days. And to restore the water balance, you will need to apply moisturizing creams to the skin after using such products;
  • It is recommended to apply homemade bleaching compounds to cleansed skin. Best after an evening shower. Additionally, you can treat your shoulders with a body scrub;
  • most products need to be washed off 20-30 minutes after application; in some cases, the applied composition can be left overnight;
  • It's best to start fighting freckles in winter. At this time, they are usually paler and easier to lighten;

  • masks and lotions only discolor the pigment, but do not remove the cells that produce it. Therefore, trying to whiten your shoulders and forearms without protecting your skin from the sun is useless; pigmentation will appear again and again;
  • be patient. Many people stop doing whitening masks, noticing that after 2-3 procedures there is no noticeable effect. But this is wrong; results can only be achieved with regular use of the products for at least two weeks.

Whitening lotions

Lotions should be used daily in the evenings. The composition is applied to the skin at the sites of pigmentation with a swab. The skin is allowed to dry naturally, then wiped with an alcohol-free toner and lubricated with a moisturizer.


  • Citric. Squeeze out the juice and dilute it halfway with clean water. If the skin tolerates the effects of such a lotion well, you can gradually reduce the amount of water to 25%.
  • ABOUT Gourmet. This is a classic whitening formula, essentially just pure fresh cucumber juice, freshly prepared. You can mix cucumber juice with an equal volume of lemon juice.
  • Sauerkraut juice. This is also an almost ready-made lotion; pure juice should be wiped over the skin on the shoulders and forearms in the areas of pigmentation.
  • From parsley. It is necessary to tear off the leaves from the stems and chop them. Place three tablespoons of green mass in a glass and add boiling water to the top. After three hours, drain the liquid. Pour 20 ml of natural apple cider vinegar into the prepared infusion.

  • From medicinal herbs. You can prepare a whitening lotion from dandelion leaves, bearberry herb or licorice root. The recipe is similar to the parsley lotion recipe. If dry rather than fresh raw materials are used, then instead of three tablespoons of herbs you need to take one and a half.

Whitening compresses

To carry out this procedure, you will need a piece of gauze folded in two or three layers. The piece should be of such a size that it completely covers the area covered with freckles. Clean gauze is moistened in the prepared composition, lightly wrung out and applied to the skin. After ten minutes, the gauze is removed, moistened again in the bleaching composition and the procedure is repeated. Then you will need to wash off the composition by taking a shower or wiping the skin of your shoulders with tonic.

The following compositions can be used for whitening compresses:

  • Fresh whey. This product is obtained by preparing homemade cottage cheese. To carry out the procedure, you need to take a slightly warmed serum.
  • Cucumber seed infusion. Seeds need to be obtained from overripe cucumbers. For 100 grams of seeds you will need 300 grams of vodka. Leave for 15 days in a dark place, then drain the liquid. Store the composition in a tightly closed bottle on the refrigerator door. Before applying the compress, the infusion is diluted in half with clean water. A similar infusion can be prepared from melon seeds.
  • Oatmeal broth. Pour a glass of cold water over a spoonful of oatmeal, put it on the stove, and boil for five minutes. Then cover the dish with a lid and let the broth cool. Drain the liquid from the cooled broth, pour two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice or natural apple cider vinegar into it.

To make the procedures even more effective, you can add a few drops of essential oils to the prepared whitening compositions. It is recommended to use esters of sandalwood, patchouli, mint, eucalyptus, lemon, rosemary.

Homemade whitening creams

The prepared compositions are applied to the areas of pigmentation in a thin layer, after half an hour the residue is removed with dry wipes and the skin is wiped with tonic.

Do you like your freckles?

Oh yeah! Certainly!No, it's a nightmare!


Melt 10 grams of pure cosmetic wax without removing the bowl from the water bath, add dropwise 40 ml of cosmetic almond oil. While pouring in the oil, stir the mixture vigorously.

Then remove the dishes and continue stirring the mixture until it cools down. Gradually pour 20 ml of fresh, strained cucumber juice into the slightly warm mixture. Add liquid gradually, whisking constantly (ideally using a small mixer). At the very end, add 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil to the cream and stir again. Store the product in the refrigerator for no more than five days.


The basis of this cream can be any unrefined vegetable oil - sesame, walnut, olive, etc.

It is necessary to melt 15 grams of lecithin and add 50 ml of oil to it. Mix until smooth. Then add 15 ml of lime or lemon juice and 5 drops of lavender oil.

Whitening mask recipes

Whitening masks should be applied twice a week. After completing a course of 15 procedures, you need to start using a different recipe, otherwise the skin will stop reacting.

Yeast and kefir

It is necessary to slightly heat the kefir (make sure it does not curdle) and mix it with an equal amount of dry yeast. Let the mixture stand for a quarter of an hour, then add 10 ml of fresh lemon juice. Stir. Apply to the skin of the shoulders using a brush or foam sponge. Wash off after twenty minutes.


To prepare the bleaching composition, it is recommended to use white or blue clay. The powder must be diluted with water or whey to form a paste. Let the mixture sit for a while, then add three drops of sandalwood ether. Apply to the areas of pigmentation and hold until the mask dries to a crust. Rinse off the composition in the shower.

From parsley

To lighten freckles on your shoulders, you can use two types of parsley masks:

  • With sour cream. Ideally, you should use homemade thick sour cream. But you can also take a store-bought one, choosing a product with a fat content of at least 20%. You will need to mix sour cream with parsley juice in a two to one ratio. To prepare the juice, a bunch of parsley is crushed in a blender and the juice is squeezed through cheesecloth.
  • With honey. You need to finely chop the greens, lightly grind them with a wooden spoon and mix with an equal volume of honey. If the honey is thick, you need to warm it up a little so that it becomes plastic. Apply the viscous mass to the skin of the shoulders for half an hour.

With horseradish juice

Prepare juice from horseradish root. Mix it with yogurt or other fermented milk product (for 50 ml of yogurt - a teaspoon of juice). Apply the composition to the skin of the shoulders with a brush. Keep for no more than a quarter of an hour.


To prepare this whitening composition, you can use strawberries, red or white currants, gooseberries, and lingonberries. In winter, you can use kiwi instead of fresh berries. The berries are crushed to a puree and mixed with an equal volume of fermented milk product. Apply the composition for half an hour.

Hardware methods of modern cosmetology

Girls do not always have the patience to use folk remedies. You can quickly and effectively get rid of freckles on your shoulders in a good beauty salon. The disadvantage of this option is the fairly high price of the procedures, and also the fact that many salon whitening options have contraindications for use. Therefore, you must first consult with an experienced cosmetologist to choose the most effective and safe method.

Most often used:

  • Laser. This method allows you to eliminate the very cause of the formation of freckles, since when exposed to a laser beam, the cells that produce melanin are destroyed. In this case, the surrounding tissues are not injured. It may take several sessions to completely remove freckles on your shoulders. The disadvantages of this option include its high cost.

  • Cryotherapy. When using this method, freckle removal is carried out using liquid nitrogen. This method is advisable to use when there are a small number of freckles on the shoulders.
  • Peeling. The essence of this method is to remove the top layer of epidermal cells along with excess melanin. After the procedure, the process of cell regeneration is activated, and if at this time the skin is not exposed to sunlight, the freckles will noticeably lighten. Various methods are used to remove the top layer of the epidermis. Mechanical peeling or microdermabrasion is carried out using special diamond-coated attachments. For chemical peelings, various types of organic acids (fruit, glycolic) are used. There are other types of peelings, for example, ultrasonic. The choice of the most suitable option is made after consultation with a cosmetologist.
  • Photobleaching. This procedure involves exposing the skin to light and heat. The procedure is quite effective and absolutely painless. But it does not remove freckles, but only discolors them, destroying melanin.

Any of the listed procedures must be performed by a cosmetologist with the appropriate certificates and experience. If the procedure is carried out by an amateur, the consequences can be very serious, including the formation of deep burns and scars.

Some people are almost completely covered in freckles. Others have just a few freckles around their nose or on their shoulder, in places they may have been sunburned at some point.

What causes these spots? The color of freckles, like the color of the skin around them, depends on the chemical melanin. The more melanin in our skin, the darker we look. When a fair-skinned person is exposed to the sun for too long, their skin produces more melanin. In other words, he tans or gets freckles.

Melanin production is the skin's protective response to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, which can cause skin cancer. Melanin absorbs ultraviolet radiation, which helps protect the skin from subsequent damage.

Melanin is produced by special skin cells - melanocytes (every tenth skin cell is a melanocyte). The melanocyte has a very funny shape - not round, but reminiscent of an octopus.

In the middle of the melanocyte cell, chemical reactions convert amino acids obtained from food into the pigment melanin.

Next, the melanin travels into the tentacles of the cell. These tentacles connect to the walls of the skin cells surrounding them. Using the tentacles as feeding tubes, skin cells absorb some melanin, which gives the skin its color. The more melanin, the darker the skin or the stronger the tan.

Freckles are places on the skin where too much melanin is concentrated.

Unlike moles, which can protrude above the surface of the skin, freckles are flat and brown or golden in color.

Freckles appear more often in people with fair skin, and red-haired people with fair skin are especially susceptible to them. The tendency to develop freckles is inherited in the same way as skin and hair color.

Freckles are a tan, but not evenly distributed over the skin, but accumulated at certain points on it. Freckles usually appear during childhood, appearing on areas of the skin exposed to sunlight, such as the face and hands. Although it seems counterintuitive, there are actually fewer melanocytes in the area of ​​skin where freckles appear than in the areas surrounding them. However, these melanocytes are larger in size and more active - they produce melanin in large portions, coloring only this area of ​​​​the skin.

Freckles that occur in summer usually go away in winter. If you have only a few freckles, they often disappear completely over time. So, when a girl who had freckles from the sun in elementary school grows up, her freckles may go away. In other words, if you don't want freckles, cover your skin from the strong summer sun with hats and long-sleeve T-shirts.

And keep in mind that people with freckles tend to have skin that burns quickly in the sun, which means an increased risk of skin cancer. So they need to be especially careful and protect themselves from the strong sun with clothing or sunscreen.

If you want to get rid of freckles, try removing them without any pharmaceutical drugs. Simply apply cotton pads soaked in lemon juice to the stains once a day after bathing or washing your face. They should gradually disappear within a month. But if you sunbathe without protecting your skin (which is not very healthy anyway), they will appear again after a day or two.


If you have very fair skin so-called. Celtic type, then, unfortunately, an even sun tan is not for you. No matter what products you use, you will not get a bronze skin color; you will still blush, and freckles will become more noticeable. Therefore, it is better for you to wear loose, light clothing that protects your arms and legs from direct sunlight, and a wide-brimmed hat that covers your face. During the daytime, when the sun is at its zenith, you should not go to the beach or wander along the street at all.

But these measures are not enough. Be sure to use sunscreen cosmetics that have the maximum level of protection. Only this will help you get a light tan without increasing the number of freckles.

When choosing such cosmetics, pay attention to the labeling. The bottle or tube of cream should indicate: SPF (sun protection factor) - degree of sun protection and numbers. 2 – blocks half of solar radiation, 10 – up to 90%, 25 – 96%, 50 – 98% of radiation. The more protection, the better it is for your skin, especially in the first days of sun exposure.

In addition, when choosing a sunscreen, pay attention to the presence of the UVA-UVB mark - this is protection against two types of harmful ultraviolet rays - alpha and beta. Remember that you cannot use suntan cream or oil, because... You will “burn out” instantly.

If you want to have a light, pleasant tan without pronounced freckles, prepare for summer in advance. Introduce apples, green onions, currant juice, sauerkraut, and rose hips into your diet. These foods contain certain acids and vitamins that reduce the skin's sensitivity to dangerous solar radiation. Also try to drink a glass of milk or kefir every day.

When you go outside, do not wash your face with soap and especially do not wipe your face with lotions containing alcohol, eau de toilette or cologne. These products destroy the protective layer of the skin and make it very sensitive to the sun. In this case, you are guaranteed unsightly, sharply prominent freckles that look like dark spots.

You can try making homemade sunscreen. To do this, take 50 g of coffee beans (green, without roasting or aromatization), grind them in a coffee grinder and mix with 100 ml of cold-pressed nut oil. Place this mixture in a jar, cover and heat in a water bath (do not bring to a boil, otherwise you will ruin everything). Remove from heat and cool in cold water. Finally, leave the mixture in a dark place overnight. After this, pass the resulting cream through a sieve to remove grain particles. This product should be used half an hour before going outside. But it is stored only for three days.

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